Native American Flutes

Caleb Dan Bennett
Caleb Dan Bennett
9 years ago
8 posts

You can't have too many flutes I say! lol

9 years ago
509 posts

I ordered the high G in aromatic cedar as soon as I got the sale email from HS. Turns out, my sister also ordered a high F# in birch.


updated by @susie: 11/21/16 10:36:57AM
9 years ago
98 posts


I played my sister's HS pocket flute (G, in aromatic cedar). It was a really cool little flute with a nice voice. It sounded great with the G mid-tone. Now I want one. wasntme  

Then Susie, here's your perfect time to get one!! they are on sale for THIS week. 25 percent off all the flutes!

Let me know if you get one. I ordered mine!! 

Take care


9 years ago
509 posts

25% off currently at High Spirits.

9 years ago
509 posts

Yes, a lot less. The two were beautiful together. I have a mid-tone G, as well as my sister. I think for the price. I'll just have to get one. thumbsup

9 years ago
509 posts

I played my sister's HS pocket flute (G, in aromatic cedar). It was a really cool little flute with a nice voice. It sounded great with the G mid-tone. Now I want one. wasntme  

9 years ago
509 posts


9 years ago
509 posts

Jennifer, very cute! How does it sound?

9 years ago
64 posts

I have two Em flutes The ancient territories along with the Fm from the same maker are both tuned to 432. I can't prove with any certainty if in any tangible way there is a difference. But I do feel more peaceful after playing them. As if I just meditated or the way I feel after doing yoga, and they are the two I pick up to play everyday. As for playing along with other instruments.No problem, I simply tuned my dulcimer to 432, you can do the same with any stringed instrument. I tuned my dulcimer here to 432.

updated by @monica: 10/09/16 06:07:51AM
9 years ago
509 posts

Thanks Monica, that's good to know. 

9 years ago
64 posts

Susie, It is surprisingly easy to play. It's the standard size .The top four holes are large but the reach is the same as my Em from I had the Em for a while It prepared me for the Low D. I had to return the Butch Hall was impossible to play.

Once you have settled in with your F#. I do recommend the Condor bass flutes, E and D are very special. more meditative. The Em and Fm flutes I have are tuned to 432hrz. My next flute is the condor bass C....never say no more :)

the craftsmanship  and playability of John Stillwell's flutes is superb. here are the 3 from him

updated by @monica: 10/08/16 04:52:33PM
9 years ago
509 posts

Monica, thanks, those bass flutes are intriguing, how does it play/sound?

Strumelia, thanks!

9 years ago
2,315 posts

Susie, your new flute is beautiful.

All these flutes are like works of art, really.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
9 years ago
64 posts

Beautiful Flutes Susie, I recently got a Condor bass D from High Spirits. I love it.

condor bass d.jpg
condor bass d.jpg  •  88KB

9 years ago
64 posts

Thanks Jennifer, the the horse head totem was made by George Dyson it's a river cane flute in the key of Em.He takes custom requests for any kind of animal fetish (totem). The short flat one is a Drone Flute in the key of Bm, it was made by here in Canada. ..In the USA Kenny King also makes Drones..well there are many flute makers that make them. I also have 3 flutes from Ancient Territories favourites.

9 years ago
509 posts

Monica, your flutes are beautiful! 

Strumelia, with guitar as my main instrument (have 6), and next my dulcimers (have 6), I'm trying to be reasonable with the NAF's. So, 3 will do it for now. But you're right, never say never.wasntme

Lexie, here's a pic.

updated by @susie: 10/08/16 03:59:56PM
9 years ago
64 posts

There is always one more flute, because you have to factor in wet out, the different keys and tone of the different woods and they are generally more affordable than most instruments

Lexie R Oakley
Lexie R Oakley
9 years ago
229 posts

Susie, exciting that you got your new flute and very happy your husband seems like he will enjoy listening to you play.

Yes we would love to see a picture of it, sounds very beautiful.

9 years ago
2,315 posts

Susie, we'd love to see a picture of your new walnut flute with turquoise.  And always good when one's spouse approves of a new instrument!  pimento

I've learned over the years to never, ever say "This is the last ____ I'm getting".  Never paint yourself into a corner. lolol...

