

Location: Oregon
Country: United States

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Sarah-Miner RobMachin Sea Strings ceilidhdog Beth T DavisJames flossy rojo Cheryl W Hunterdude glowhazel granto Ariane IRENE Jim Phillips Dan Leo Kretzner Cynthia Wigington Steven Berger Stanley Adams Skip Ben Barr Jr Susie Bob Stephens Randy Adams Robin Thompson Strumelia


youtube videos: 18
images: 51
audio tracks: 3



style or instrument: Dulcimer

musician/member name: Nate

streams: 89


I accidentally deleted this while trying to edit it a year or so ago. Learning computers feels like a task designed to make you dislike computers!
12/27/23 03:25:58PM @nate:

Thank you very much Robin and Jamie!
It's all dulcimers. For the backing,  I strummed two dulcimers, one is an octave lower than the other. When both are played at the same time with a bit of reverb, I find it sounds a lot like a guitar.

12/26/23 04:53:28PM @davisjames:

I like the full sound.Is it all dulcimer or did you use a guitar for the backup?

Robin Thompson
08/17/23 07:37:52PM @robin-thompson:

Very cool.