

Location: Spring, TX
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Precious Memories, overlay

musician/member name: Film & Animation
Duration: 00:00:49
Demo created on the GT-1 and played on a dulcimer with an EBow - as a second recording layered for an overlay of high & bass tones, added to the tune, Precious Memories.
Steven Berger
06/28/20 09:19:50AM @steven-berger:

Like Dan says!

06/28/20 05:24:37AM @dan:


06/27/20 06:09:18PM @marg:

I picked up an EBow, not so long ago and trying different things with it - still a long way to go.

With this demo, I recorded first on the melody string, creating a high tone & later on the Bass string - interesting - but I did notice I may need a squeakless string. Then I played them both together and recorded the overlay. I don't have any type of recording studio, just my phone, so the quality isn't anything but experimenting & enjoying again all the different things we can do with our dulcimers, especially while we are againĀ  'stay at home' here in the Houston area.

Have fun, music isn't on lockdown and it can bring joy and a hug to someone.