How do I put a new posting in "The :Positive Thread?"

3 weeks ago
305 posts

Thank you for sharing this story. As a child, something like a cane can instantly make one feel like a sophisticated adult. I remember how much joy I got strutting around with my grandfather's canes when i was little. it's so great to have sentimental things like that, which can still find use all this time later.

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
3 weeks ago
1,148 posts

Wonderful story, John. Thanks for sharing it.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Randy Adams
Randy Adams
3 weeks ago
117 posts

Extry good story John.

John W. McKinstry
John W. McKinstry
3 weeks ago
59 posts

Sally's Story (an old wooden cane)

Our great grandchild was visiting and the thing he liked most as he walked around and explored was my wife's cane. He went over to it and picked it up and walked around proudly with it as we smiled and clapped.  My wife then told this story about the old wooden cane. "The cane's name is Sally", she said. And then she continued," When your grandmother was four years old she saw her grampa sitting with this cane on the stairs to the front porch. The four year old said to her grampa, "Grampa does that cane make you feel important?"  To which her grampa replied, "No, Janet, I am important!."  Seeing that she loved the cane so much, we were all surprised when he gave it to her as a present. Our daughter came home proudly with the cane and announced that it's name was "Sally" .Sally, the cane, has become a prized possession of our daughter's and she has kept it by her bedside all these years.  One day, my wife needed a cane and our daughter said. "Here, mom. I'll lend you Sally."  God works in mysterious ways and it seems to me that the caring and support of that old cane, Sally, is still living on.

3 weeks ago
2,302 posts

Hi John!  The positive thread in in the Forums section. 

Go here:

and depending on whether you are on a laptop, desktop, tablet, or phone, you may see different ways to make a post. See if you can go there (follow my link) and look for a place where you can type in a reply and post it there. Let us know if you are having trouble, and if so what device are you using and what you see or don't see when you try to post.

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Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
John W. McKinstry
John W. McKinstry
3 weeks ago
59 posts

Hi, I have a new story for "The :Positive Thread".

I am not quite sure how to post it.? John McKinstry