nick o'sullivan


Location: Sligo
Country: IE
nick o'sullivan

nick o'sullivan


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youtube videos: 3
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audio tracks: 37

Coinleach glas an fhomhair

musician/member name: People & Blogs
Duration: 00:04:02
on dulcimer
Kevin Burns
10/19/21 01:59:32PM @kevin-burns:

Thank you very much! I much look forward to the videos.

nick o'sullivan
10/19/21 11:20:53AM @nick-osullivan:

Hi Kevin,

I'm not great at creating tabs but am happy to try a video, will probably break it down into sections

1. Intro 2. Verse 3. Bridge 4. Chorus

Kevin Burns
10/18/21 04:47:06PM @kevin-burns:

Coinleach Glas An Fhomhair is one of my all time favorite songs-especially Clanad's rendition and you mirror it very well on the mountain dulcimer. I have tried to learn it by ear many times and cannot figure it out. Do you have a Tab for it or would consider posting a video on YouTube how to play it? 

nick o'sullivan
10/16/21 12:02:16PM @nick-osullivan:

Thanks Kevin, it's in DAd.

Kevin Burns
10/16/21 10:53:30AM @kevin-burns:

Very nice! What tuning are you using?

nick o'sullivan
05/17/21 09:11:52AM @nick-osullivan:

Thanks Robin

Robin Thompson
05/15/21 12:22:02PM @robin-thompson:

Nick, this is such pleasant listening.  Nicely played!

nick o'sullivan
05/10/21 06:35:52AM @nick-osullivan:

Thanks Val, good to hear you are all well. Nick

05/10/21 06:15:34AM @macaodha:

Superb Nick, can hear the influence of the late great Mícheál Ó Domhnaill. All well here Nick, good to hear from you. Regards to all.

nick o'sullivan
05/07/21 04:13:35PM @nick-osullivan:

Thanks Lisa, It's a traditional Irish song, the arrangement is based on Clannad's stunning version well worth googling. The percussion may have been a happy "accident"  ~ how Zen!!

05/07/21 03:11:53PM @strumelia:

Love the gentle knocking percussion you add. This is a very beautiful and meditative piece Nick. Aaah, and the bending notes as well!    inlove