Wilfried Ulrich


Location: Norden
Country: DE

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Solling - Hümmelke

Solling - Hümmelke

@Wilfried Ulrich
10 years ago - Comments: 11
Das Scheitholt

Das Scheitholt

@Wilfried Ulrich
10 years ago - Comments: 15

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Geoff Black
03/10/14 12:41:39PM @geoff-black:

Hi Wilfried

Good to have you with us on the UK/European site.

Do take a look at my new website (revelsmusic.co.uk), part of which quotes from you and the things you said when you stayed with us. Hope you don't mind!

How is the green house and your roof after the storm - have you now repaired them?

All the best. Geoff

John Henry
11/22/12 05:28:29PM @john-henry:

Hello Wilfried, I wonder can you answer a question for me? Working from your excellent book "The Story of The Hummel" I have made an attempt at constructing an Epinette du Nord, as illustrated on pages 79/80, and described on page 137 of your book. My question is :- What gauge strings would you suggest using for that 480 mm VSL ?

yours in hope


07/10/11 07:41:18PM @strumelia:

Hi Wilfried, a new member is asking about how to tune her grandfathers' hummel, maybe you can help answer her question HERE ?

07/03/11 11:30:52AM @razyn:
OK, set one aside for me -- I'll go do the PayPal thing presently. Thanks for the heads-up. I have not been very active on dulcimer lists, lately. I got involved in genetic genealogy, and it's one of those things that is hard to put down once one has picked it up.
John Tipton
10/10/10 09:21:25AM @john-tipton:
Good luck with your book,Wilfred. I'm recently thinking about getting a Scheitholt, another dulcimer ancestor.
John Tipton
06/07/10 02:02:53PM @john-tipton:
These are amazing instruments that you have built and restored. I've spent the last 45 minutes on youtube watching your videos. These type of instruments (Hummel, taisho-koto, etc.) are very hard to find here. The history and ancestry of the Dulcimer are just so interesting to me. Thanks for posting the video so I can hear what they sound like.
Wilfried Ulrich
01/11/10 01:45:03AM @wilfried-ulrich:
I just wrote a comment under the given link.
B. Ross Ashley
01/10/10 01:48:31PM @b-ross-ashley:
Wilfried, what do you think of this instrument: http://mountaindulcimer.ning.com/group/dulcimerancestors/forum/topics/what-is-your-take-on-this-ebay - is it a variety of Epinette, or what? about all of us who have commented can see is that it is some sort of fretted zither.
Wilfried Ulrich
01/10/10 01:15:31PM @wilfried-ulrich:
Hello,please send me your normal E-mail adress so I can return a prepared "WORD"-file as an attachement. I don't know how to do that here. String gauges depends on string measurement of the open string.( ulricus.norden(at)t-online.de )
Blue Hand
01/10/10 09:55:35AM @blue-hand:
Hello Wilfried,I just bought a Hummel, but the tuning is not right, and there were wrong kind of strings on it.Do you know what the string gauge is for the strings and the possible tunings?The hummel has got three bourdon strings (all together 7 strings).I hope you can help me out.
Dennis Waldrop
08/31/09 08:30:49AM @dennis-waldrop:
Wilfred is Norden anywhere near Leipzig? My family roots are from that area. My great grandfather was Chief of Police in Leipzig back in the early 1900's.
Rod Westerfield
08/29/09 12:29:38PM @rod-westerfield:
Heien Sie willkommen zur Familie... ok thats about all my german i can remeber..lol anyway welcome..
Sally Pena
08/29/09 09:13:41AM @sally-pena:
Mr. Ulrich!!! So happy you're here. I really enjoyed your presentation at Mountain Dulcimer Week... I was in the class with you, Susan, Don and Joe... We've been having quite discussion about the Scheitholts and hummels. Welcome.