Friends of Don Neuhauser Needed

7 years ago
186 posts

Don hasn't been in the shop for about a year, but he will always be my hero dulcimer maker.......

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
7 years ago
1,764 posts

I'm sorry to hear that.  worried  But thanks for passing on the news.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
7 years ago
134 posts

I have just been in touch with Don's wife, via email. I was hoping to discuss his building a true replica of a TMB a few years ago.  She replied "He isn't building anymore due to health problems." 

updated by @kusani: 09/22/17 11:18:12PM
Kevin Yeoman
Kevin Yeoman
9 years ago
8 posts

I would change the name to something like:

Neuhauser Dulcimers

Don's Dulcimers

Something simple yet descriptive.  Enzo Ferrari used his name...look how well that turned out.  lol

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
9 years ago
2,156 posts

Gotta agree, Stephen...  Even without the somewhat sexist connotation, the site name/first page title just doesn't jump out and grab ya!

IIWM, I'd just use  

Dulcibros, Dulcimers, Little Dulcimers & Galax Style Dulcimers

for tht first page title...

updated by @ken-hulme: 06/27/15 10:06:45AM
9 years ago
2,302 posts

Yeah, the name should absolutely be changed, imho.  The name is so terribly important, and the current one gives an icky effect.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Lisa Golladay
Lisa Golladay
9 years ago
108 posts

As an actual female person, I can say that never for an instant did the phrase "Double D Dulcimers" strike me as having a sexual connotation. However, now that you mention it, Don might not be happy with the image search results if someone Googles "double d dulcimers" and accidentally hits return before typing the "dulcimer" part.

Kevin Yeoman
Kevin Yeoman
9 years ago
8 posts


I looked at the site and my first recommendation would be to change the name from the current Double D to something that isn't sexist and won't run the risk of alienating his potential customers.  I have been teaching web design and interactive media for about 10+ years and if you need any help with the design, I would be glad to help.  But I would seriously have him rethink his site name; the sexual conotation does not become the quality of the instruments that he appears to create.  Women have it bad enough in the media without having to feel objectified when they go to a dulcimer site to buy a dulcimer.

Robin Clark
Robin Clark
9 years ago
239 posts


I have one of Don's instruments.  It is a Galax dulcimer in the Russell style in spruce and cherry.  It has a massive sound and is unbelievably alive; you can tell the dulcimer was made by a true artisan.  I use it for old time and bluegrass sessions playing at festivals and in our local pubs here in Wales.  I love Don's dulcimer, it is such a great workhorse and the first instrument I grab when heading for a gig or session.


I'd be more than happy to write something for the Galax dulcimer page.  Perhaps talking a little about the background to these dulcimers and the playing style, then going on to describe why the Neuhauser instruments are so good!

updated by @robin-clark: 06/16/15 05:02:18PM
Stephen Seifert
Stephen Seifert
9 years ago
22 posts

That sounds great, Ken. Thanks. I'll take you up on this.

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
9 years ago
2,156 posts

Stephen;  I don't know Don, nor have I played any of his instruments (although I do know a fair amount about Galax and TMB instruments in general); so I don't feel qualified to write about them.  However I did spend a 30+ year career as a Technical Writer and Editor, so if you need any help in that capacity, drop my an email.

Stephen Seifert
Stephen Seifert
9 years ago
22 posts

I need help writing text for Don asked me to handle it. I told him I would find folks who want to help and he told me to go ahead with it. He's building again after a year and I want to encourage him. I think it's important to honor Don with our words and actions.


It's OK to have words from more than one person on each page, and even single sentences will be helpful. Please check out the website and let me know what you're interested in. Some of these pages just need a single paragraph. I can quote you or make your words anonymous. 


Want to help? Let me know and please spread the word!




Stephen Seifert