Holy Manna--For John Henry

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Duration: 00:01:39
Duration: 00:01:39
I'm trying to get the hang of a wooden pelctrum. Still a bit rough, but I had the house to myself tonight, so I thought that I'd post something quickly. I am using one of John Henry's very fine plectrums made from English field ash and one of his noters (very fine, too)--I believe that it is False Acacia, but my pencil marks are rubbing off. Anyway, I am playing one of Kevin Messenger's Prichard reproductions (really enjoy it) in Ddd.
Thanks, Kevin. That Prichard repro you made is still my favorite
Rick, that was very nicely done. You got the hang of that vertical strummer, keep it up and post some more.
Thanks, Cindy. I was working on a couple of tunes for Christmas but never had time to record, post, and edit. I'll have to save them for next year
Rick- this is just beautiful! Your playing is wonderful - as is your dulcimer! I sure hope we hear more from you soon!!!!
Thanks, Robin. I will continue to work with the wood strummers--JH was kind enough to send an assortment asI search for the one that I find most comfortable. The Prichard is fun to work with--whether I've tuned up kind of tight (which I do most often) or if I try to play it a little slack--I also like to play over the strum hollow with the woodend picks for a different sound vs. whipping a quill across the strings above the hollow (or would that be down the neck?)--towards the noter, at any rate. I'm already thinking about the nextMD for a different noter/drone sound...
Hey Rick - You are coaxing a wonderful tone from that Prichard
Those wood strummers are not the easiest of picks to use but they do seem to work really well on old style dulcimers. I love them!!!!
Thank you, R N and Helen. Using a natural plectrum, like wood,against the strings is satisfying.
Rick, you did well! I've used a similar plectrum before. It really makes that Prichard repro ring out! I guess I'll have to use mine some more!
Thank you, all, for the kind words.
John Henry--Yes, I find the longer wooden plectrums much easier to hold than the little pick--they work well on the slower tempo songs, especially. As I practice, I might be able to begin playing the faster tunes. A thin quill is the easiest to hold for really fast tunes--I wonder if that was one of the reasons for that choice of plectrum way back then.
As for Fiona--well, if I can get her to sit still for 2 minutes
, we might be able put together a tune--something that her old dad has been asking for a while... (She is at that age...). Anyway, glad you liked it
Brethren, We Have Met to Worship. Great playing Rick!!! Lovely hymn for Sunday morning
. I'm glad to see you are enjoying your Prichard. I am enjoying mine. I think I'm going to have to get me one of those John Henry noters
This is real sweet Rick. I love this song! You sure have the dulcimer and the utensils working for you here.
Nicely done!
thanks for posting
Would have been good to have had Fiona joining in, I really enjoyed her last effort
Rick you are doing very well with that wooden plectrum. I really enjoyed your playing.