Angry internet people, so hateful that it's funny to me

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
6 months ago
1,777 posts

Sorry you had to deal with that, Nate.  It's a shame that some people are just so filled with hate that it blinds them to how outrageous they are acting.  You'll notice that YouTube removed the "dislike" button.  It just served no socially useful purpose.  

I would think anyone watching your videos would be able to appreciate the simple joy in homemade music and experimentation that permeates your building and playing dulcimers.  I can't imagine anyone being upset at that.  But it's obvious this person did not actually watch your videos, instead assuming you were this other guy, who probably also did nothing other than beat them at a poker game or something.

There is a way to report abusive comments on YouTube. Since this person is harassing you by posting in all your videos and clearly thinks you are someone else, you might consider it.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie

updated by @dusty: 09/05/24 11:53:19AM
Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
6 months ago
1,197 posts

What a terrible thing to have to deal with Nate. At least you know the hate was misdirected, but I can't imagine the sickly feeling when you read the first one. You are handling it well. It is good to be among friends here where you can receive sympathy and support. We've got your back.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Salt Springs
Salt Springs
6 months ago
214 posts

Well Nate that was long ago, (like 50 years ago)........things were different back then.............just keep on and it will quit sooner or later.

6 months ago
350 posts

WOW, that's all really terrible to hear. Really glad to hear that you persevered and kept a good spirit. Internet trolls definitely pale in comparison to the kind of real hate that exists out there. If weird comments that have nothing to do with me are the worst it gets, I think I'm getting off pretty lucky as far as internet hate goes.

Salt Springs
Salt Springs
6 months ago
214 posts

Well Nate there's plenty of cracked folk out there and their not just on the internet, though that internet thing does give them a forum to remove all doubt if anyone seems to be questioning their ability to think.  Over the years, folk have hexed me, the Klan vandalized my stuff, tried to through a log through a picture window when I settled some refugee's from Vietnam, slashed my tires. Some witchy types put a couple of spells on me and scratched all sorts of nutty stuff on the church walls, and once tried to fill my driveway with nails.  Point is, don't give up doing what your doing 'cause sooner later they'll find someone else to try to drive crazy.

Frankly, I think what you do is amazing and often times makes my day.......besides your giving that other Nate a break.

6 months ago
350 posts


They must be a total weirdo.

I am guessing that's probably an understatement LOL. I have to assume that when he looked up "nate dulcimer" my account happened to come up, and I cant even imagine why he is so mad at the life choices of some hammered dulcimer player in the first place...

6 months ago
2,328 posts

They must be a total weirdo.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
6 months ago
350 posts

More than anything, I find it really funny that someone clicked on a bunch of my videos, and after seeing me a dozen times, still thought I was Nate Pultorak, the middle aged, white, bearded hammered dulcimer player. I guess they were so angry they didn't even glance at the videos?

updated by @nate: 08/31/24 09:49:17AM
6 months ago
350 posts

Agreed, Strumelia! When I see someone that angry and vitriolic I have a lot of pity for them. I'm sorry to hear that someone was that vile to you. Luckily for me this person is just unwell and most of their comments made absolutely no sense, so it doesn't affect me that much. He was saying such extremely specific things that I had to google it to find out who he thought I was.

updated by @nate: 08/31/24 09:32:30AM
6 months ago
350 posts

Thank you for your kind words Robin. I honestly have never received a mean comment on a video, so I was very shocked to see that someone had gone through my videos to leave a mean comment on each one, and I was totally blown away when I realized that this person is very specifically angry at some other dulcimer player named Nate. confusey  

6 months ago
2,328 posts

Wow. That's pretty pathetic to leave multiple nasty messages on your videos. It feels icky, but sometimes we just have to say "I'd sure hate to have to BE that person!". I had a nasty online stalker once do that on my YT videos too, and on my blogs. I had to shut down my comment features for a year. I think they must have just shriveled up and blown away by now, it happened quite a few years ago.
I'm glad you have lots of good and positive friends here Nate!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
6 months ago
1,467 posts

Oh, my lands, Nate!  Like you, I hope the guy finds some peace.  It's hard to imagine anyone seeing anything but goodness on your YT videos of your mountain dulcimer builds.  

6 months ago
350 posts

I really hope the guy who typed all these messages finds the Lord, and finds peace in their heart. However I couldn't help but to laugh at seeing that someone left really mean comments on a dozen of my videos, and they apparently are mad at someone else. The internet is a funny place.

updated by @nate: 08/31/24 07:27:18AM
6 months ago
350 posts

A very angry guy left a bunch of mean comments on tons of my YouTube videos, and after reading several, I realized that this disturbed man thought I was the esteemed hammered dulcimer player named Nate Pultorak. ROTFL laughlaugh

Some folks are too angry too see straight giggle2 Capture.JPG

updated by @nate: 08/31/24 07:31:25AM