Do you have a pre 1989 FolkRoots or CapriTaurus dulcimer (made by Howard Rugg)?

Kay Bolin
Kay Bolin
6 years ago
5 posts

Just purchased from a friend - made October 25, 1974 - Capritaurus model 300 Special. Spruce top, rosewood body, ebony fretboard. It's in mint condition. Super happy!!!

Patricia Delich
Patricia Delich
6 years ago
154 posts

Dusty Turtle:

Patricia Delich:  Maybe ... I don't know. You'd either have to show me where the photos are or ask Wayne ... :-)

How about this ?

Yep, that's mine! It's the one Howard's holding in his left hand. The number on mine is 001.

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
6 years ago
1,778 posts

Patricia Delich:  Maybe ... I don't know. You'd either have to show me where the photos are or ask Wayne ... :-)

How about this ?

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Patricia Delich
Patricia Delich
6 years ago
154 posts

Dusty Turtle:

Patricia Delich: I attached a photo of Lil Sweetheart. I'll also upload it to my profile page photos. 

Patricia, maybe that was the one Wayne posted some pictures of.  I remember that ribbon binding.

Maybe ... I don't know. You'd either have to show me where the photos are or ask Wayne ... :-)

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
6 years ago
1,778 posts

Patricia Delich: I attached a photo of Lil Sweetheart. I'll also upload it to my profile page photos. 

Patricia, maybe that was the one Wayne posted some pictures of.  I remember that ribbon binding.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Patricia Delich
Patricia Delich
6 years ago
154 posts

[quote="Dusty Turtle"]

[quote="Patricia Delich"]

Patricia, I wasn't aware that Howard had started building again when you guys were making the film. I thought he started afterwards, perhaps as a result of renewed attention the film brought it!  And I think I remember Wayne posting some pictures of a small dulcimer that Howard was building for him several years ago. Perhaps that was a prototype.


I attached a photo of Lil Sweetheart. I'll also upload it to my profile page photos. 



lilsweetheart.jpg  •  126KB

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
6 years ago
1,778 posts

Patricia Delich:

Dusty Turtle: I am particularly fond of the short scale dulcimers Howard has begun to build.

I have one too and I love it! Howard called her "Lil Sweetheart". She made an appearance in our film (Hearts of the Dulcimer).  :-) 

Patricia, I wasn't aware that Howard had started building again when you guys were making the film. I thought he started afterwards, perhaps as a result of renewed attention the film brought it!  And I think I remember Wayne posting some pictures of a small dulcimer that Howard was building for him several years ago. Perhaps that was a prototype.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Patricia Delich
Patricia Delich
6 years ago
154 posts

Dusty Turtle: I am particularly fond of the short scale dulcimers Howard has begun to build.

I have one too and I love it! Howard called her "Lil Sweetheart". She made an appearance in our film (Hearts of the Dulcimer).  :-) 

Patricia Delich
Patricia Delich
6 years ago
154 posts

Dulcimer Dave:

Hi Patricia,

Ken Longfield told me that Howard was still building (or maybe it was Bing).  I have not been in contact with him, but I have had conversations with Richard Ash of Folkcraft instruments. I called him after I heard him on your show! Unabashed plug: Hearts of the Dulcimer is an EXCELLENT podcast....everyone should give it a listen.



Thanks for listening! We're happy you like the podcast. Our next episode will be "The Orchestral Dulcimer," with Stephen Seifert. It's been a lot of fun making this one!

Lucky Dave
Lucky Dave
6 years ago
19 posts


The red dulcimer on the right in my profile pic is a homemade one that was started in the 40’s, but never completed. I have what I need to finish it, and hope I have the skills but it is quite a bit smaller than my other two, I can’t wait to hear it sing.

