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Aahana explains what "gree" means (with dulcimer)

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Duration: 00:03:40
My daughter and I have a lot of chats like this one during our little dulcimer lessons.
cynthia copeland
01/10/14 02:14:05AM @cynthia-copeland:

Simply said, fabulous, both papa and child.

01/14/12 08:26:22AM @foggers:

Richard - she is the child she is because of the parenting she experiences,NOT despite it!

I think she should applyfor aprofessorship in Particle Physics and the University of HK Faculty of Science, immediately, as she is definitely onto something with regard to alarm clocks!!

01/13/12 11:15:06PM @pristine2:

Thanks all of you for kind words about my daughter. Parenting her is quite an experience! She deserves a much younger Papa than I.

Johnp I really like the "gree particle" idea! I might change the title of Aahana's video to incorporate it.

Aahana -- who just coincidentally happens to love dulcimers and watches, and hates alarm clocks that wake her -- does indeed give a great deal of thought to essential concepts. These include not only space-time (particularly its determinative properties relating to bed-time and homework), but also her brother's obsession with trains, the colour of papa's beard, Mommy's biscuits, music and other salient features of existence. She is constantly postulating new theories linking all of them.

john p
01/13/12 02:35:58PM @john-p:

One of the clearest explainations of Relativity I have heard. I never relised that time ran faster on alarm clocks than on watches.

The discovery of the 'gree' particle will most likely make the work of the Large Hadron Collider in CERN redundant now.

john p

Randy Adams
01/12/12 08:50:10PM @randy-adams:

Ain't she cute Richard!..& I love to hear you play dulcimer....

Joy W.
01/12/12 08:20:43PM @joy-w:

Sweet. Smile.gif

Brian G.
01/12/12 06:16:15PM @brian-g:

Please thanks Aahana for giving me three minutes and forty seconds worth of smiles. :) I particularly enjoyed her admonishing you for spoiling the video, but all of it was fun. :)

John Keane
01/12/12 05:26:42PM @john-keane:

Wonderful! Smile.gif

Macy Jayne
01/12/12 05:11:04PM @wendy-coons-karrasch:


01/12/12 03:36:31PM @strumelia:

That is just wonderful, what a delightful child. I love the story of the tiny 'gree'. The playing is very beautiful too!

Jim Fawcett
01/12/12 03:32:09PM @jim-fawcett:

Guess I need to dig out my watch. Thanks for putting a smile on not only my face, but everyother one that watchs this vid. It's priceless!

John Henry
01/12/12 02:56:57PM @john-henry:

Pristine, is it possible for your daughter to tell me(us?) where I might obtain some of this magical 'gree' ? Could be just the thing I have been searching for in my dulcimer journey !

thank you
