Black Rose Dulcimer by Bill Todd

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 years ago
1,472 posts

Yes, thank you for the photos @slssld!  Enjoy your Black Rose!  

4 years ago
4 posts

Hi Robin, 

I posted the pictures of my Black Rose at the beginning  of the thread.  Cool that you live so close!  

Thank you to all that commented!

updated by @slssld: 09/07/21 06:02:05PM
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 years ago
1,472 posts

I'd like to see a Black Rose mountain dulcimer-- I only live about 20 miles from Nelsonville OH.

4 years ago
620 posts

Great info. interesting story of how the name came about

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 years ago
1,472 posts

Here's some information from Revel's Music about Black Rose Dulcimers:

4 years ago
143 posts

The second or Galax false bottom is nothing more than a permanently attached "possum board" with the purpose of letting the bottom of the soundbox freedom to resonate.  It goes by several names, and it is most common in Galax style instruments.

4 years ago
2,316 posts

It's also referred to as a false bottom.

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Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
4 years ago
2,157 posts

Resonators on musical instruments are on or part of the top...  the round metal disk on the face of a resonator guitar for example. 

What you have is called a double back.  The double back is just one element of a complete Galax dulcimer design. Galax (pronounced gay-lax) is the name of the town in Virginia where the design originated.

The function of a double back is to allow the inner back to vibrate freely, which produces significantly more sound volume -- a sort of non-electronic speaker as it were...

4 years ago
4 posts

Here’s a picture of the bottom - is it called a resonator, or galax back?

4 years ago
4 posts

@richard - thank you!  I was really drawn to the Celtic knots.  It has a resonator on the bottom.  I’ll post a picture.  Not sure if I have the term correct.

@Ken - thank you for posting the guide you’ve written!  I’ll definitely be reading through it!

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
4 years ago
2,157 posts

Welcome to FOTMD, slssls.  Sorry to say I've not heard of Bill Todd as a builder, either.  Nice looking modern dulcimer though.  You may want to check out the booklet I wrote for beginners a few years back, called I Just Got A Dulcimer, Now What?   It's an illustrated glossary of dulcimer terms, so we all speak the same jargon, plus answers to many beginner questions about tuning, playing, care and feeding of your new/old acquisition.  You can find it here for download:

I Just Got A Dulcimer, Now What? (Article) - Forums |

Richard Streib
Richard Streib
4 years ago
254 posts

That is a beautiful dulcimer. I have not heard of this builder. Perhaps someone will recognize the name and provide some information.

4 years ago
4 posts

Hello!  I’m new here and just bought my first dulcimer used.  I’m looking forward to learning to play it.  I’m interested to find more about the builder, Bill Todd, and his Black Rose dulcimers.  I couldn’t find much online about him.  Does anyone have information on these dulcimers they’d be willing to share?  Thanks so much!