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Jesus Won't You Come by Here?
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His Eye is on the Sparrow
cowboy movie of my youth and are very nostalgic. I will be glad to share my version of the song within the month. Thanks again,John.
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AllLearning "Double Thumbing"
Recently I came across a finger style of playing the Mountain Dulcimer...
@John W. McKinstry 2 years ago - Comments: 5
Pearly Shells
Hi, Could you tell me if "Pearly Shells" is in the public domain or not?...
@John W. McKinstry 2 years ago - Comments: 5
Spanish Is a Loving Tongue
Hi everyone, I would like to do a video recording for FOTMD of the song:...
@John W. McKinstry 2 years ago - Comments: 1
Aeolian & Dorian Modes for a baritone?
I have a new baritone dulcimer and have been playing in A D a, and A E...
@John W. McKinstry 3 years ago - Comments: 3
"quick chaning of keys and chords for the dulcimer"
Hi panel, years ago I came across a posting on "Dulcimer Sessions"...
@John W. McKinstry 3 years ago - Comments: 3
A simple chord accompaniment in D A A
In D A A, using the finger- chord style method, I have found that a...
@John W. McKinstry 7 years ago - Comments: 0
Ways of getting people interested in the dulcimer
Here are some ways that I have tried to get people interested in the...
@John W. McKinstry 7 years ago - Comments: 0
Some gimmicks that might be helpful for beginners
In giving a workshop for beginners I found three gimmicks that I would...
@John W. McKinstry 7 years ago - Comments: 3
A recent opportunity to play the dulcimer and sing in church
Well the big day came for me to do some solos in church. For the...
@John W. McKinstry 7 years ago - Comments: 1
Mt. Dulcimer for loan at library
Hi everyone, Our local library loans out a Ukulele and has had a lot of...
@John W. McKinstry 7 years ago - Comments: 5
Massachusetts Mt. Dulcimer players?
Hi, live in Lee. Western Ma. and I wondered if there are any dulcimer...
@John W. McKinstry 8 years ago - Comments: 0
Placement of position marker at 6 1/2 fret?
I play a lot in D A A, and I was thinking of putting position markers at...
@John W. McKinstry 9 years ago - Comments: 11
Inexpensive items to help beginners?
For young players whose feet don't reach the floor I have made lap...
@John W. McKinstry 9 years ago - Comments: 5
Substitute for a turkey quill?
Hi everyone. Recently on Fotmd videos i watched John Henry play Pretty...
@John W. McKinstry 9 years ago - Comments: 3
Dulcimer Discovery Workshop Experiment
Hi everyone, A dulcimer student of mine is a children's librarian and...
@John W. McKinstry 9 years ago - Comments: 0
Rediscovering Ionian while in D A d' tuning
I have just rediscovered that you can play Ionian tunes while in the D A...
@John W. McKinstry 9 years ago - Comments: 2
Mozart's Trilogy
I have just formed a Mt. Dulcimer group with three of my students. We...
@John W. McKinstry 9 years ago - Comments: 3
An adjusted music stand for the dulcimer
I have a cheap metal collapsible music stand that I bought for a...
@John W. McKinstry 10 years ago - Comments: 1
A place for my pick!
I pass this tip on to others who like myself have had a problem losing...
@John W. McKinstry 10 years ago - Comments: 13
Soundboard for a Sweetsong Dulcimer?
I just purchased a walnut Sweet Song Dulcimer kit and was thinking of...
@John W. McKinstry 10 years ago - Comments: 9
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AllHow do I put a new posting in "The...
By: @Nate
Having trouble researching past videos
By: @Ken Longfield
Another kind of "Whiskey Before Breakfast"
By: @Gordon Hardy
New Year's Resolution: "Help Somebody Today"
By: @Robin Thompson
Favorite Lenten Hymns?
By: @John W. McKinstry
Translating tab to printed music
By: @Dusty Turtle
How to be sure about a copywrite?
