Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts

The woman I bought it from has several instruments she plays but the whistles and concertinaare her passion. She had,had this dulclimer custom made for her by Allen Wood but she said she didn't play it very often. You can tell it hadn't been it is in fantastic condition. I told her about KMW and some of the other festivals and she is excited about maybe coming to some of them. I hope she does.

Wout Blommers
Wout Blommers
13 years ago
96 posts

I sometimes frown when I see such sales and the prize asked for it. $ 100 is okay when it is not wanted by the seller, but under the $ 25 I always wonder if the seller is the rightful owner... Sure, I didn't saw the face Grin.gif

At the other hand, I sometimes get instruments cheap because the owner is pleased I can play it... Also for nothing at all! Those lucky momentsSmile.gif


13 years ago
140 posts

Holy cow Dana, what a SCORE!!! And the jimbow too. Dang girl that is awesome! I love that she pulled out a tin whistle and ya'll played some. The universal language of music will make friends for you! Great find and great story! Grin.gif Grin.gif

13 years ago
169 posts

Great story Dana ... one that memories are made of. I bet you have a relationship with the German lady like no one else ... an' that's a GOOD thing!

Dana R. McCall said:

LOL I'm pretty good at fiddlin around just don't know about with a jimbow.

@ Sam, Sam I do love making new friends, my husband says I never meet an enemy. Once a friend of mine years ago that was German and her mother was still in Germany. He mom was going to visit, so when she got here a lot of us got together, I said Hi to her and started talking76.gif to her, she would nod her head and say Ya Ya7.gif , I thought she was agreeing with everything I had to say LOL. soon a crowd was gathering around us and I saw a lot of snickers71.gif and giggles71.gif . In a few her daughter Linda came up to me and said Dana Mom doesn't speak a word of English40.gif . I was flabbergasted43.gif , I said well we were having a heck of a conversation5.gif !Needless to say we got along great I did all the talking76.gif and she did all the listening107.gif HAHA I took her for a ride in my little green dunebuggy and she had a ball, we understood each other6.gif on a different level, we enjoyed laughing24.gif and having fun36.gif .

The Dulcimer. If you want to preserve it, jam it!
Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts

LOL I'm pretty good at fiddlin around just don't know about with a jimbow.

@ Sam, Sam I do love making new friends, my husband says I never meet an enemy. Once a friend of mine years ago that was German and her mother was still in Germany. He mom was going to visit, so when she got here a lot of us got together, I said Hi to her and started talking76.gif to her, she would nod her head and say Ya Ya7.gif , I thought she was agreeing with everything I had to say LOL. soon a crowd was gathering around us and I saw a lot of snickers71.gif and giggles71.gif . In a few her daughter Linda came up to me and said Dana Mom doesn't speak a word of English40.gif . I was flabbergasted43.gif , I said well we were having a heck of a conversation5.gif !Needless to say we got along great I did all the talking76.gif and she did all the listening107.gif HAHA I took her for a ride in my little green dunebuggy and she had a ball, we understood each other6.gif on a different level, we enjoyed laughing24.gif and having fun36.gif .

13 years ago
169 posts

I suspect that anyone you meet will very likely become a friend. How could they not?Smile.gif

The Dulcimer. If you want to preserve it, jam it!
Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts

Lisa the woman I bought the dulcimer from brought out her penny whistle and a larger one she had and we played afew songs on her porch. It was fun and I made a new friend.

Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts

Hey Geekling, It was you with the jimbow not mandy. I'm going to have to figure out how to use it. :)

Geekling said:

Wow, Dana, you scored againthat's gorgeous!113.gif And it's so great that it came with a case and a JimBow! I hope you enjoy your new JimBow as much as I'm enjoying mine! At any rate, you found a unique dulcimer at a terrific pricehow cool is that? I can't wait to hear it!Grin.gif

Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts

That's a great story Ben

Benjamin W Barr Jr said:

Definitely a keeper and a heck of a find. It's sort of how I got my first dulcimer. I stopped at a flea market and this dulcimer was sitting on a table and the wind was actually making music on the strings. I had never seen nor heard of one at the time. The fellow selling it gave me a brief rundown of how he came on it and asked if $30 was a fair price...he said he had bought it for $20. I replied for someone who knows the instrument it probably is. I then started to walk away and he asked if I had $25 for it. I thought for a couple of seconds and figured that if I didn't like it, I could probably get my money back from selling it. Well, I still have that dulcimer!Smile.gif

John Keane
John Keane
13 years ago
181 posts

Cool find! The only one I've seen "in the wild" was at a pawn shop in North Carolina, but the staff was too busy visiting and drinking coffee to offer any assistance to customers. Congrats on your find!

13 years ago
129 posts

what a great find. love how it looks,Grin.gif Grin.gif Grin.gif

Ben Barr Jr
Ben Barr Jr
13 years ago
64 posts

Definitely a keeper and a heck of a find. It's sort of how I got my first dulcimer. I stopped at a flea market and this dulcimer was sitting on a table and the wind was actually making music on the strings. I had never seen nor heard of one at the time. The fellow selling it gave me a brief rundown of how he came on it and asked if $30 was a fair price...he said he had bought it for $20. I replied for someone who knows the instrument it probably is. I then started to walk away and he asked if I had $25 for it. I thought for a couple of seconds and figured that if I didn't like it, I could probably get my money back from selling it. Well, I still have that dulcimer!Smile.gif

Jim Fawcett
Jim Fawcett
13 years ago
85 posts

Nice find at a yard sale for sure!

Site Moderator
Rob N Lackey
Rob N Lackey
13 years ago
420 posts

Nice find Dana. Can't wait to hear it

Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts


Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts


Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts


13 years ago
169 posts

Great find Dana !!! Hope you'll put up a vid soon. I bet it sounds as good as it looks. Very good price. Congrats!

The Dulcimer. If you want to preserve it, jam it!
Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts

Don't know anything about Allen Wood his site is no longer up but he made a nice dulcimer. this one is number 87 and was custom made for the woman I bought it from.

Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts

Look what I found at a yard sale in Lexington yesterday. I saw a post for a yardsale and it said there was a dulcimer. I emailed the lady and ask about it and she told me to come by and I could look at it before theyard sale started, so off I went. She brought the case out and opened it up and out came a beautiful tear drop dulcimer. And it sounds beautiful. and Mandy it came with a Jimbow:) Here are some pics of it. It has night hawks, moons and I think yucca plants. It was made by Allen Woods, I looked up his site but couldn't get anything. Well here it is. And it only cost 100 dollars. The bag that came with it is prob 35 dollars make the dulcimer even cheaper.:) 303_forums.jpg?width=750

updated by @dana-r-mccall: 03/19/21 01:51:31PM