Contra dancing :)

2 years ago
46 posts

A few days ago at my ballroom studio (where I dance, not which I own Laugh ) we did a "quadrille."  It reminded me of scenes from Jane Austen movies.  We were one person short of two group of eight; I suggested calling someone in from the street, but instead they used a large balloon of Mickey Mouse as a place holder (but he couldn't go round the circle weaving between the "follows," aka the ladies.  Actually I think Mickey was a follow, he would have needed to weave between the leads). 

Anyway, it was fun.  In ballroom we don't usually do such organized formation.  It's just a bunch of couples waltzing or foxtrotting and making sure to avoid colliding with each other. 

I'll have to see whether (or where!) there is a contra dance here in Los Angeles county.  You know there's gotta be one. 

2 years ago
2,315 posts

I'm going to my favorite monthly contra dance tonight! I usually attend 2-3 dances per month, in various nearby towns. I'd go every weekend if there were dances every weekend. Tonight I'm giving a ride to two neighbor twins who'll soon be headed to college.. they are wonderful dancers, very enthusiastic and upbeat to talk to. Usually there are people of all ages at contra dances, from age 5 to 85. Tonight's dance is in a very large old community center building with a wood-floored Hall with a stage, like a typical Grange Hall. This dance usually has anywhere between 60-120 people. Fun tonight! 😊

Chances are there is a monthly contra dance within an hour's drive of where you live, closer if you live in an urban area.

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Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
2 years ago
46 posts

I love that film!  It's fun to get a sense of the various personalities. 

I always wish people danced more, just in a social setting.  It puts a light in people's eyes. 

2 years ago
2,315 posts

Not much has changed in contra dancing since this 1964 film:

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
5 years ago
2,315 posts

Dusty Turtle:But COVID has certainly changed our perspectives.  Looking at all those people so close together, indoors, breathing heavy, all I can think of is how easy it would be to pass germs.

I know, right?  tic

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
5 years ago
1,784 posts

I recognized you right away, Strumelia! Even the low energy dance would be a workout, if only because of how long the dancing goes on with no breaks.

But COVID has certainly changed our perspectives.  Looking at all those people so close together, indoors, breathing heavy, all I can think of is how easy it would be to pass germs.

Dusty T., Northern California
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As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
5 years ago
2,315 posts

No, I'm not the guy with the! If you look beyond him, closer to the band. I have a black top, short grey hair, and a black skirt with pink spots on it.

Here's an example of a really bog high energy contra dance- at the Saratoga NY Dance Flurry... I've gone to this dance a few times and danced to this band... they are cool. (btw I am not in this video) It's just the two guys playing instruments, but they keep adding snippets of themselves recording them live right there and looping them on top of each other til it sounds really intense.  Watch them work, but then be amazed when at around 1:45 in the video, the camera starts panning out to the dancers in the hall... surprised   That's a major dance.

Just sitting here this evening fondly watching dances and spotting folks I remember in them...  :)

Then lastly, here's one more video of the same venue in Saratoga, from this past February... just before Covid-19 came along and RUINED everything. This one has a more traditional fiddle band playing, but you get the idea of how much fun and high energy it can be...  bananadance

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Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
5 years ago
168 posts

Are you the one with the Celt?   such fun dancing.  

5 years ago
2,315 posts

Because of Covid-19, the last contra dance i attended was Feb 22 2020. Of course all contra dances have been called off until things are safe again, whenever that will be.  I sure miss contra dancing a whole lot. I used to go 3 or 4 times a month to various dances in different locations within an hour's drive.  crying1

I just came across a youtube video I didn't see before, of a dance in Sheffield MA back in November 2019, it's one of the dances I used to attend regularly. It's held in a lovely old wooden community center, Dewey Hall. This particular dance tends to have quite a few dancers in their teens. It's a small hall, so we have to be a little careful not to bump into others. Most contra dances are from 8-11pm, with a 20 minute snack break in the middle.

I remember this dance, it was not as high energy compared to some other dances I go to. But it's a great mix of young and old and everyone in between. The boy fiddler Zane in the middle is only around 10 years old, and his father is playing guitar. The caller is a very talented musical young lady in her 20s named Maggie. I know many of the dancers by name. All wonderful folks, and I really look forward to the day the dances start up again... everyone will be soooo happy when the in-person dancing resumes!