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
6 years ago
1,778 posts
I am particularly fond of the short scale dulcimers Howard has begun to build.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
6 years ago
1,197 posts

I visited Howard a couple of years ago. He was starting to build again at that point. As you can see from the other posts, he is still building very high quality dulcimers.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

6 years ago
143 posts

Actually, my very first dulcimer was a Folkroots dulcimer.  I played it for several years.  In the early 2000s I started a dulcimer club where I taught, and I passed the Folkroots dulcimer on to a student that had joined the club.  I think she probably still owns it.  

Patricia's link didn't work, probably because it was inadvertently joined to a line of text in her post.  Howard Rugg's website is here:

updated by @greg-gunner: 01/09/19 04:37:17PM
Lucky Dave
Lucky Dave
6 years ago
19 posts

Hi Patricia,

Ken Longfield told me that Howard was still building (or maybe it was Bing).  I have not been in contact with him, but I have had conversations with Richard Ash of Folkcraft instruments. I called him after I heard him on your show! Unabashed plug: Hearts of the Dulcimer is an EXCELLENT podcast....everyone should give it a listen.



Patricia Delich
Patricia Delich
6 years ago
154 posts

That's awesome!  :-)

Did you know that Howard is still building?

Lucky Dave
Lucky Dave
6 years ago
19 posts

Elvensong - and a beauty she is! I bought mine off of craigslist, in the ad it’s said “my Dad bought this years ago and it’s been hanging on his wall ever since”, I think I paid $60.00 for it ( plus $10.00 shipping). It had no strings, I found some info on the internet on what strings  were required, installed them, tuned it, strummed and was very happy at the sound it made. Learned a little more about Dulcimers noodled a lot and didn’t realize how Large it was until I came across a standard dulcimer. Brought her to Tom Fellenbaum ( an outstanding luthier and all around nice guy) and had the 6 1/2 and 1 1/2 half installed opening up my world to the blues. This summer I had the pleasure of taking a class with and spending some time with Bing Futch who’s pretty darn good teacher!

Recently, I acquired my standard dulcimer and decided to string my FolkRoots as a Baritone... sweet and loud! I am very much a student, but they give me great pleasure! Dave

updated by @dulcimer-dave: 01/09/19 06:38:34AM
6 years ago
9 posts

The beauty in my profile pic is a 1987 Folkroots. Gorgeous tone and a lucky find on eBay for $250. I played her in competition at Winfield this year.

Lady June Janelle - 1920.jpg

Lucky Dave
Lucky Dave
6 years ago
19 posts

Hi Patricia, 

sorry about being late to the party, but I have a Folkroots made in 1974: the label inside says RR&J, Ruggs Ruggs and Jaekel, I believe. It is a behemoth! It is the one on the left in my profile pic.


7 years ago
6 posts

No, I haven't. I don't have a way to record anything right now, but hope to organize something before long.

Patricia Delich
Patricia Delich
7 years ago
154 posts

Awesome! Howard is a very dear man as well as a great builder.

Have you recorded yourself playing V'la le bon vent (chanson québécoise) on your dulcimer?



Tricia McDonald:

Hi Patricia, 

I am listening to that one now - thank you!



7 years ago
6 posts

Hi Patricia, 

I am listening to that one now - thank you!


Patricia Delich
Patricia Delich
7 years ago
154 posts

Hi Tricia,

So glad you found the podcast! You might be interested in hearing the episode with Howard Rugg, one of the co-founders of FolkRoots and CapriTaurus:

Those old FolkRoots dulcimers sound great ... you're lucky to have one!

Thanks for listening,




Tricia McDonald:

I am seeing this some 2+ years later, but I'm delighted to find your podcasts are still available for listening. Thank you so much - this is wonderful ! I got my Folk Roots dulcimer from Elderly Instruments in Lansing, MI in 1986, and love it to this day. I'm really looking forward to listening to more of the podcasts over the next while. 


7 years ago
6 posts

I am seeing this some 2+ years later, but I'm delighted to find your podcasts are still available for listening. Thank you so much - this is wonderful ! I got my Folk Roots dulcimer from Elderly Instruments in Lansing, MI in 1986, and love it to this day. I'm really looking forward to listening to more of the podcasts over the next while. 

