How to be sure about a copywrite?

7 years ago
2,314 posts

For anyone looking for general info on whether a song is copyrighted or public domain, also for online lists of public domain songs and tunes, please see our Group on the subject:

Remember, to post in a Group you must click the "JOIN" button there to join the group first. You can click the button again at any time to UNjoin the group, btw.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 11/03/18 02:14:05PM
John W. McKinstry
John W. McKinstry
9 years ago
59 posts

Thank you Salt-Springs and Strumelia.  Your suggestions and encouragement are just what Anne and I needed.

9 years ago
2,314 posts

Thanks John, I will remove both videos as you suggested.  I agree with your conclusion.

Perhaps you can follow Salt Springs' link above and use the Reinhardt tune from 1754 for the hymn instead, and then repost a new video of it for everyone if possible.  :)

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Salt Springs
Salt Springs
9 years ago
214 posts

The hymn tune "Lynne" uses as its metrical meter.   That metrical format is a slight variation on "Was Lebet, Was Schwebet" written by Johann Heinrich Rheinhardt in 1754.  A few adjustments to the tune and everyone is good to go I should think.   Since I did not get  chance to listen to MM's video or JM's, you might check this link out to see if Reinhardt's tune would work.

updated by @salt-springs: 08/28/16 08:19:54PM
9 years ago
244 posts

I'm so sorry.  Those are some of my very favorites.  :(

John W. McKinstry
John W. McKinstry
9 years ago
59 posts

Hi, I forgot to add that the video by Mary MacGowan    "And All Your Life Shall Open as a Prayer" which is  a variation of "Be Patient With Your Faults & Failings"  should be taken off the video section as well.

John W. McKinstry
John W. McKinstry
9 years ago
59 posts

Thank you Ken and Stumelia.  I feel that it is best to remove the hymn on FOTMD "Be Patient With Your Faults & Failings" set to the hymn tune:

"Lynne" for it is most likely still copyrighted. Would you do this for me?

9 years ago
2,314 posts

Here's a website by Bates' great grandaughter:

You could ask her.  But I imagine the tune cannot be freely used by others for their own compositions.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
9 years ago
2,157 posts

Here's a website with useful information that may help:

I haven't been able to find anything about a hymn called Lynne.   Who was the author, and what what faith was the hymn composed for?  Tha would be a big help.  

John W. McKinstry
John W. McKinstry
9 years ago
59 posts

My wife wrote a hymn: "Be Paitent and Be Gentle with your Faults and Failings"  see videos FOTMD.  The hymn tune she used is called "Lynne' and was written about 1940. The Rev. Bates G. Burt wrote a hymn entitled: "O God of Youth, Whose Spirit.." and then he wrote this hymn tune "Lynne" also to go with it.  Is there a way of knowing if that hymn tune "Lynne" is now in the public domain or whether it is still copywrited?

updated by @john-w-mckinstry: 10/27/19 12:02:25PM