Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,457 posts
Randall, it's a good one and you do it up right. I appreciate your posting the link.

Randall McKinnon said:
I just uploaded the entire song on my website-- . You'll find it under the "Music" tab...Hope you enjoy it!

Robin Thompson said:


Never too late to add a good dog song!

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
14 years ago
1,457 posts


Never too late to add a good dog song!

Flint Hill
Flint Hill
14 years ago
62 posts
Here it is:
My Dog Loves Your Dog
Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
14 years ago
1,764 posts
Back in the 20s, Cliff Edwards, known as "Ukulele Ike," sang a song called "My Dog Loves Your Dog."Some of the lyrics go:Look how she pets himAnd look how she lets himPlay around the wayI'd like to play with youChows and Pekinese who have pedigreesAre crazy over my houndBut your little mutt simply got him nutsAnd he gladly gave her his last piece of liver 'causeMy dog loves your dogYour dog loves my dogIf our doggies love each otherWhy can't we?

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Flint Hill
Flint Hill
14 years ago
62 posts
Yeah, that song's a killer.That's the part of farming that breaks your heart.
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
14 years ago
1,457 posts
EmLee, thanks for giving me the name James King and the Echo Mountain title-- I think that may have been the song I heard on radio.Paul, what to say about Barney? Powerful. Thanks for the link
Paul Certo
Paul Certo
14 years ago
242 posts
I've been known to play Old Rattler , mostly on banjo, though. I did work up a dulcimer version of this horse song, Barney.
I played it once at a late jam at Buckeye Dulcimer Festival, but it didn't seem to go over too well. One comment was on the order of "What a weird song." I guess if a person never cried at Old Shep, or the end of Old Yeller, Barney might seem weird. I've never played that one in public since that night. If ya can't cry at a good tear-jerker about dogs, cats, etc, you must have a hole in your soul. Better get that looked at.Paul
Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
14 years ago
2,157 posts
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the adventures of Ilene, The Two Legged Dog , as recorded by Cindy Funk of Sweetwater. Based in part on the story of a real dog named Skeezix, which she saw on TV.Hop around, hop around Ilene,Hop around just like a frog.Of legs she's got half,Please try not to laugh,At Ilene the two-legged dog.Grin.gif
Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
14 years ago
1,764 posts
That's it! I must have Doc's version on vinyl somewhere, because I couldn't find in in my CD/iTunes collection. Not knowing the name of that song was driving me crazy. Now I can sleep tonight.D.T. Flint Hill said:
Good one!

I believe that forlorn doggie was last seen in the song Life Gets Teejus, Don't It ?

