Native American Flutes

Caleb Dan Bennett
Caleb Dan Bennett
9 years ago
8 posts

Original NAF weren't tuned to any key. They were made according to a person's size of arm and hand. It was called grandfather tuning. Each flute was tuned to itself.



9 years ago
2,315 posts

Question: are all NAFs in minor keys?  If so, is that because Native American music tends to be in minor keys?

Just wondering.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
9 years ago
98 posts

Congrats to all the new folks discovering this amazing Instrument that only came into my life 4 months ago and yet feel like I've been playing my whole life. It has truly changed my life! I've squirreled away money to buy flutes and even have been selling some of my other instruments. It has also come at a good time as I have been having very bad hand pain in my left hand between my thumb and my pointer. It's made it very painful to play the dulcimer or the guitar. Thankfully the flute has been mostly okay! (If I do a marathon session of playing when I get afforded that luxury then it could cramp but again nothing like the pain when playing the other instruments. And forget mandolin or uke even worse!

I reached out to an incredible flute player and maker George Dyson and he is making me an Em flute out of River Cane and the fetish is going to be a hawk because ever since my mom died 17 months ago I've been seeing Hawks at the oddest times. Usually when I'm thinking of her. When I asked him if he carved Hawks (as I saw his incredible horses) he said he did but usually it's just the head. I asked if he ever did one with wings spread and he said he hadn't but he felt moved to try with my story of my mom. He lost his dad this past March and he was he teacher and mentor so he felt a kinship. I'm so excited! 

Well take care everyone. I don't have any people near me that play so I'm really glad for forums like this and on Facebook!

John Keane
John Keane
9 years ago
181 posts

Yay Susie!

Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

Congratulations.   You won't be sorry.

9 years ago
509 posts

This is addicting. Ordered a B flute in walnut yesterday from High Spirits. :)

9 years ago
509 posts

Terry Wilson:

 Hey Susie, you may want to listen to some or all of John and Karen Keane"s videos they have posted, using the NAF and dulcimer.    If you search, you will find many, and I believe the dulcimer is most always played in DAd.   The Keane's are also keen on answering any questions you might need answering.  

Will do. I had the privilege of talking with Karen at Evart last week. Nice folks.

Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

 Hey Susie, you may want to listen to some or all of John and Karen Keane"s videos they have posted, using the NAF and dulcimer.    If you search, you will find many, and I believe the dulcimer is most always played in DAd.   The Keane's are also keen on answering any questions you might need answering.  

9 years ago
509 posts

Thanks for your responses to my question, Caleb and Terry. Good info also shared by the others.


Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
9 years ago
259 posts

 Caleb, I have heard that's a good key for playing with md. I have also heard Am will sound good with md too.

Caleb Dan Bennett
Caleb Dan Bennett
9 years ago
8 posts

Bm flute plays well with dulcimer tuned DAdd. I had a chance to play my dulcimer with a friend at flute circle while he acompanied me with a Bm flute


9 years ago
2,315 posts

Thanks so much Sheryl- that makes perfect sense!  

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
9 years ago
259 posts

Lisa, Great question! I saw a bowl of plastic tubing that was cut into about 1" pieces, next to the flutes. "What's this?" I said. A man next to me explained that we should stick them into the end of the flute we want to try, to solve the sharing issue. 

There was a baby grand piano, a md, and a bunch of NAF's, but it seemed to me that a solo on any type of flute, or other instrument, would have been welcomed.

9 years ago
2,315 posts

Sheryl, that must have been soooo much fun for you!  Was this flute group just about Native American style flutes?- or were there regular classical type flutes, penny whistles, and recorders as well?

Forgive me for asking this question, but I'm curious- how do the folks there deal with the issue of various people trying out flutes on on display, with their mouths on them and all?  Or is everyone just not bothered much by it?

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
9 years ago
259 posts

Thanks Lexie, I did not play any of the flutes with other instruments, as there were only flutes there. But a lady played a flute in the key of E while her sister accompanied her on the piano, and then we listened to a recording of the same song that was a flute and guitar. That said, I did try a flute made of Lagustrum in Bb and I really liked the sound. 

Lexie R Oakley
Lexie R Oakley
9 years ago
229 posts

Sheryl that is awesome you have such a great musical community and got to go to a NAF group. 

When you tried out the many flutes did you find a key you would like to play with another instrument? I am contemplating a Bb by High Spirits for my next NAF. 

I am happy to hear you got to play a solo and have support from your new group. flute  Happy fluting. 


updated by @lexie-r-oakley: 07/17/16 01:12:15PM
Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
9 years ago
259 posts

A friend of mine gave me a Jonah Thompson flute in Am recently. My first NAF. The Raleigh NC area being the wonderful music community that it is, is home to the Neuse River Flute Circle. 

I went to my first meeting yesterday, not knowing what to expect. It was hosted by a couple at their Raleigh home, she gives lessons, he builds flutes. There was a presentation on Taos musician John Rainer Jr., and we listened to some of his recordings. After that we went around the room and whoever wanted to play, played solo. I played the only song I know so far, Cherokee Morning Song. We had snacks, and tried out the many beautiful flutes on display. It was a fun afternoon, and I will be going to the next circle meeting. 

