Kevin Burns


Location: Red Boiling Springs, TN
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

julezanseo Elvensong DianeL Charles Thomas Monica Lexie R Oakley Cynthia Wigington Christine Shoemaker Ken Backer Martin Oesterle Jessica Comeau Steven Berger John Keane Ethan Chastain Mary Z. Cox Ken Longfield nick o'sullivan


youtube videos: 1
images: 3
audio tracks: 29

John Henry

John Henry

style or instrument: Mountain Dulcimer

musician/member name: Kevin Burns

streams: 50

Kevin Burns
09/05/15 12:37:39PM @kevin-burns:

Yes, I have a fully chromatic Dulcimer.

Kevin Burns
09/05/15 12:36:40PM @kevin-burns:

Thank you

Ken Backer
08/23/15 04:29:48PM @ken-backer:

Nice Kevin. Ya musta done some fancy finger dancing there.

Dusty Turtle
08/08/15 03:12:13AM @dusty:

This is nice, Kevin. What tuning are you in? Do you have some extra frets? You're getting some really nice bluesy sounds there, with 7ths and lowered 3rds and stuff, which are usually pretty tough on a diatonic fretboard.