Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

Sorry Cindy Stambach!! It's Cindy Stammich. Or shall we say "The great Cindy Stammich". Yes we shall, at least for this moment.

Thanks Lexie! Have fun......and more fun.

Lexie R Oakley
Lexie R Oakley
9 years ago
229 posts

You are right Terry, thanks it is fun learning and mind you when I say I am slow, it means I am new to music/playing the dulcimer. It is wonderful how versatile the instrument is and how we all learn our way and support each other in our chosen playing style. I don't mean to compare me to you or anybody. Some days I just feel slow, but I can tell you I do play every day and truly love it.

I too go back to the songs I learned first, just to give myself a lift on playing a song all the way and having so much fun with the process of knowing that I improved or played well that time. It is like training a dog, always ending with a sweet note..."Well Done! I will play it today and get to learning it....Thanks Terry, you are terrific!67.gif

Terry Wilson said:

I don't know about being better than you or anybody Lexie. Who's counting anyway? Sometimes I hate my dulcimer playing, while other times I say "Hey, that sounds pretty dog gone good Terry". It's all relative to how serious you take yourself, and how much fun you want to have. When I listen to someone like say, Cindy Stambach, on this forum, it kind of forces me to be put in my place.

Yep, learning new songs is wonderful and fun, but there are very seldom 2 days that go by that I still play some of that "Boil Them Cabbage Down", "Aunt Rhodie", "Wild Wood Flower". Oh my goodness, gotta have some of that "June Apple" every day.

Lexie, you had better get on that Jessie James, you gonna love it.

Thanks for your kind comments.

Kind regards,


Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

I don't know about being better than you or anybody Lexie. Who's counting anyway? Sometimes I hate my dulcimer playing, while other times I say "Hey, that sounds pretty dog gone good Terry". It's all relative to how serious you take yourself, and how much fun you want to have. When I listen to someone like say, Cindy Stambach, on this forum, it kind of forces me to be put in my place.

Yep, learning new songs is wonderful and fun, but there are very seldom 2 days that go by that I still play some of that "Boil Them Cabbage Down", "Aunt Rhodie", "Wild Wood Flower". Oh my goodness, gotta have some of that "June Apple" every day.

Lexie, you had better get on that Jessie James, you gonna love it.

Thanks for your kind comments.

Kind regards,


Lexie R Oakley
Lexie R Oakley
9 years ago
229 posts

Thanks Terry; I think you are a much better player than I. I am a little slow at learning songs and have a big list, but I will learn it. I am happy that you started this thread, it is fun searching out songs and giving them a go, not to mention helping and encouraging each other. You are doing great and we can smile and keep on a' Strummin'113.gif

Terry Wilson said:


I hope you have tried Jessie James like you said you might do. It's a great song, a very fun song. You gotta try it.

I have the tab to memory now, and can play it without peeking, and the words also to memory. Now I gotta get to the point where it sounds good to someone else's ear.

Good Luck!

Lexie R Oakley said:


Terry, here I was looking for the tab and found it at this tab site, thought I shall try it also.113.gif

Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts


I hope you have tried Jessie James like you said you might do. It's a great song, a very fun song. You gotta try it.

I have the tab to memory now, and can play it without peeking, and the words also to memory. Now I gotta get to the point where it sounds good to someone else's ear.

Good Luck!

Lexie R Oakley said:


Terry, here I was looking for the tab and found it at this tab site, thought I shall try it also.113.gif

Lexie R Oakley
Lexie R Oakley
9 years ago
229 posts

I will have to take a look at the crawdad song also Terry. Cindy, it will be fun to hear what you and your family did with this song, it will be fun to hear.

Terry Wilson said:

Hi Cindy,

I'll just have to check the Crawdad Song out. Thanks as always.


Cindy Stammich said:

Hey Terry,

How about the Crawdad Song? We have a lot of fun with that one.

In fact, tomorrow I will share a pretty funny version (recorded last night when we were all way too tired) and my son-in-law madeup a special verseof his own justfor my mom. (Oh and yes there is a story behind it).

Stay tuned Grin.gif

Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

Hi Cindy,

I'll just have to check the Crawdad Song out. Thanks as always.


