Steve Eulberg


Location: Boise, ID
Country: US

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MelSabol Homer Ross Mick McLaughlin trhoads jddahl Stephen Addison Lee Cagle Greg Patterson Mark Runge Chuck Moseley Wayne Jiang Patricia Delich Joy W. Jan Potts Paula Brawdy Bob Stephens Larry Conger Erin Mae Carla Maxwell Dusty Turtle Martha E Ken Longfield Phil Myers Ken Hulme Strumelia


vimeo videos: 2
youtube videos: 5
images: 11
events: 2

Faculty Finale of the Colorado Dulcimer Festival 2019

Faculty Finale of the Colorado Dulcimer Festival 2019
Duration: 00:04:58
Colorado Dulcimer Festival Faculty Finale: Brenda Hunter, David Ogden, Erin Mae Lewis, Duane Porterfield, Vi Wickam, Steve Eulberg, Tina Gugeler and Russell Cook take turns soloing during St. Anne's Reel. (Thanks to patron Jim Frye for documenting this concert set at the 2019 Colorado Dulcimer Festival.)
03/29/19 05:22:50PM @strumelia:

Well THAT was sure fun!  jive

Dusty Turtle
03/29/19 12:48:42PM @dusty:

Well how much fun is that!  Steve, it's great to see world-class musicians who know how to have fun.  Instead of trying to show off, you guys are just smiling and joking with the audience.  Oh, and I can't believe Erin Mae is playing standing up.

Steve Eulberg
03/28/19 09:02:01PM @steve-eulberg:

Featuring the mountain playing of Erin Mae Lewis, Duane Porterfield and myself (on bass).