Last night I ordered several more pennywhistles in various keys.  grin

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
9 years ago
509 posts

I got my HS mid-tone F# Golden Eagle NAF yesterday. Wow, what a beautiful tone. My husband even said "that's a really nice sounding Flute". The turquoise flair is really pretty with the walnut. I'm very happy with my third Flute. I think it will be my #1. thumbsup

9 years ago
2,315 posts

Terry, my right foot always starts tapping to the beat when i play I'd say that would not be compatible with!   =8-o

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

Lisa, it's kind of ironic that as you were posting your message, I was sitting at my desk, practicing vibrato on a ten hole harmonica.  Plan to do "Down in the Valley" tomorow morning at the assisted living home.  Great song for vibrato.

In response to what you said about playing and driving, I agree with you, this is not a safe practice.  I've been doing it for around two years now, and I must admit that there have been several times when I was a distracted driver.  With that said, I don't recommend it.  If you are not doing it now, don't do it.  However, and you knew this was coming, I doubt I will stop this practice.  I do pick my spots though, when not to play, like heavy traffic, school zones, or 45 mph or less.  The slower the traffic, the danger goes up. 

Now, I'd like to see a video of you playing bones while driving.  Not really, but that would be interesting.  Hey, when I first got my tabor 3 hole flute, I gave it a go while driving.  But then you know the rest of the story.sniffcry

9 years ago
2,315 posts

Terry Wilson: Maria, if you think stealing some time with a flute is more convenient than stringed instruments, and I agee, try the ultimate convenient instrument:  HARMONICA!!!  I live approximately 14 miles from anywhere, so anytime I go anywhere, alone of course, I practice harp while driving.  I love it.  😊  

Terry, I hear you!  I think I can add to that list of handy take-along instruments too:  the Bones!  and...when I get a little better at penny whistle!  Both are extremely portable, lightweight, and the bones can be played one-handed... but I can't do either while driving.  We're all different, too much traffic here (and deer!) brain is one-tracked...requires my whole concentration and both hands while driving, the most I can do is listen to music or talk to my traveling companion. krazy

Susie -  last flute purchase... yeah right.  biglaugh

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 10/04/16 12:03:27PM
9 years ago
509 posts

You guys are right! 

9 years ago
98 posts


I remember saying this is my final flute after the second one, I am now on number ten. One in every key

Hee hee heee

its very addicting.....but it's a good addiction!!


9 years ago
64 posts

I remember saying this is my final flute after the second one, I am now on number ten. One in every key

9 years ago
98 posts


I ordered my 3rd (and likely final) Native American Flute today.

Hmmm that is one line that will be hard to keep to when speaking of Native Americam flutes    It's so funny because in the dulcimer community they say "how many dulcimers do you need?"  The answer : "just one more!"

hee hee 

i can't wait to hear about the next and "final" one you get!!! 

Congrats by the way I love my HS flutes!!




Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

Congratulations Susie.   Exciting times are here for you.

9 years ago
509 posts

Jennifer Brutschy:

Susie, that's exciting!  That sounds like a wonderful choice.  Though I'm not yet ready for a second flute, I've been contemplating the F sharp, so the info you gave is valuable to me in my musings.  When I get more comfortable with my A flute, I think I see an F sharp in my future.


Thanks Jennifer, I'll posts my thoughts on it after I get it.

9 years ago
509 posts

I ordered my 3rd (and likely final) Native American Flute today. A High Spirits F#m (Golden Eagle - midtone) in walnut with turquoise inlay. I wanted the F#m due to its popularity in having the traditional, haunting voice (adopted by the Native American community and their key of preference). Also, it is the key that corresponds to the notes on the staff (when you play an F# (as noted on the music staff), it is an F# that sounds). I also wanted to treat myself to one flute with a little flair, so I went with the turquoise inlay. It should look real nice with the walnut. This will be my deepest sounding flute. So, I'm pretty excited to get it.

9 years ago
509 posts

Jennifer Brutschy:


Very pretty. Nice job!

9 years ago
2,315 posts

Terry, I like to think of you carrying a harmonica with you everywhere you go.  I know how you love to play music for people and spread the happiness music brings to us all.  

Jennifer- the colors you chose for that woven flute bag are just beautiful- and perfect now for the coming Autumn.  Did you make a drawstring closure? or so other closure system?

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

Maria, if you think stealing some time with a flute is more convenient than stringed instruments, and I agee, try the ultimate convenient instrument:

HARMONICA!!!  I live approximately 14 miles from anywhere, so anytime I go anywhere, alone of course, I practice harp while driving.  I love it.  😊  

Love going Anywhere,  USA.

Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

Jennifer, your bag is beautiful.  Glad you are happy with your choice of flute.

thumbsup   Terry

9 years ago
98 posts




Ps and I wouldn't have been able to just grab my dulcimer or guitar that way  by the time I took them out of the case and played it would have been time to leave  plus for some reason when I've had my guitar out, it would have made me frustrated to only play something for such a short time  I would have felt jipped instead of peaceful  so it really is a Spirtual instrument!