Cindy Stammich said:

Hey Terry,

How about the Crawdad Song? We have a lot of fun with that one.

In fact, tomorrow I will share a pretty funny version (recorded last night when we were all way too tired) and my son-in-law madeup a special verseof his own justfor my mom. (Oh and yes there is a story behind it).

Stay tuned Grin.gif

Cindy Stammich
Cindy Stammich
9 years ago
69 posts

Hey Terry,

How about the Crawdad Song? We have a lot of fun with that one.

In fact, tomorrow I will share a pretty funny version (recorded last night when we were all way too tired) and my son-in-law madeup a special verseof his own justfor my mom. (Oh and yes there is a story behind it).

Stay tuned Grin.gif

Lexie R Oakley
Lexie R Oakley
9 years ago
229 posts


Terry, here I was looking for the tab and found it at this tab site, thought I shall try it also.113.gif

Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

I don't know the tune to Jessie James, and I don't have TAB. So without TAB, I'll have to hunt the tune up on You Tube, and learn to play it by ear on harmonica, then I can play it on the dulcimer without TAB.

Thank you

Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

Great suggestion Jan. I've never tried the boatman song, but I will. Perhaps noter-drone.

Jan Potts said:


I like to play Boatmen (or Boatman) because it has 3 sections with lots of variety. On this video Cheryl plays it quite fast--it is a fiddle tune, after all--but a lot of dulcimer players play it at a more moderate tempo, which works better for me, especially if I'm chording AND fingerpicking AND trying to sing the words! Grin.gif

Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

Thank you Pam for the songs, I will check them out.

Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

Great suggestions folks! Thanks.

Jan Potts
Jan Potts
9 years ago
401 posts


I like to play Boatmen (or Boatman) because it has 3 sections with lots of variety. On this video Cheryl plays it quite fast--it is a fiddle tune, after all--but a lot of dulcimer players play it at a more moderate tempo, which works better for me, especially if I'm chording AND fingerpicking AND trying to sing the words! Grin.gif

Jan Potts, Lexington, KY
Site Moderator

"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." Henry Van Dyke
Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
10 years ago
297 posts

I played with a lady yesterday who sung and played "Pretty Saro". Thanks for suggesting this song to me, it's a beautiful song.


john p said:

A couple of tunes I like to play round and around :

Pretty Saro

Suzy McGuire

Elk River Blues

Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
10 years ago
297 posts

Hi Cheryl,

I took your suggestion of "June Apple" and it was love at first play. Great song. I'm gonna check out some of that "Spotted Cow", maybe magic will happen again.


Cheryl James said:

I can think of a couple of similar tunes, I know several dulcimer players really love to play June Apple and Spotted Cow is another one than can go on forever because it's just so much fun!
Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
10 years ago
297 posts


Better late than never I guess. Do I play it fast or slow? Never slow. I would say medium to kind of fast. I can play it really fast, but I am not a big fan of playing Wildwood Flower really fast. I was playing with a lady yesterday who could not play it "kind of fast", so we played medium speed. Very enjoyable. It's nice to play it on the melody string, then on the bass string, or mix it up, and then an octive higher. I also love to play it with a popcicle stick noter.

In the mean time, someone here suggested the song "June Apple" to play over and over again like Wildwood Flower. Hey, I am here to tell you now that I love this June Apple song. Picked it up in no time flat, love it love it love it. Finger dancing is great, but sounds best with the ole popcicle stick. Actually it's not a popcicle stick, it's a wooden drink or coffee stirrer I found at Chic-Fil-A.Much more slimmer than a popcicle stick.Now everytime I go to Chic-Fil-A I politely place several of these jewels in my wife's purse to add to my bounty.

John Henry
John Henry
10 years ago
258 posts

Good to read a post from you ff, missed you !


10 years ago
357 posts

Jan, That's a good question. I don't think I've ever heard Wildwood Flower played as anything but a faster dance tune. All the recordings I have of it are at a toe tapping pace. Even those that are sung. So I've just never managed to play it. I've got slow hands. Since I think of it as a fast tune, I would only have thought to give faster tunes to match that pace.