Patricia Delich
Patricia Delich
9 years ago
154 posts

Thanks everyone for your comments. Howard Rugg's episode is now done, you can listen to it on our website: or in any podcast app on a mobile device. Our podcast Hearts of the Dulcimer , is also available in iTunes: .


Hope you'll come by for a listen!  :-)

Patricia Delich
Patricia Delich
9 years ago
154 posts



D. Chitwood:
I have not heard your podcast but I am very intrigued! I'll have a listen with my Sunday afternoon nap and tea. I DO need to have that 6.5 fret added. It threw me for a loop when I tried to play some familiar songs. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll put out a call for a luthier in my area right away!


D. chitwood
D. chitwood
9 years ago
139 posts

I have not heard your podcast but I am very intrigued! I'll have a listen with my Sunday afternoon nap and tea. I DO need to have that 6.5 fret added. It threw me for a loop when I tried to play some familiar songs. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll put out a call for a luthier in my area right away!

Patricia Delich
Patricia Delich
9 years ago
154 posts

What a great story! Isn't it wonderful to have a variety of dulcimers to play, all with unique voices.

You probably know that you can get a 6 1/2 fret put on your Folk Roots. Just take it to a luthier.

Have you listened to our podcast? Go to:  or to listen. I'll be posting announcements for each new episode on FOTMD  or you can subscribe to the podcast and have new episodes downloaded to whatever device you use to listen.


D. Chitwood:
Hi Patricia! I have a Ruggs & Jackel 1978 Folk Roots. It caught my Mama's eye at a Georgia garage sale and she paid less than $20. She gave it to a musician friend who had never played a dulcimer, and he then later gave it to me. At the first strum, I sat up a little straighter, shocked at the volume and attention getting tone. I have a McSpadden, a homemade kit, a Gallier and honestly, the Folk Root has its own little place in my heart. I'm a newish player and do miss having a 6.5 fret though, with my fingers get discombobulated at times, but we're getting to know one another despite that little bump. I love that it's a part of dulcimer history and I dare say, it looks proud over there in the corner next to the Gallier, like it knows that it's special :)


updated by @patricia-delich: 01/17/16 01:34:01PM
D. chitwood
D. chitwood
9 years ago
139 posts

Hi Patricia! I have a Ruggs & Jackel 1978 Folk Roots. It caught my Mama's eye at a Georgia garage sale and she paid less than $20. She gave it to a musician friend who had never played a dulcimer, and he then later gave it to me. At the first strum, I sat up a little straighter, shocked at the volume and attention getting tone. I have a McSpadden, a homemade kit, a Gallier and honestly, the Folk Root has its own little place in my heart. I'm a newish player and do miss having a 6.5 fret though, with my fingers get discombobulated at times, but we're getting to know one another despite that little bump. I love that it's a part of dulcimer history and I dare say, it looks proud over there in the corner next to the Gallier, like it knows that it's special :)

Patricia Delich
Patricia Delich
9 years ago
154 posts

Hi Dusty,

Yes, we know Steve Eulberg.



Dusty Turtle:
Patricia, make sure you talk to Steve Eulberg. His first dulcimer was a Capritaurus kit.


Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
9 years ago
1,778 posts

Patricia, make sure you talk to Steve Eulberg. His first dulcimer was a Capritaurus kit.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Patricia Delich
Patricia Delich
9 years ago
154 posts


My husband and I produce a podcast called Hearts of the Dulcimer  that explores the mountain dulcimer's past, present, and future. We're planning an episode about Howard Rugg, the luthier who created FolkRoots, CapriTaurus, RR&J (Rugg, Rugg & Jackel), and Rugg & Jackel dulcimers.

If you bought one of these dulcimers between 1969 and 1989, we'd like to hear about your experience playing it and how it changed your personal or musical life. A short paragraph (between 2 - 5 sentences) is best.

Please either reply to this thread or send me an email: We'll be in touch with you if we air your posting.





updated by @patricia-delich: 08/01/23 02:02:28PM