I was expecting something more like our dulcimer jams, but there was no group playing. I had previously been focused on buying a flute in a key that sounds good with a md, but now I think I will get one I like the sound of, because I don't really see myself playing folk music on it at a md jam. I see it more played as a duet with an md, guitar, piano, etc. Anyway, I am hooked. flute

Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts


That is the same Bm NAF that I own.  Since I play solo 100% of the time, I don't know how it sounds with dulcimer. 

However, the reason I bought it, my first flute,  was because one of our most respected members recommended it. His first name is John, if that's a clue.

I figured one day before I die, I might get a chance to play it in a dulcimer jam.

I love mine.  I was just practicing Holy Holy Holy, before leaving for church this morning.





updated by @terry-wilson: 07/17/16 05:44:53PM
9 years ago
509 posts

Ok, for those of you who have purchased the Bm flute, does it work well with dulcimer? I'm thinking about the White Tail Hawk from High Spirits. It sounds like the best choice for playing with a dulcimer playing in the key of D.

Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

Oh, that's okay, Maria.  I own four HSF, and that's a plenty for now.

While I practice with most all my flutes, my HS Bm is the go to flute.  I played two songs with it yeasterday, at an assisted living home.  The 20 or so people gave me lots of smiles and hand claps.  They realize I am new to this instrument, so they seem genuinely happy with my progress. 

When all of your flute playing is solo, there really no reason to have every key.  The HSF Bm is a wonderful key for others to sing along as you play.  Music is like a shot of energy to the residents.  Gotta love it.  And I do.

9 years ago
98 posts

Terry Wilson:


I cancelled my flute order yesterday.  James opened the door to this decision,  since two weeks turned into 5 weeks.  

I like James, and have no I'll feelings.  He's been real busy and had an eye injury. 

I'm probably going to stick to High Spirits flutes.

OH that is a real shame. He truly makes beautiful flutes. I know he emailed me about one that I was thinking of getting (a drone) and said that amazon has removed all of his's a shame as you said he's a nice guy. He's probably just not capable of "mass producing" for places like Amazon where the normal customers want their items in two days. 5 weeks is really a long time and I'm sorry it didn't pan out for you.

You can't beat high spirits. I really am enjoying mine. I'm getting to love my gm more and more. It's funny it seems that they have to be almost worked into...maybe it's just getting them "broken in" like shoes lol!!

Much success on all your next flute buying purchases and I'm sorry that something I recommended didn't work out...

Take care


Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

It's all okay, Lexie.   I needed another flute like I need a hole in my head.  


Lexie R Oakley
Lexie R Oakley
9 years ago
229 posts

Terry, sorry your flute order didn't turn out and hope James gets better.

I really like High Spirits and hope you get your new flute soon.

Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts


I cancelled my flute order yesterday.  James opened the door to this decision,  since two weeks turned into 5 weeks.  

I like James, and have no I'll feelings.  He's been real busy and had an eye injury. 

I'm probably going to stick to High Spirits flutes.

Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

I sure will, Maria.  Thanks. 

9 years ago
98 posts

Terry Wilson:

Hi Maria


No flute yet.  He said, 2 to 3 weeks.  Now a month.  Here's my take.  He's taking extra time, to build me the most magnificent C flute imaginable. 


No flute in another week or so I'll start getting a tiny bit concerned.   I live a very laid back life style.  Nothing bothers me except my health.  


I'll let you know.


Best regards 



You are very nice and of course I would be concerned as well. However I did have an email conversation with with him and he said he's really gotten busy and he was so nice to say "I'm sure you have something to do either with that!" He said its just as busy as he was Christmas. But I still would email him and say that since he mentioned 2 weeks and it's 4 that you wondered what happened.  

Ler me know if you want me to mention any anything to him. And I think the tone are really special and hope you love it. Maria 

Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

Hi Maria

No flute yet.  He said, 2 to 3 weeks.  Now a month.  Here's my take.  He's taking extra time, to build me the most magnificent C flute imaginable. 

No flute in another week or so I'll start getting a tiny bit concerned.   I live a very laid back life style.  Nothing bothers me except my health.  

I'll let you know.

Best regards 


updated by @terry-wilson: 06/17/16 07:02:52AM
9 years ago
98 posts


Terry Wilson:



James, at Gray Fox Flutes, is building me a 5 hole cedar flute key of C.


I mentioned to him of your love for the flute he made you.  He was happy you were happy.


With the addition of this C, I'll only be lacking a F and E, to round out my initial collection.  Later perhaps. 


Did you ever get your Gray Fox Flute and what do you think?

I love both of the ones I got from him and so reasonable!!

I may be ordering a drone soon I have to see...(So happy that I hadn't used all my Amazon gift card money) and so glad he is able to sell his flute on there!!


let me know bout the Flute!
take care


Lexie R Oakley
Lexie R Oakley
10 years ago
229 posts

Hehee, I just ordered a flute for myself and one for Lil' Girly from High Spirits, mine is white ceder in medium tone "A" a "Sparrow Hawk" and Girly's is in Birch a high "D" called "Kestral" each are 6 hole but one can be covered up. We shall get them in 5 days or so and I will let you know how we do.

I am thrilled, I want to have this be a thing we can do together and create music together.giggle2

updated by @lexie-r-oakley: 10/01/23 01:37:29PM
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