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Banjo Resonator Experimental Dulcimer

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:43
Sadly, not an aquavina, but still neat. The next one will have a much thinner pan and will hopefully transmit sound better.
04/05/24 07:52:59PM @nate:

Jim Dickens:

I think it has a very nice sound. Resonator/ Banjo describes it perfectly. Keep up the great work!


Thanks for the kind words and encouragement, Jim.

04/05/24 07:52:17PM @nate:

Dusty Turtle:

Cool!  Not an aquavina, Nate, but that instrument has a clear and interesting tone, somewhere in between a banjo and a dobro. It makes me wonder what it would sound like if you raised the strings and played with a slide.


Dusty, I am planning to try that soon, but playing with slide is a whole skill id have to develop to know whether it sounds good. Lol

I was really surprised to learn that it is very loud with a bow. I had assumed a drumhead would resonate very poorly when excited by a bow, since the tone has such a sharp attack with little sustain 

Dusty Turtle
04/04/24 12:22:45PM @dusty:

Cool!  Not an aquavina, Nate, but that instrument has a clear and interesting tone, somewhere in between a banjo and a dobro. It makes me wonder what it would sound like if you raised the strings and played with a slide.

Jim Dickens
04/03/24 10:09:58PM @jim-dickens:

I think it has a very nice sound. Resonator/ Banjo describes it perfectly. Keep up the great work!

Robin Thompson
04/03/24 07:53:31PM @robin-thompson:

Really does have a resonator banjo sound, Nate.