Cozy Playing Corners
OFF TOPIC discussions
Janene Millen:
Look at Robin and Strumelia. Their photos appear full-size in the message, not a little postage stamp to be downloaded like ours.
To do that, when you are writing your post you click on the little icon that looks like a film strip ("embed local media")- that icon is to the left of the Smiley button in the text editor window.
Once in that window, select the SIZE you want the image to be in the left side dropdown menu. XL or XXL works well. Then you click the " Select an image to upload and insert" button to the right. (To insert an image this way, the image must be on your computer somewhere, not just on the internet someplace). When you click that 'Select' button, it'll take you to where you can browse to the image on your computer that you want to embed in the post. Here's a bit more description for this method:
However- When you see the thumbnail and text link for an image, it's when folks have used the "Attach file" button easily seen at bottom of text editor window. Try clicking right on the thumbnail pic itself to open it right there to see it full size. Clicking on the text link will simply download it to your computer.
updated by @strumelia: 11/14/18 10:43:21AM