So Terry, are you playing it fast or slow?????

Jan Potts
Jan Potts
10 years ago
401 posts

Hmmm...do you play WF fast or slow? As a dance tune or a lament? If you're playing it fast, then Whiskey before Breakfast or Spotted Pony might be similar in "gait"....if you play it slow, you might want to learn Hard Times, which can be played all over the fretboard and handle key changes and anything else you throw at it. Can easily sit and fingerpick that for quite awhile!

Jan Potts, Lexington, KY
Site Moderator

"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." Henry Van Dyke
10 years ago
357 posts

I don't normally play anything as fast a pace as Wildwood Flower, but I have heard it played with Redwing which makes a nice combination.

Wout Blommers
Wout Blommers
10 years ago
97 posts

As a warming up I always play the national anthem of The Netherlands, "Wilhelmus", in three styles: the version dated around 1580 in noter&drone style; the 1740 version in finger dancing and the 1938 slow version in chord/melody.

I play the double bass in a folk dance group (dancers and musicians) and also the dulcimer/hummle and the bones/clackers is a special set. Playing "Wilhelmus" is part of the show to demonstrate the dulcimer to the audience, special the bennifits of the diatonic fret board when playing chord/melody.

Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
10 years ago
297 posts

Mandy, thanks for the song. I've printed it out and ready to give it a go.

Mandy said:

I'm addicted to John Stinsons #2 on dulcimer. Not sure why, just am.

Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
10 years ago
297 posts

John, thanks for the song suggestions. I am not familar with any of the three songs, but that's why I asked the question, to learn a couple of new songs with the gait of Wildwood Flower.

john p said:

A couple of tunes I like to play round and around :

Pretty Saro

Suzy McGuire

Elk River Blues

Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
10 years ago
297 posts

Cheryl, I do enjoy playing "June Apple", but not familar with Spotted Cow. Sounds like a fun song. Thanks!

Cheryl James said:

I can think of a couple of similar tunes, I know several dulcimer players really love to play June Apple and Spotted Cow is another one than can go on forever because it's just so much fun!
Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
10 years ago
297 posts

Dusty, I consider myself a chord player, one-two- three finger chords on 3 stirngs. I do enjoy playing melody/drone also. While I do pick individual strings, I do a lot of strumming across all the strings. I have pondered over Going to Boston, now I'll take a good look and give it a try.

As always, thanks.

Dusty Turtle said:

Terry, can you tell us what style of dulcimer you play? Do you play melody/drone, do you chord, do you play across all the strings?

If you you play melody/drone, I would suggest Going to Boston. It lets you slide up and down the fretboard just like you do in Wildwood Flower.

Cheryl James
Cheryl James
10 years ago
6 posts
I can think of a couple of similar tunes, I know several dulcimer players really love to play June Apple and Spotted Cow is another one than can go on forever because it's just so much fun!
Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
10 years ago
1,764 posts

Terry, can you tell us what style of dulcimer you play? Do you play melody/drone, do you chord, do you play across all the strings?

If you you play melody/drone, I would suggest Going to Boston. It lets you slide up and down the fretboard just like you do in Wildwood Flower.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
john p
john p
10 years ago
173 posts

A couple of tunes I like to play round and around :

Pretty Saro

Suzy McGuire

Elk River Blues

10 years ago
140 posts

I'm addicted to John Stinsons #2 on dulcimer. Not sure why, just am.

Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
10 years ago
297 posts

Hey folks,

I am hankering for a new song to learn, a new song to love to play as much as I love playing "Wildwood Flower". I mean I can set and play that "Wildwood Flower" for 10 to 15 min. a shot and still want more. I love to play it up and down the fretboard in two octaves, sometimes mixing it up, sometimes with the melody string as lead and sometimes the bass.

While I am very familar with obtaining tab from "Everything Dulcimer", "Dogwood Dulcimer Association, etc., I am seeking a song from someone who loves that Wildwood Flower as much as I do, and has another song similar to WF that they love just as much, and enjoys playing it on and on and on.

Please tell me what that song is so I can get in on some of that fun.

Thank you.Grin.gif

updated by @terry-wilson: 10/27/19 12:02:25PM