Mutual acknowledgement

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
4 months ago
2,157 posts

My experience almost exactly parallels that of mu "dulcimer twin" -- Ken Longfield. -- except my journey started in 1974 and half the continent away; he in Pennsylvania, I in Colorado. 

updated by @ken-hulme: 07/08/24 08:07:18AM
Cindy Stammich
Cindy Stammich
4 months ago
69 posts

Although I don’t post a lot on here, this is one of my favorite places❤️🎶

I love the dulcimer and this community is filled with people around the world that love the same thing I do!  They say variety is the spice of life - which we all bring here with different styles, different instruments, different genres, but we all love the dulcimer!  And seriously - it would be tough to find a better group of people anywhere!  Thank you all for being awesome!

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
4 months ago
1,148 posts

Ever since I encountered my first live dulcimer person back in the summer of 1970 I've had mostly positive experiences with dulcimer people. There have been those who looked down on me for playing mostly in 1 - 5 - 5 tunings and those who thought I was a simpleton for playing with a noter, but I've ignored them. I try to be encouraging of all dulcimer player and builders and find positive things to say even if there dulcimer thing isn't my dulcimer thing. After 54 years of having a love affair with mountain dulcimer, I'm not about to discourage anyone from having a similar experience. Just remember, no matter where and how you play or build it,

"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."


4 months ago
309 posts

The dulcimer community has been the most positive, helpful and encouraging out of any instrument I've played, by a lot.

4 months ago
2,302 posts

Great suggestions. Giving a brief comment or compliment, both online or in real life, takes so little effort but can have a profound effect on others, more than we might ever know.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 months ago
1,457 posts

Great thoughts, Jamie!  I'm with you-- we're all doing something we love.  And we have a place here to communicate meaningfully with one another.  

4 months ago
18 posts

Just a thought.Dulcimer players are a minority in North America which has an advantage re mainstream media...we can be as creative as we want to pressure to be successful or conform to a certain standard or style, because we're mostly ignored.Very creative situation...Nevertheless,as musicians we need  communication,a response.If you like something or a certain approach in a tune or wonder about the technique-ask,like,comment.It's not's a bunch of individuals whatever the playing level doing something they love...Ask,like,comment.