Kevin Burns


Location: Red Boiling Springs, TN
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

julezanseo Elvensong DianeL Charles Thomas Monica Lexie R Oakley Cynthia Wigington Christine Shoemaker Ken Backer Martin Oesterle Jessica Comeau Steven Berger John Keane Ethan Chastain Mary Z. Cox Ken Longfield nick o'sullivan


youtube videos: 1
images: 3
audio tracks: 29

Wayfaring Stranger

Wayfaring Stranger

style or instrument: Mountain Dulcimer

musician/member name: Kevin Burns

streams: 78

Kevin Burns
09/05/15 12:27:49PM @kevin-burns:

Thank you

Jan Craig
07/08/15 05:18:27PM @jan-craig:

The beauty in your playing is that you allow the musical story to communicate with the if the two are talking with natural, unrushed conversational spaces.  I really do enjoy your music and am looking foreward to more.