I have an unfinished McSpadden I got from Jim Woods. It is a scroll head walnut with no tuners andno frets. When I finish it it will have three wooden pegs and staple frets very much like that one.
That's a great job you have!!!! I'd love to come over and play some old dulcimers but it is a long swim from Wales You know that there are very few recordings of old instruments being played in traditional style. I suggested to Lois Hornbostel that Dulcimerville should sponsor a CD of recordings but no luck so far. Are there enough playable dulcimers in the Hindman collection to make a recodring project worthwhile?
McKinley Craft was reportedly the maker of the dulcimer which inspired Lynn McSpadden (I think I read that story here, somewhere). He was from near Hindman & the family spent time in Arkansas. Local lore has it that he asked I.D. Stamper to help him develop a pattern different from Thomas'.
Mike, thanks for sharing this picture. I can see how this wound up evolving into what McSpadden used.
Look at the lovely little delicate heart sound holes. Very beautiful dulcimer!
keep swimming...
I can probably fix you up in the room(s) at the Hindman Settlement School where Jean Ritchie, George, & Edna usually stayed ;)
Oh that sounds sooo tempting
I think there are, so start swimming. Read up on stringing zitters on your way. I think you do justice to the old style instruments.
I'll tell you from experience, a true Thomas wants to jump out of you hands & fly away. We have a 1910 one & permission to string it...
I have an unfinished McSpadden I got from Jim Woods. It is a scroll head walnut with no tuners andno frets. When I finish it it will have three wooden pegs and staple frets very much like that one.
That's a great job you have!!!! I'd love to come over and play some old dulcimers but it is a long swim from Wales
You know that there are very few recordings of old instruments being played in traditional style. I suggested to Lois Hornbostel that Dulcimerville should sponsor a CD of recordings but no luck so far. Are there enough playable dulcimers in the Hindman collection to make a recodring project worthwhile?
Definitely broader than a Thomas, not quite as deep. Not as lively.
I do not, it is part of a collection of instrument on display where I work. I'm an an apprentice luthier in Hindman.
Yep - it looks generally broader that a Thomas - very like an early McSpadden. Do you own the dulcimer?
McKinley Craft was reportedly the maker of the dulcimer which inspired Lynn McSpadden (I think I read that story here, somewhere). He was from near Hindman & the family spent time in Arkansas. Local lore has it that he asked I.D. Stamper to help him develop a pattern different from Thomas'.
What's the story behind it?
Not the best photo, even without my work boots.
That's a nice looking instrument Mike