You can see me here and there in the video on the right side, mostly at 0:47 and again around 1:58.  I have a black top on. gangnam1

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 09/12/20 09:00:00PM
Marlene Powell
Marlene Powell
6 years ago
1 posts

How interesting to run across this thread.  I am a long-time contra dancer as well as a flatfooter/clogger (was in a couple of different performance troupes for several years.  I love old-time dance and music so much that I wrote my dissertation on it all those many years ago (Creating Community: An Ethnography of Old-Time Dance Groups).  I'm getting ready to teach a flatfooting class this Fall at our local senior center.  Keep dancing, all.  Keeps us young, and you can't beat the music.  

6 years ago
168 posts

AHHHHHHHHHH, WHAT A FABULOUS THREAD.  When I moved from Hawaii to Ashland, Oregon, I went to some Contra Dancing and had never seen it done in Hawaii. (of course)  Loved it.  For some reason, I married the ONLY TONGAN from Tonga that didn't dance.  But he made up for it by playing so many instruments and that's been the best.  In Ashland, there was a harp maker that played wonderful hammered dulcimer and he'd just about dance while he was playing.  I so love live bands like that.  thanks for sharing all about this on here.  I looked at every video.  aloha, irene

6 years ago
2,315 posts


...Whew, what a workout.


I remember 10 years ago when I first started contra dancing.  For the first few months, I'd have to sit out every other dance, it was such an intense workout. I thought I might have a heart attack otherwise!  Nowadays I have no problem dancing every single dance even for like 5 hours at a festival type dance event... yet I'm ten years older.  oma

Ya gotta keep drinking lots of water though.  Dehydration can really sneak up on you when you're dancing, especially if you get hot. hot   I also like to put some electrolytes powder in my BIG cold thermos of water. 

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
6 years ago
87 posts

Contra dancing is very popular here.  Because I was new, the regulars made sure I didn't sit a dance out.  Whew, what a workout.  Sometimes I go just to listen to the music and watch the dancers.  People have so much fun and some dress in old timey outfits.  What I like is that adults dance with kids and no one is left out.  Boy can those kids dance.  Nina

6 years ago
2,315 posts

There are so many nice things about contra dancing.  Since you typically dance with a different person there for every dance, you don't need to come to the dance with a partner.  Since every dance is taught beforehand, you don't need to memorize any dances, ever.  You just learn various short moves (do-si-do, circle left, swing, lines forward and back, allemande,) and once you know about 8 or 10 moves you see that the dances are simply combining the moves in various sequences that are so cool.  Then you can forget the dance you just learned and try a new one, using the same moves.  And the caller helps with verbal prompts through the whole first half of each dance until people can remember what comes next.   :)

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
6 years ago
2,315 posts

Just bumping this OLD thread in case there are new members who love contra dancing like I do.

I'm excited because in two weeks there'll be a DOUBLE contra dance at my favorite venue I regularly dance at in Lenox MA.  They'll have a 2 hour dance, then a 1 hour potluck, followed by another 3 hour dance.  Woo-HOOO! 
I'll have to change shoes halfway through, because using the same shoes (even if they're normally comfortable) for more than 4 straight hours of dancing has never been a good idea for me.

I can't wait! Meanwhile, there's a normal 3 hour dance this weekend in a lovely barn 40 minutes from me, and I'll be going to that one. That barn series is usually only during the warm months.

It'll be interesting to wear my new step counting wrist fitness tracker for this upcoming double dance.  surprised

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Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
11 years ago
2,315 posts

Katie, since we are both upi the Hudson Valley from NYC, I wouldn't be surprised if you and I haven't attended the same contra dance at some point.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Lois Sprengnether Keel
Lois Sprengnether Keel
12 years ago
197 posts


Have never heard of Strip the Willow, but the movement looks familiar. Loving bagpipes, I'd love to see our annual Highland Games start this. Here in the Detroit metro area we've the oldest U.S. Highland Games, but all dancing is left to the young lassies and occasional lads in competition. When I get to the next Contra dance I'll have to ask about Strip the Willow. Dare I presume it's the name of the tune?

