Ethan Chastain


Location: Smyrna, TN
Country: USA

My Latest Followers:

RobMachin DavisJames chadritchie Sue MacKenzie - ADK Friends cairney IRENE Mill Branch Dulcimores Dan Kevin Burns Cynthia Wigington Gregg Schneeman Gary Major Christine Shoemaker Steven Berger Pierre-Yves Donnio Jan Potts Erin Mae Dusty Turtle Ken Longfield Robin Thompson


youtube videos: 10
images: 9
audio tracks: 1

Maddie and Daddy

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:00:47
A little fun with Uncle Dave Macon's "Gray Cat on a Tennessee Farm".
Robin Thompson
09/01/22 08:56:14PM @robin-thompson:

You and Maddie have fun with multiplication and division, Ethan!  

Ethan Chastain
09/01/22 03:21:41PM @ethan-chastain:


Now we're working on multiplication and division. Whew, time flies!

Robin Thompson:

I missed this posting back in '14, Ethan, and it makes me smile to see it now!  

Robin Thompson
08/29/22 03:33:13PM @robin-thompson:

I missed this posting back in '14, Ethan, and it makes me smile to see it now!  

08/29/22 03:18:34PM @strumelia:

Love how she's just learning how to 'dance'. 🥰

Gary McNaughton
10/20/14 02:19:01PM @gary-mcnaughton:
That sounds great EthanYour little girl likes it too!
Ethan Chastain
10/18/14 05:47:20PM @ethan-chastain:

John - Thank you for the kind words. The little one inherited the "cuteness" gene from her mother, not me ; )

Ethan Chastain
10/18/14 05:35:48PM @ethan-chastain:

Helen - Thank you for the kind words. I keep saying this, but it's amazing watching her at this age interact and explore sounds and music. Her very first exposure to music was her mother's voice then the dulcimer. It's neat to know that the sound of the dulcimer will be engrained in her "musical" memory from early on.

Ethan Chastain
10/18/14 05:29:03PM @ethan-chastain:

Kristi - If someone could find a way to bottle a child's energy and sell it, they'd become a billionare. I'd have to be one of their first customers : ) Thanks for the kind words.

John Keane
10/18/14 01:33:58PM @john-keane:

That is as cute as can be (nice playing too).

Ethan Chastain
10/16/14 09:03:55AM @ethan-chastain:

Ken - Maybe she will be a dulcimer player. Time will tell. As long as she stays away from the drums ; )

Ethan Chastain
10/16/14 09:01:15AM @ethan-chastain:
Steve - Dulcimer player? What dulcimer player? ; ) It's been a lot of fun watching her experience music at her age.
Ethan Chastain
10/16/14 08:56:48AM @ethan-chastain:
Thank you Cindy. The little one has requested a solid walnut dulcimer with a 1+ and an 8+ fret. Her mom and I had to tell her she needed to get past teething first ; )
Cindy Stammich
10/16/14 08:27:18AM @cindy-stammich:
Haha that was good Steve !!!
Steve Battarbee
10/16/14 08:15:48AM @steve-battarbee:

I don't know if anyone has noticed but if you look to the left you cab see a guy playing the dulcimer too!

....joking aside it is so nice to see someone so young obviously enjoying music. We are definitely meant to be doping this!

Cindy Stammich
10/15/14 11:00:24PM @cindy-stammich:
Love the music!Love the dulcimer!The precious little jitterbug.....priceless!Thank you for sharing this sweet video that has me smiling and playing it over and over!Keep strumming and smiling!Cindy
Ken Backer
10/14/14 12:59:45PM @ken-backer:

That was great! Fun watching the future dulcimer player getting into the musicGrin.gif

Ethan Chastain
10/13/14 08:47:35PM @ethan-chastain:

Marion - Perhaps one day she'll pick an instrument and learn to make a little joy herself : )

Dan - Thanks !

Paul - The trick is getting them interested while they're young ; )

Ethan Chastain
10/13/14 12:06:20PM @ethan-chastain:
And I'm perfectly fine with that, Dusty ; )
Dusty Turtle
10/13/14 11:56:52AM @dusty:

I hate to break it to you, Ethan, but you are not the star of this show. Adorable.

Ethan Chastain
10/13/14 10:41:10AM @ethan-chastain:
Thanks John. I couldn't agree with you more. As I look back at my life to date, there are many instruments and music styles that have provided the "soundtrack" to my life's experiences. Her experiences are just starting and I'm looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds.Best wishes to your family as well.-Ethan