9 years ago
98 posts

Nice. Congrats. And how about a pic of the flute top!! Cool bag 

enjoy the journey 

it's true what you said about even a few minutes. Last night I had to work and I didn't get a chance to play my flutes or do anything musical all day. I had literally 5 minutes before I had to leave and I grabbed my Em flute and I played two songs and I felt really happy and peaceful. Even though it was for only a short time 

I felt like my night was better because of it and I felt like I taught my students better as well!!

have fun


9 years ago
98 posts

Jennifer Brutschy:

Sleeping angel, thank you for sharing this.  I'm putting it at the top of my list of books to buy.  It sounds great.

Doors just keep opening . . .




Oh I think you will LOVE it. I learned how to read the Nakai tab and it opened up a world of music that's available. Plus I love his voice and how he teaches. I've conversed with his wife and she was so wonderful. After I purchased the second installment and then a different book on jazz for the NA flute (also by him) she send me his cd as a gift. (I had put the book on my videos to show people where I got the music from and she gave me permission to record his songs that he wrote) and I guess she was happy that I did it etc..I was so surprised. And it's a wonderful cd. It's called Remembrance. I have it in my car and listen to it over and over!!! I wish I could have thanked him. He passed away in 2010 but his wife is keeping his memory alive and I'm so glad...

Take care


9 years ago
98 posts

Jennifer Brutschy:

Yes, Terry, it feels that way.  My first experience with a dulcimer was life-altering, too.

Congrats on the HS flute. I know exactly what you mean because I felt the same way with the dulcimer too!!

and I'm sure this will be the first of many flutes for you as well. So far I have three HS and they are all very beautiful and unique in their own way!!

enjoy and if you need a good resource besides the YouTube videos from HS their is book/cd that taught me so much and is simply amazing. It's called "understanding the gift" by the late John Vames. I could just listen to the cd all day and he not only plays the examples but gives verbal instruction and encouragement!

take care 


Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

Jennifer, congratulations.   Big moment in your life.

9 years ago
509 posts

Jennifer Brutschy:

My HS Sparrow Hawk just arrived and WOW is it beautiful!

YEAH, it's fun to get a HS flute in the mail. Enjoy!

Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
9 years ago
259 posts

Nice, looking forward to hearing how it sounds. enjoy!

Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
9 years ago
259 posts


I'm thinking my next will be a HS F# mid-tone in walnut or ebonized walnut, with the turquoise. 

Thinking about that too. 

9 years ago
509 posts

Jennifer Brutschy:

I know.  I was already eyeing one with turquoise inlay!

I have been eyeing them all along, but my conservative side wins out when I have ordered the two I have. But, you know, I think I may have to make my final flute the special one with the turquoise.

9 years ago
509 posts

I'm thinking my next will be a HS F# mid-tone in walnut or ebonized walnut, with the turquoise. 

9 years ago
509 posts

Congrats Jennifer, let us know when you get it. You'll be impressed with the HS flutes. Soon you'll be planning your next purchase from them.

Lexie R Oakley
Lexie R Oakley
9 years ago
229 posts

Jennifer, I think you'll like the A Sparrow Hawk, it is a great start and I believe High Spirits do want to help people learn how to play NAF. Are you getting the package deal with the instructional video and a song book?

Also check out High Spirit instructional videos as was suggested, they really helped me and give good information on your new NAF.

Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
9 years ago
259 posts

I'd like to jump in and suggest watching the instructional videos on the HS website. I found them helpful when I began my NAF journey. flute

Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

Jennifer, if I may, the best 2 tips I could give to anyone just beginning their journey with NAF would be these:

1.  It only takes a whisper.

2.  Don't get carried away tonguing every note.

"That's about all I'm gonna say about that."(as in F. Gump)




updated by @terry-wilson: 08/26/16 10:21:45PM
Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

Jennifer, I predict you will be very pleased with your a sparrow Hawk A.  Congratulations on your choice.

This choice will get you off to a confidence building start, which is so important when learning NAF.  


9 years ago
509 posts

Jennifer Brutschy:

Would the Red Tail Hawk be a good choice for an adult beginner with small hands?  I'm considering the Sparrow Hawk in A, but haven't decided yet.

I think it would be fine. It's a larger flute, but you should have no problem with it. I'd go on the HS website and listen to the videos of each flute you are considering and pick the voice you like best. They are all beautiful, but you have to decide if you like a higher tone or a mid-tone. Personally, I like the mid-tones the best.