Of course just saying "We do a lot of Strip the Willow here, though I'm not sure if it's contra-dancing but it is fun" could be subject to misinterpretation if folks just see "strip" and "fun."29.gif

Lois Sprengnether Keel
Lois Sprengnether Keel
12 years ago
197 posts

Our folklore society joins with a contra group to produce an annual dance. Have gone to the past 2 years. This past year I was all set to join the contra group when health problems got in the way. It will come up again this February. I'll have the insanity of being in Sweet Charity in March, but hope this is the year I finally start being a contra dancer and not just a contra newbie visitor. Dance is definitely my favorite exercise and mainly it's been belly dancing in recent years, so this looks like a fun way to add more dance.

12 years ago
2,315 posts

Great old movie scenes, Patty. That 'Grand March' seems a bit stiff and formal!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Patty from Virginia
Patty from Virginia
12 years ago
231 posts

I know this can't be contra dancing but was always interested in this and the purpose of it when I saw it, , Fort Apache starring John Wayne and Henry Fonda. Then Lt. Col. Thursday danced with Sgt. O'Rourke's wife,

. Henry Fonda sure could cut a rugGrin.gif

Patty from Virginia
Patty from Virginia
12 years ago
231 posts

I think I understand. I hope to have an opportunity to participate in these dances. Nothing like learning by doing. Thanks for the information. It sure looks like funSmile.gif

12 years ago
2,315 posts

Patty, in a square dance, four couples form a square and dance with each other through the entire dance. In a contra dance, couples generally form double lines that stretch the entire length of the hall. A large hall with lots of dancers may have as many as 3 to 5 full lines, a smaller dance may have only 1 long line of couples.

Every other couple moves in one direction while dancing with people along the way, and the other half move in the other direction while dancing with couples they encounter along the way. The end result is that each couple winds up dancing with every other couple in the line. When you and your partner eventually get to one end of the line, you turn and start back again, dancing in turn with each couple you meet in the line.

You and your partner mostly stay together as you work your way down the line dancing, but you wind up also dancing with just about everyone else in the line too. I think that makes it particularly fun. You also cover more ground, from one end of the hall to the other, as opposed to staying in one spot like the 4 couples in a square dance do. Both contra dancing and square dancing do incorporate some steps in common, such as do-si-do and swing your partner...

This contra dance video shows how people keep dancing with different other people as they work their way up or down the line:

Here is a very lively and crowded contra dance:

It looks like chaos to a non-dancer, but you can see the well organized double line of couples go 'forward and back' right on time at the 0:42 mark. they know exactly what they are doing! lol

Again, another crowded lively dance:

At the 0:56 time mark in this one, again at 2:00, you can again see those organized long lines of couples go forward and back. The caller stops calling the moves after a while, as the dancers get the hang of the sequence of moves. Each dance is different. I have danced in that Greenfield MA hall, and I've danced with half the folks in that video at one time or another. That particular band is terrific- they are only two young men and they play everything you hear- electronically looping each part on top of the next as they play on different instruments- live. The tension builds as they add more parts and loop them on top of what they just played a minute before. lots of energy! I do square dances occasionally, but I find contra dances to have a different feel. Hope this adds some info...or maybe just confuses it more for you!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
12 years ago
2,157 posts

Contra dance incorporates round dances, square dances and other partnered folk dances where couples face each other in lines similar to Scottish Country Dancing.

Patty from Virginia
Patty from Virginia
12 years ago
231 posts

This is probably a dumb question but here goes. What is the difference between contra dancing and square dancing? I remember doing square dancing in school. From the video it seems to be square dancing. Did I miss something along the way?

12 years ago
2,315 posts

I bet there are some other contra dancers here...!

Tomorrow night I'm going as usual to a double-long holiday contra dance in Lenox Mass, with a potluck in the middle between two whole long dances. I usually go to a couple of contra dances per month, and have been doing so for about 4 years now I think.I love the exercise, and I always laugh a great deal- so good for the spirit.

I just now came upon this video someone took from a year ago of the dec 2012 Lenox dance- hadn't seen it before and was surprised to see myself dancing in it!:

I'm wearing a black top, flowered skirt, and am in the right half of the screen. At the very start of the video, I'm dancing with the fellow in the red shirt, but of course partners keep switching throughout the dance.

Anyone else here like to contra dance?

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 07/31/23 07:34:50PM