Cal Tinney did a popular version in the late 1940s and Doc Watson did a live recording in the early 1970s.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Flint Hill
Flint Hill
14 years ago
62 posts
Good one!I believe that forlorn doggie was last seen in the song Life Gets Teejus, Don't It ?Cal Tinney did a popular version in the late 1940s and Doc Watson did a live recording in the early 1970s.
Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
14 years ago
1,764 posts
"Hound dog howlin', he's so forlorn,The laziest dog that ever was born.He's a howlin' so 'cause he's a sitting on a thornAnd he's just too tired to roll over."That comes from some Doc Watson tune whose name I can't remember.And I heard years ago that the Beatles song "Martha My Dear" was about Paul's English sheepdog.Fun stuff.D.T.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
14 years ago
1,457 posts
Certainly no dog ever bit a baby in an OT tune.3.gif
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
14 years ago
1,457 posts
Good one, Hunter!
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
14 years ago
1,457 posts
Mary Z Cox posted this "Old Blue" on YouTube-- and she's playing her new Paul Conrad-made Timbre Hill dulcimer:
Paul Rappell
Paul Rappell
14 years ago
31 posts
I mentioned this one on the cat post: "Henry Thomas" by John Sebastian, from the late 1966 album "Hums of the Lovin' Spoonful".My cat - dragged in - through the door - one fine mornOn its back - ears hungForty pounds of feet and tongue.Ooh wee, my dear Henry, dig the dog the cat dragged in.Can't fight - won't bite - has bugs - eats rugsSmells flowers - sleeps hoursGrowing like a dinosaur.There's a slide whistle solo. Go figure!(The late Zal Yanovsky, lead guitarist for the Spoonful, and quite likely the slide whistle player, moved to Kingston and opened a great gourmet restaurant, Chez Piggy, which is now run by his daughter, as well as Pan Chancho Bakery, both in historic buildings. Zal was quite the character in this town.)
Phil Myers
Phil Myers
14 years ago
28 posts
Thanks Flint! Here's a picture of my dulcimer "Ellie" that I played the tune on. You can see why it is an appropriate instrument for a song about an old yellow dog.
Flint Hill
Flint Hill
14 years ago
62 posts
This really cooks, Phil. Like it a lot.It's striking to me how some old-time tunes sound like baroque French dance music when they're played on the dulcimer. I think it's the pacing and the implied harmony of the chords. A lot of those old gavottes and minuets started out as "country music" or turned into country music as they trickled down from the French court to the villages. Whatever, this sounds really rustic and pretty.
Phil Myers
Phil Myers
14 years ago
28 posts
Here's my version of Old Yellow Dog. It probably should go faster but I tried it both ways and kinda like this one better.
Flint Hill
Flint Hill
14 years ago
62 posts
Goodnight Little Cowup is my favorite sweet, sappy, country dog song. It's by Stephanie Davis, who has three Australian Shepherds.
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
14 years ago
1,457 posts
Oh, "Gnarled" is great and great fun-- thanks for including it here, fellas!Suzanne, I've never seen these lyrics nor before heard the song. Poignant. Thank you.
Flint Hill
Flint Hill
14 years ago
62 posts
Gnarled This has been a fun thread!
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
14 years ago
1,457 posts
Thanks for the links, Ken. I was familiar neither with the legend surrounding Gelert nor the story of Saint Guinefort.Dogs rule! Come to think of it, cats do, too! :)
Flint Hill
Flint Hill
14 years ago
62 posts
Robin, I don't know the song, but the story is known as the "Gelert Legend" among English-speaking people. It's a Welsh story, also found in cultures worldwide, with the faithful dog replaced by a tame bear, a mongoose, or whatever.See also the noncanonical Saint Guinefort who is definitely a good sort of saint.
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
14 years ago
1,457 posts
Ken, "Old Blue" is deserving of the praise it gets.I heard a song on radio about a man who returns to his cabin to find his dog bloodied. Believing the dog to have killed his child, the man kills the dog. Of course the fellow then learns the dog had gotten bloodied protecting (or trying to protect) the child from a wild animal.This ring a bell with anybody? I don't remember the facts of the song well-- probably obvious. Maybe it's one of the maudlin coon dog songs Ken mentioned. Anyway, the song hit me right in the heart. My, was it sad!
Flint Hill
Flint Hill
14 years ago
62 posts
Thanks Robin, for using Old Blue to kick this one off. We lost both our blueticks this year, and they're the last ones we'll have. Too old to keep up with them. :)I think all these have been mentioned, but here are some links.There's "Coon Dog" , aka "Old Coon Dog" which uses pretty much the same tune as Angeline the Baker.Then there's "My Old Coon Dog" sung to the same tune as "Whoa Mule".Here's "Old Rattler" sung by Grandpa Jones.You can buy whole CDs of maudlin coon dog songs if you go to one of the big hunts, but I would recommend it. :)
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
14 years ago
1,457 posts
ff,I don't recall ever hearing all the lyrics. And you're right about that last line. I imagine the poor dog might've been off somewhere on a chase if he weren't charged with watching over feckless Betsy and Ike. :)
14 years ago
357 posts
How could you forget the dog:Oh don't you remember sweet Betsy from Pike,Who crossed the wide prairie with her lover Ike,With two yoke of oxen, a big yellow dog,A tall Shangai rooster, and one spotted hog?CHORUS:Singing dang fol dee dido,Singing dang fol dee day.One evening quite early they camped on the Platte.'Twas near by the road on a green shady flat.Where Betsy, sore-footed, lay down to repose --With wonder Ike gazed on that Pike County rose.The Shanghai ran off, and their cattle all died;That morning the last piece of bacon was fried;Poor Ike was discouraged and Betsy got mad,The dog drooped his tail and looked wondrously sad.It's the line "The dog drooped his tail and looked wondrously sad" that always catches me. I can just see him looking at his people thinking, "Well, this is another fine mess you've gotten me into!" ;-) Robin Thompson said:
Right now, I've got fiddler Rayna Gellert's Old Yeller Dog Come Trottin Through The Meetinghouse playing on my iTunes. Neat tune.