9 years ago
25 posts

Yes ma'am!

9 years ago
2,315 posts

Friends, any discussion about buying/selling and prices etc should be done either via Private Notes or in the For Sale Forum.  To send private messages, you'll need to first 'follow' each other by clicking 'follow' on the other person's profile page.


Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
9 years ago
25 posts

Jennifer Brutschy:

Would the Red Tail Hawk be a good choice for an adult beginner with small hands?  I'm considering the Sparrow Hawk in A, but haven't decided yet.

I have a Sparrow Hawk in A that is brand new. I would like to sell. Let me know if you are interested.

Lexie R Oakley
Lexie R Oakley
9 years ago
229 posts

I have the HS Sparrow Hawk in high A and it is easy and nice to play, but it is a little high for my liking.

For my next flute I am considering HS Red Tail Hawk in b. I think either one would work for small hands.

9 years ago
509 posts

Both are High Spirits. The larger is the Red Tail Hawk mid-tone in G, spanish cedar. The other is the White Tail Hawk high-tone in B, walnut.

9 years ago
509 posts

Thanks Jennifer. I'm probably not going to have more than 3 flutes, so it will work good for me.

9 years ago
509 posts

Thanks Lexie!

Lexie R Oakley
Lexie R Oakley
9 years ago
229 posts

Susie that is very pretty stand with your flutes on the stand. Enjoy! 

9 years ago
509 posts

My husband made me a flute stand and I did the finish work and applied the felt. A good place for my flutes to "dry out" after playing and even an extra spot for a third flute. Hmmm....

9 years ago
98 posts


Thanks for the feedback Maria!

You're welcome!


9 years ago
509 posts

Thanks for the feedback Maria!

9 years ago
98 posts


Does anyone have a HS Condor Bass, specifically with the 1" bore?


If so, impressions?

Hi Susie. 

I have that exact flute. I bought it on a "whim" at a dulcimer festival in April. I had only been playing. A few weeks. It's very well made however I still struggle to play it. As the lower holes whistle especially the last one. It's like I have to purse my lips and cover all the jokes exact or it whistles. I do like the sound but it's just a bit difficult. If I had to do it again I would get a flute from Ancient Territories or from George Dyson. They both make lower toned flutes that are much easier to play. 

Thats just my two cents. 


9 years ago
509 posts

Does anyone have a HS Condor Bass, specifically with the 1" bore?

If so, impressions?

9 years ago
98 posts

Jennifer Brutschy:

I love everything about this photo.  The wonderful stand, the collection of flutes, and the cute and smiling dad!

I look forward to getting my first flute soon, but I've already realized it will need companions down the road.  They look so beautiful displayed together, especially in such a practical way.

That is so wonderful of you to say!

and by the way he even made that table when he was 89!!! (A few months after my mom passed in 2015 his glass table broke so I gave him the idea!) He hadn't attempted anything like that in years. As his health and my mom's took turns having issues but Thank God he seems to be in a good spot now. (I just pray it lasts ) but at 91....😔  Well I'm just grateful for every moment like this!!

thank you again 


9 years ago
98 posts

Terry Wilson:

That's pretty impressive, Maria.  And your dad appears very satisfied, that he made his little girl very happy.  drumroll

Terry you are very intuitive!! He really was so glad that the liked it! And I think he also was happy at how it came out as well!!

thank you for noticing that!!


Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

That's pretty impressive, Maria.  And your dad appears very satisfied, that he made his little girl very happy.  drumroll

9 years ago
98 posts


Monica and Strumelia....yeah, you're probably right. happys  

We'll see where this goes. But with all my other instruments, I have plenty of other music to be made. The primary reason I wanted a stand, is so after playing, it can sit out and dry out. I can always store "dry" flutes in their bags/cases. So, the 3 place stand should work for now. I'll post a pic when it's done. Actually, he has built it already (just finished it). Now I have to do the staining and polying.

Here's a pic of the stand my 91 year old dad made me!! It holds 10 (and as you can see they are all being used!!!!) It's worse than DAD!!



9 years ago
509 posts

Monica and Strumelia....yeah, you're probably right. happys  

We'll see where this goes. But with all my other instruments, I have plenty of other music to be made. The primary reason I wanted a stand, is so after playing, it can sit out and dry out. I can always store "dry" flutes in their bags/cases. So, the 3 place stand should work for now. I'll post a pic when it's done. Actually, he has built it already (just finished it). Now I have to do the staining and polying.

