Miriam Storz


Location: Ludwigsburg
Country: DE

My Latest Followers:

Oliver Ogden Luigi Mr. Phil Mcdaniel Peter W. BJ Jordan


youtube videos: 1
images: 2

Leaving of Liverpool

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:00:58
Another loevely song with some kind of a happy melody. One of my favorites at the moment. I hope you'll enjoy.
Lexie R Oakley
12/15/14 10:35:39AM @lexie-r-oakley:

Sure is a happy song, you played very well.

Thank you for sharing your sweet tuneSmile.gif

Oliver Ogden
12/14/14 10:50:21PM @oliver-ogden:

I enjoy this and your other videos. I was interested in how many different dulcimers you own?

Miriam Storz
04/25/13 01:37:22AM @miriam-storz:
Morning Peter. Sure I will. :-)
Peter W.
04/24/13 08:01:22AM @peter-w:

Don't know why I missed that when you posted it here in March.

Great tune and great playing, Miriam! 113.gif

Das musst du mir beibringen, wenn wir uns wieder treffen! Grin.gif

Miriam Storz
04/24/13 03:23:45AM @miriam-storz:
Thanks Louis :-)
BJ Jordan
03/18/13 07:19:59PM @betty-bj-jordan:

Smile.gif Miriam,

Is this the new Clemmer? Sounds great and loved the uplifting way you played thetune. It makes you tap your toes.

Miriam Storz
03/15/13 02:14:20PM @miriam-storz:
Tanks for The nice wird's, and yes there are two lizardy as soundholes
Karen Keane
03/14/13 06:40:01PM @karen-keane:
Another great tune, thanks for posting this.
Nancy Holthus
03/14/13 05:51:34PM @nancy-holthus:

That was lovely Miriam, and I can tell its one of your favorites as you are moving to the music!

Robin Clark
03/14/13 12:25:50PM @robin-clark:

Hey that was great Smile.gif

John Keane
03/14/13 06:03:50AM @john-keane:

Nice job Miriam!

Rob N Lackey
03/14/13 05:18:03AM @rob-n-lackey:

It is a lovely, lively tune. Reminds me of Stephen Foster for some reason. Great job and the Clemmer sounds good too.