folkfan, I don't know all the words to Sweet Betsey from Pike so am glad she took her dog. Of the words I know, she only had her husband Ike with her.
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
14 years ago
1,457 posts
Flint-Hill's "Old Blue" tops my list!When I was little, I wanted to know if there was a dog heaven. Now that I'm well into middle age, I know where I want to go when I die. :)
14 years ago
49 posts
But, isn't the best dog song EVER, "Old Blue?"And you banja pickers ought to know "Cumberland Mountain Deer Race," with various dogs being called by name, and imitated on the banjo. More acoustically realistic is DeFord Bailey's harmonica rendition of "Fox Chase," on the same general theme, only the dogs are chasing a different critter.I regularly have deer and foxes in my yard, but almost never a dog (chasing them, or otherwise). Fairfax County has a leash law, applied pretty strictly to dogs, but not to wildlife. Hardly seems fair.
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
14 years ago
1,457 posts
Mary, have you ever heard John Hartford's old-timey version of "You Ain't Nothin' But a Hound Dog"?PS-The second YouTube link didn't take me to your favorite dog tune of all time. :(
14 years ago
2,302 posts
Also the fiddle tunes:Joke on the Puppy (also known as Rye Straw)Ole Coon DogPrairie DogThat's My Rabbit, My Dog Caught It (gotta love old-time fiddle tune names)Road DogCorn DogPretty Little DogLittle Lap Dogand of course,Salty Dog

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Mary Z. Cox
Mary Z. Cox
14 years ago
62 posts

Well, of course there is Elvis's "Ain't Nothin but a Hounddog.""Little Black Dog Gone Trottin' Down the Road" (a nice old time fiddle tune) is tabbed and taped on mountain dulcimer in my new "Easy String Band Method for Mountain Dulcimer" book cd.It's also on fiddle and banjo in the key of D on my Vintage Banjo cd.oh--and here's a youtube of the tune on banjo. :)
There's a nice version of "Old Yellow Dog" on my "Walkin' That Banjo Home" cd.And, of course, my favorite dog tune of all time is only available in this Youtube.
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
14 years ago
1,457 posts
Right now, I've got fiddler Rayna Gellert's Old Yeller Dog Come Trottin Through The Meetinghouse playing on my iTunes. Neat tune.folkfan, I don't know all the words to Sweet Betsey from Pike so am glad she took her dog. Of the words I know, she only had her husband Ike with her.
14 years ago
357 posts
Happy Puppy, and remember that Sweet Betsey from Pike took her dog with her. The old yeller dog along with the Shanghai Rooster.
14 years ago
2,302 posts
There are a few fiddle tunes (with no lyrics) that I enjoy the names of-Stump-tailed Dolly is said to be named after a dog, as is Old Rattler.I also like the fiddle tunes Dogs in the Dishes, and Granny Will Your Dog Bite.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
14 years ago
1,457 posts
Lassie, Ole Yeller, Spot. . . How much is that doggie in the window? B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O. . . Whether you actually had a dog or not, many grew up watching, reading, or singing about a dog.
Got any favorite dog-themed songs?
Here's one of mine and it's by FOTMD member Flint-Hill:

updated by @robin-thompson: 08/03/23 11:09:45AM