

Location: Belmont, NY
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Hunger Moon

Hunger Moon

style or instrument: Native American "Double" flute

musician/member name: charlie

streams: 64

Charles Thomas
03/09/16 10:42:21PM @charles-thomas:

 Pine, that was truly mesmerizing, perfect for listening to after a hard day at work. Thanks!

03/09/16 04:04:49PM @pine:

Terry..I recorded that song with an MXL 990 condenser mic (which requires phantom power)  thru an outboard ART tube preamp and direct into my Boss BR1200CD stand alone desk top recorder with a good deal of reverb.

The flute itself doesn't require an inordinate amount of breath if you form your lips correctly, altho sustaining a note and using vibrato does. Odell's DVD and website is full of very helpful information and demonstration. The tricky part with the double is moving ever so slightly between holes to move from the melody side to including the drone side and back. Not hard, just takes practice.

Charlie aka Pine


Terry Wilson
03/09/16 01:39:57PM @terry-wilson:

Oh my Gregg, your song is absolutely beautiful.  It's a "get outta here" song, just wonderful. 

Of course, you do know that now I will have to purchase a double flute.  Too much to ignore.

Did you use a mic?  Even though the music came out very clear, it sounded like you were using very very little breath.  That's the way Odell says to play for the best sound.  And you definitely have the "best sound". 

Thanks for sharing, I love it.


Lexie R Oakley
03/09/16 11:06:28AM @lexie-r-oakley:

Pine, really enjoy the double flute, it is indeed a haunting and relaxing sound.

Alan Thompson
03/09/16 04:13:07AM @alan-thompson:

Many thanks this is just a lovely relaxing sound

03/09/16 01:20:21AM @pine:

Thanks Robin.  I think the drone note on the  double flute imparts a very timeless, haunting  quality as it does on the bagpipes and the mountain dulcimers. It seems to call to the soul.

Robin Clark
03/08/16 08:09:47PM @robin-clark:

That's a lovely sound Pine - really rich and resonant.  Such sweet playing.