I'm glad to hear that you are/were safe during the hurricane. Stay safe.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."
updated by @ken-longfield: 09/27/24 11:04:11AM
I'm glad to hear that you are/were safe during the hurricane. Stay safe.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."
MARKED SAFE FROM HURRICANE HELENE! We were just south of the major effects. Sunny half of yesterday, but then the usual Tropical Storm tango of winds 40-50mph, gusting to 60+. Very little rain. Low areas have some tidal storm surge flooding, but we're a whooping 10 ft above sea level here. No damage to structures (whew!) and only lost a few branches in the Silverleaf tree (which needs pruning anyway).
I especially like the "hoy hoy" at 2:13
I'm speechless after watching that.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."
Ok, time for something a little different (and for full effect, be sure to keep watching past the halfway point of 2 min 30 seconds)...
@strumelia just shy of 50° here in Peru, NY, but warm enough to wash my truck without it turning into a truckcicle!
Wow, the weird weather- mid february and it was a gorgeous 55F and sunny in NY here today. I went down into town and sat out at a sidewalk table at my favorite Mexican cafe. I sat basking in the sun and enjoyed super yummy fresh grilled tilapia tacos with a Mexican mocha coffee.
My dogs love the snow, but not the rain.
Gonna make a big pot of 'whatever's in the kitchen' soup for dinner!
My cats don't care about torrential rain. They just sit all cozy by the window and watch the drops running down the panes. What a life.
That is funny. I think it is the living who put the pressure on to preserve what our ancestors did.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."
I read something funny today online:
"Tradition is peer pressure from dead people." 😂
A thread for drifting from subject to subject, just for fun!