George Desjardins


Location: Estes Park, CO
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

Salt Springs whocindylou Larry Goodwin Sheryl St. Clare Monica David Pedersen Lexie R Oakley Christine Shoemaker Lynn austin Linda2 robert schuler Jan Potts Rob N Lackey nick o'sullivan Ken Hulme


images: 13
audio tracks: 3



style or instrument:

musician/member name: george-desjardins

streams: 48


More of a test run, a little flighty, will try to get better at this, a little shy about posting. Feedback appreciated.
04/04/18 02:12:41PM @ariane:

What a great tune and beautifully played. flower

03/13/17 01:42:03AM @marg:

Can tell you are having fun, nice going

02/18/17 05:12:34AM @sam:

Love it!

Estes George
02/10/17 08:05:13PM @george-desjardins:

Thanks for the comment on the "drive" in my playing, I always try and bring it down some and keep it mellow with some success, but usually I start off easy and am all ramped up before I finish. But hey, I have a good time.

David Preston
02/10/17 07:32:24PM @david-preston:

Hi George, I listened to both your clips. This is good stuff. Love the drive in your playing. 

Estes George
02/10/17 10:58:44AM @george-desjardins:

I'm hoping to record a couple "real" songs, Just needed to figure out how to post clips, tried directly from sound cloud but was having issues with it so posted directly from computer instead. Thanks!!

Steven Berger
02/10/17 10:54:19AM @steven-berger:




David Pedersen
02/09/17 10:14:42PM @david-pedersen:

Smoking it again George. Like your finger work on both.