Parson's Farewell (WIP)

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:01:02
Duration: 00:01:02
For quite some time I've wanted to fit some pieces that I like to play on classical guitar to the dulcimer. I had a little extra time to put this together yesterday. It is a (WIP) work in progress. I like old time music...this is REALLY old time! :)
Thank you Mike, Gary and Val....Happy Holidays to you all!
That was really nice.
Sounds Great! Cheryl.:-)
Thanks Patty! I think at one point I ended up setting all my videos on youtube to private or unlisted or some such thing. So this time was my bad! :)
Thank you very much, I am so glad I asked. It was lovely and cheered up an otherwise cheerless breakfast - the heating broke down last night!
So a very happy Christmas and new year to you.
Cheryl, I can see it just fine! I do know that some who try to view videos using mobile devices have had difficulty viewing videos. Since it is on Youtube here is the link,
Yep. Sounds great. :)
Folks, is the video functioning now? That was a long time back, but now I want to play it again. :)
I'd like to see it also. :) Incidentally - I see you mentioned Mississippi John Hurt earlier in this thread. I love him. Very humble man and great artist.
Peter, I think I can fix it later today from work........will try. If not I could email you a link if you send me your email addy. Merry Christmas! :)
Hello Cheryl,
This is a somewhat belated reply to your Parson's Farewell video, but for some reason it won't play on my machine, it tells me that this is a private video. I have tried many times and can see from the comments that everyone else can see it. It is one of my favourite tunes and I would love to hear you play it. Do you have any suggestions, or could you bear to repost it please? If I might add (hideously ingratiatingly!)It would be a very nice Christmas present.
Sehr schn gespielt!
Vielen Dank, Karel
Thanks Mary!!
Thank you Steven and Mike! I think this sort of music fits the dulcimer very well, which has been a nice surprise!
I love this piece of music, and I love the way you play it! You make it sound as if this piece was written for the dulcimer.
Thanks Helen!! I figure folks would rather watch fingers than me! The goblet of red wine sounds like a great idea! :) :)
Thanks Patty! Yeah, plus the more times I play it through, the more likely I am to mess it up! I just figured it out on Sunday afternoon so its not really in my fingers yet.
Dusty, I do find that interesting. I think if you trained in anything early on your kinda stuck with some things that just happen automatically! I like to play fingerstyle blues too! But I use all my fingers....but I find I don't use the ring finger nearly as much as its not really needed for those arrangements. Fun stuff!!!
Cheryl, that's very pretty. I would have like to hear more too but understand time constraints. You did a fine job
Cheryl, I do use my thumb when I fingerpick, but not in any systematic manner. I know classical guitar players are taught to use their ring, middle, and index fingers on the E, B, and G strings respectively and their thumb on the three bass strings. And to some extent I do that on the guitar, too, although at some point I started studying the folk fingerpickers like Mississippi John Hurt and Etta Baker , and most of them don't use their ring finger at all but just their thumb and two fingers (and sometimes even just their thumb and index finger).
That thumb and two fingers thing is kind of how I fingerpick the dulcimer. In general, I use my thumb for the melody string and my index and middle finger for the middle and bass strings, but I often use my index finger on the melody string, too, and certainly to brush across all strings. As you suggest, there are no hard-and-fast rules with the dulcimer as there are with the guitar. It's interesting that we both migrated from guitar and rely on that foundation but have developed slightly different ways of approaching the dulcimer.