Only 10 to go till 200 members

16 years ago
49 posts
The next new member will be #400.The next big FOTMD virtual food party might include blackeyed peas. It's a New Year thang.Anyway, happy New Year --Dick
Rod Westerfield
Rod Westerfield
16 years ago
109 posts
thanks for the candy Razyn...
16 years ago
2,321 posts
LOL razyn said:
Here's some individually wrapped leftover Halloween candy -- not everybody on FOTMD is so @#$% healthy...

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
16 years ago
49 posts
Here's some individually wrapped leftover Halloween candy -- not everybody on FOTMD is so @#$% healthy...
16 years ago
2,321 posts
Rod Westerfield said:
no problem.. here's your cider... pass the cookies please...
Sorry, I ate the last ones. Have a pickled egg instead.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
John Henry
John Henry
16 years ago
258 posts
I,m cheering, thanks Stumelia. JohnH
Rod Westerfield
Rod Westerfield
16 years ago
109 posts
no problem.. here's your cider... pass the cookies please...
16 years ago
2,321 posts
Robin- yes seems like just a couple weeks ago that 'little baby Fotmd' was born. Remember when it was only about 6 of us? ;D I was so worried that not much more would happen.(Rod, pass that cider on down the table, wouldja?)

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Rod Westerfield
Rod Westerfield
16 years ago
109 posts
no orange juice... fresh cold apple cider... yum yum..
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
16 years ago
1,477 posts
Hmm. What would be good to eat with pickles, pickled beets, cookies, and applesauce?Chocolate, of course! Then we'll wash it all down with orange juice. LOLSeems like just yesterday that little FOTMD was born. . .Thanks, Strumelia!
16 years ago
2,321 posts
Michael Vickey said:
300 this morning!
Break out the bubbly.Congratulations, Strumelia. Thanks for creating the FOTMD site.Michael
Thank you. :)Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer is growing slowly but surely (I think it's about four months old now).The best thing is that so many of our members are actively participating and really seem to enjoy being part of our little community. FOTMD is vibrant and full of bright enthusiasm!When I created it, I envisioned a place where both advanced players and brand new beginners could learn and grow side by side, and feel equally at home. A place that would appeal to advanced players yet have its highest goal be that of encouraging beginners. It amazes and delights me that FOTMD seems to be fulfilling that vision exactly. Its members are what make FOTMD special and successful is each one of YOU who should be thanked the most! :)

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Michael Vickey
Michael Vickey
16 years ago
28 posts
300 this morning!Break out the bubbly.Congratulations, Strumelia. Thanks for creating the FOTMD site.Michael
Rod Westerfield
Rod Westerfield
16 years ago
109 posts
wow only 2 new members to gain and it's 300 member party time.. everybody get ready...way to go Strumelia who would thought....what a site...
Rod Westerfield
Rod Westerfield
16 years ago
109 posts
I've been enjoy Apple cider here lately so I'll have a couple gallons chilled and ready...
16 years ago
2,321 posts
razyn said:
In case y'all aren't counting, it's almost time for the 300-member international picnic and dulcimer jam.
Pickles and cookies, hmm... what else would be good with that?I have some home made apple sauce!

Gosh, it seems like just yesterday when we hit 200!


Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
16 years ago
49 posts
In case y'all aren't counting, it's almost time for the 300-member international picnic and dulcimer jam.Pickles and cookies, hmm... what else would be good with that?Dick
16 years ago
2,321 posts
Rod Westerfield said:
Only 2 left ta go.... so here are my cookies ready for the party... sorry didn't have the the stuff for no bakes... so we have banana nut cookies...
Ok Rod, I see those hot dog buns in the background.... yer holdin' out on us, aren't you ?!Oh...wait...11/04/2006...? Think I'll pass on those cookies! =8-o

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Rod Westerfield
Rod Westerfield
16 years ago
109 posts
Only 2 left ta go.... so here are my cookies ready for the party... sorry didn't have the the stuff for no bakes... so we have banana nut cookies...

Rod Westerfield
Rod Westerfield
16 years ago
109 posts
Ok I'll bring no bake cookies this time... a few on here know about the cookies...maybe then you'll only be in Cookieonian for awhile.... lol
16 years ago
2,321 posts
Yer making me blush now, 'Mo'.OK so yesterday I made the pickled beets and the bread&butter pickles already for the virtual block party 200 member celebration :

Who else is bringing what?Jim Fawcett- how about some of your pure home raised honey?Anyone else got something to bring?Mo, can you bring something besides your wheat-a-pix this time?- last time they got my innards all gummed up and I was stuck in mixolydian for a week! =8-oLet's see some pictures of what folks are bringing to the imaginary FOTMD Big 200 !.... :DAnd who will be our surprised 200th member? Give them a party hat and a noisemaker!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Rod Westerfield
Rod Westerfield
16 years ago
109 posts
Wow the family just keeps growing... only 10 more and 200 members... so what are we going to do to celebrate? .... thanks Strumelia for starting this gathering of friends now family....3 cheers for our leader...
updated by @rod-westerfield: 10/27/19 12:02:25PM