9 years ago
2,315 posts


This FAD (flute acquisition disease) is real. My husband offered to build me a flute stand, so I said sure. He asked, how many should it hold? I have 2. I said I should be all set with 2. He's building it to hold 3. Maybe as I learn more, I'll have to fill that 3rd spot.

I suggest you have him just cut to the chase and build four of these 3-flute stands.  


Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
9 years ago
64 posts


Got my HS walnut White Tail Hawk in the key of B. Beautiful! This FAD (flute acquisition disease) is real. My husband offered to build me a flute stand, so I said sure. He asked, how many should it hold? I have 2. I said I should be all set with 2. He's building it to hold 3. Maybe as I learn more, I'll have to fill that 3rd spot.

Definitely more than 2, I started off with 1 flute I now have 8. You need one in every key and as you play you will discover there are many flute makers and different woods. I suggest a flute stand that holds 10

9 years ago
64 posts

Garland Coulson:

My wife and I play and sell Native American flutes. They are great instruments and easy to play. My love of NAF's led me to try the mountain dulcimer.


High Spirits are one of the makers we carry and are a great flute to start with. Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions. My wife also does Skype lessons.

I recently bought a Butch Hall Dm but had to return because the holes were so large that my fingers sunk in, The stretch to the last hole was a challenge, but sometimes doable. I know that the Condor bass D walnut comes in the 1" bore, Curious to know how the Regular condor bass D is. I particularly like the spanish cedar. Would the holes be too big?



9 years ago
509 posts

Got my HS walnut White Tail Hawk in the key of B. Beautiful! This FAD (flute acquisition disease) is real.

My husband offered to build me a flute stand, so I said sure. He asked, how many should it hold? I have 2. I said I should be all set with 2. He's building it to hold 3. Maybe as I learn more, I'll have to fill that 3rd spot.

updated by @susie: 08/13/16 12:55:06PM
9 years ago
98 posts

Oh Terry!! 

I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. I am going to the doc at the end of the month. I hope it's not arthritis!!

I'm glad that you are able to still play for the old folks and I'm glad that your new "treatment" is helping. I am severely allergic to fish so I can NEVER take fish oil!! 

Take care and keep on keeping on!!!


Terry Wilson
Terry Wilson
9 years ago
297 posts

  About 6 months ago I began my journey with the NAF.  I loved it, and I still do.  For several years now I have suffered from arthritis in both hands, especially in the finger area.  Some days good, some days worse.  It wasn't so bad that it stopped me from learning dulcimer and ukulele.  

However, a couple of months after taking up NAF, I noticed a pronounced change in the pain and stiffness of my hands and fingers.  It just got worse and worse.  Recently, I took up pipe (3 hole flute) and tabor (small drum).  Regrettably, I found that holding a flute with one hand and covering the holes with 3 fingers, only escalated the problem.  This is a huge disappointment, as I found pipe and tabor to be hugely fun, I mean really fun.  

So this is a word of caution.  If you suffer from arthritis in your hands, just know that if you take up NAF, you too may suffer more pain, as I have.  My advice would be to take it real easy.  Don't start playing 2 or 3 hours a day, as I did.  When I attempt to learn a new instrument, I'm all in, I go hog wild.  Just limit your playing time to perhaps 30 min. a day, and notice carefully of any increased discomfort.  

I still have my harmonicas, which is painless, so I have stepped up my playing time.  I still manage to play dulcimer and ukulele at two assisted living homes each week for an hour.  Dropping a pic was a problem this week, but Strumelia gave me a great tip, "use a larger pic".  I think it will work.  Yes, it's painful, but I love these folks too much to give it up.  

The good news is I may have discovered some help.  While my doctor has prescribed me some stronger meds, I believe 4000 mg of fish oil, no tomatoes, very little potatoes, and no white bread will help the most.  I've been taking the fish oil for 4 days now, and I can already feel some relief.  Less stiffness when I woke up this morning.  The fact that I am typing up this absolutely way too long post, is evidence that my fingers feel better.  Victory is near.  

Strumelia, I just wanted to thank you publicly for helping me get through this, with your advice and genuine concern.  You are a winner for sure.  "I will not be giving up on pipe and tabor."  

Best Regards,




updated by @terry-wilson: 08/07/16 09:54:56AM
John Keane
John Keane
9 years ago
181 posts


Question: are all NAFs in minor keys?  If so, is that because Native American music tends to be in minor keys?

Just wondering.

Nowadays they are mostly in pentatonic minor.  The b minor is particularly nice when playing with dulcimers playing in D major (b is the relative minor of D).

 / 3