By: @Strumelia
New password?
By: @John W. McKinstry
Three or Doubled Melody Dulcimer?
By: @Strumelia
Poetry celebrating the beautiful music of...
By: @John W. McKinstry
Looking for clarification on D A d
By: @John W. McKinstry
Sure enough. We still drive by the old parsonage regularly. Pity the brick church burnt, although I've not been inside the new building.
Thanks for reaching out.
John, you generous site donation is very much appreciated. Thank you!
John, What a great idea to offer a loaner at the library. I hope the library will become an avenue of introducing the dulcimer to others.
Hi John, it would be a pleasure. I would love hearing your latest songs and the ones that i have heard thus far are very good. Yeah, we got quite a bit of snow...maybe better than two feet (not including the drifts) and another storm to begin on Wednesday. Thanks for stopping by. Ben
Hi John,
I received your kind site donation today, and I was very touched by it. Thank you so much for helping FOTMD in honor of your late friend Steve Deckard.
John, thank you for your kind, generous comment! It is my privilege to call you a friend.
Thank you John for letting me know about your beautiful song "When I shelter my sheep".
I really enjoy listening to you sing and play. By the way that is a beautiful dulcimer you play.
I been recovering at my Mom's after breaking my knee cap 6 wks ago, oh that darn ice.
Everything is healing fine and I am now walking pretty well. I think I have 3 weeks till I can do strengthening physical therapy, but for now it is just wait and heal.
Thanks John, you are sweet to think of me....Lexie
Hi John,
You can ask site questions on how to use the site right here:
-click on the Plus sign Button (+) to add your new question/discussionthread.
There is already a discussion there outlining how to send private messages:
There is also a thread there about how to add an audio music file, etc.
Look through the threads in that Site Questions Forum and you'll get lots of answers to questions you haven't even asked yet! ;)
Hello John, re Where will I shelter my sheep tonight, I sent you a personal message for you to reply to or you can contact me on my home email gjhardy@abnorth.com Thank you.
Hey John, sure glad we're following each other, is there a chance that you might share your tab for: Where Will I Shelter My Sheep Tonight. It is a fine song. Thank you.
Sounds like your guitar is right on track. I was playing on a three-string baritone dulcimer tuned AEa when I recorded "I Never Will Marry."
Hello John. The only way to do this that I know of in this new system is to place a comment on someone's page asking them to follow you. People need to follow each other in order to send private messages. Yes, I still assemble kits for folks. The cost depends on the time I spend and what type of finish people want on their dulcimer. For a McSpadden Sweet Song the cost starts at $75 plus finishing material and shipping.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."
Sorry John, I checked my friends list and you are not listed, but you are when I am on your page. Well no worries, just a ning glitch, I know you are a friend huh!....Lexie
Thank you for the friend request John. I enjoy your songs and smile when I see your posts.
I took a look at you A.W. Jefferies Dulcimer, what a beautiful treasure. Do you play it very often? I would love to hear how it sounds to compare it to the Jefferies prototype Robert Schuler made in which I bought, it has a very sweet sound.
I play with a noter and love the history of our dulcimer and the ole' style sound.
Blessings to you....Lexie
Hi John, thank you for your comment on my video. It is so nice to see so many brethren on this sight. Your wife and you are very talented and gifted
Thank you John. I appreciate your comments.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."
Thank you for your welcoming words, John. Glad to come on board! Lee is one of my favorite places on earth. I visited the berkshires twice a year for nearly thirty years. It is beautiful as well as cultural. Saul
Please let me know when you post the videos.
I do have a love of Taize music. Simple chord accompaniment on the dulcimer fits it nicely.
John, funny I thought you looked familiar. I have done serious time at Hitchcock, and probably saw you about. The only church I know in Wilder is St Paul's. I will learn the melody to Beach Spring, so hopefully I can teach that one to the folks at the litte church here in West Fairlee. I sure love hearing the shape note tunes and am working on a number of them.