Dan Evans


Location: Olney
Country: GB

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I live in Olney, England (the home of Amazing Grace) and I have been playing mountain dulcimer for over 40 years.  Although I use modal tunings, my favourite tuning is Ionian (DAA but more commonly EBB), which I use much of the time. My dulcimers have a diatonic scale with no half frets and only three strings.  I play almost exclusively finger-style and my repertoire is a mixture of songs and airs, based on traditional songs from the British Isles as well as original instrumentals, often about nature.  I have released 5 CD albums to critical acclaim and undertaken 18 international tours to date, mostly to the USA.  Visit my website to learn more.

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Dan Evans

my latest tech

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post a link - but her is my latest...
@Dan Evans 2 years ago - Comments: 0
Dan Evans

song accompaniment

members of this group might be interested in my recent article in the...
@Dan Evans 15 years ago - Comments: 3
Dan Evans

cool new DAA chords

I stumbled across some cool new DAA chords the other day start by...
@Dan Evans 8 years ago - Comments: 2

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Tumbling Skies

Tumbling Skies

@Dan Evans
2 years ago - Comments: 21

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three more tracks off new CD

three more tracks off new CD

@Dan Evans
10 months ago - Comments: 1
two modal pieces played live

two modal pieces played live

@Dan Evans
last year - Comments: 1
Bread And Fshes

Bread And Fshes

@Dan Evans
2 years ago - Comments: 5
The Pixies Waltz

The Pixies Waltz

@Dan Evans
4 years ago - Comments: 9
South Wind

South Wind

@Dan Evans
4 years ago - Comments: 5
Tumbling Skies

Tumbling Skies

@Dan Evans
4 years ago - Comments: 4
Auld Lang Syne

Auld Lang Syne

@Dan Evans
5 years ago - Comments: 2


@Dan Evans
5 years ago - Comments: 4
Twix Moon and Lea

Twix Moon and Lea

@Dan Evans
6 years ago - Comments: 5
The Dance Of The Falling Leaves

The Dance Of The Falling Leaves

@Dan Evans
7 years ago - Comments: 5

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05/10/18 09:59:59AM @strumelia:

Hi Dan...

Hi Strumelia - where and how can I post info about my forthcoming US tour - I have posters and flyers and hyperlinks to blog posts ... ? thnx  - Dan  

You can post a thread about your upcoming tour in our Single Instructor Events forum at any time, free of charge.  It can include links and images.  Only one such thread at any given time though, and it will be removed once the event is over.

Your two month FOTMD Main Page slideshow ad banner is expiring tomorrow (May 11th) and will be removed unless you choose to purchase a new time slot to keep it active. The Home page slideshow is much more visible to members than the Single Instructor Forum, because members visit the Home page as a starting point to see what's new every time they visit.  I keep the slideshow rates very low and accessible to any budget. 

Thanks!  Strumelia  howdy

Dan Evans
05/10/18 01:47:18AM @dan-evans:

my interview for the Dulcimer Players News can also be found on my new website blog:  https://www.english-dulcimer.com/interview-in-dulcimer-players-news/ 

Dan Evans
05/10/18 01:43:27AM @dan-evans:

article written for Nashville's Grand Old Dulcimer Club on best advice to become a good dulcimer player is now on my new website blog:  https://www.english-dulcimer.com/dulcimer-advice-article-for-nashville-dulcimer-club/ 

Dan Evans
03/04/18 05:34:12AM @dan-evans:

I have a new website - the domain is the same: www.english-dulcimer.com but the content is now up to date and the new site work on smartphones and tablets now 

09/09/17 08:35:13AM @marg:

Ok, thanks. Talking with Roland/Boss yesterday, I did set the amp to just mic & that may help. 

Thanks for your video that started a whole new adventure.

Dan Evans
09/09/17 03:12:25AM @dan-evans:

dear @marg

I don't know if I can help you like this - if you email me @ Dan@english-dulcimer.com full details of the instrument, pickup, and amp and what is not working I will do me best do comment - else I suggest youi buy a lesson from a local electric guitaist who uses FX

09/08/17 05:32:15PM @marg:

A dulcimer with a pick up, how different is that from electric dulcimer or guitar & is that why I am having trouble getting the sounds from the GT-1

Dan Evans
09/08/17 06:05:42AM @dan-evans:

an electric dulcimer works just the same as an electric guitar - I recommend using a guitar amp (not an acoustic amp) if you have an electric dulcimer with coil pickup

the GT-1 has a master feature where you can speciafly globally what the output is fed to - ie PA, stack, amp etc    

09/08/17 02:25:15AM @marg:

(rather than use preset patches )

Have you played around with the patches just to see how they sound & do they really sound like they should or does a dulcimer not work with this like a a garage does.

Do different amps change the sound, can you think of anything I could do to help the pre tones sound like they should? I want to start with a patch then change it some but so many of them sound the same with the dulcimer.

Dan Evans
09/08/17 02:12:50AM @dan-evans:


no I don't use Boss Tone Central for anumber of reasons - rather than use preset patches and editing them, I build my own from scratch - over 40 years of using pedals and then muti-FX I pretty  much know exactly what I want, althouhg some of th epresets are worth disecting to get ideas for fresh sounds - as a perfomer I need the GT-1 to be free-standing   

09/07/17 07:47:42PM @marg:

Do you have your GT-1 hooked up to Boss Tone Central by way of laptop? Have you tried any of the free sets & will they work with a dulcimer? If I can't get the sounds to sound like it should, is it my amp or are these live set patches only for the guitar?

Dan Evans
08/27/17 11:19:20AM @dan-evans:


you might find this of use ... http://www.english-dulcimer.com/FX-for-dulcimer-and-guitar.asp it is a little dated now and both my thinking and equipent avaialble have moved on - but it may help you get going - suggest you print it as it will come down when my new website goes up later in the year

Dan Evans
08/27/17 10:41:35AM @dan-evans:


good luck with doging the hurricane - we can see it on our news over here in the UK - the Boss GT-1 does not come with much of a manual - nothing does these day - but it does tell you the basics of how to edit and save patches - the best way to learn is to watch one of the many You Tube videos that show you how to work it - it isn't difficult or slow when you know how - Ihave the advantage of having used FX for decades and know what I want plus I've use programable multi FX boxes before - so that helped too - an easy was is to edit exisiting patches, rather than clreate your own from scratch - best - Dan     

08/26/17 08:56:14PM @marg:

    I loved the sound you have done with your dulcimer & GT 1 . So much that I went out and picked one up. I think I need lessons, all the demos say how easy it is, well maybe for someone who knows these things.

    I live in North Houston area and with the Harvey Hurricane I made sure I had something fun to play since I would be stuck insides for days as we watch the water rise. So far I have enjoyed some of the sounds programed & even a few I played around with but do not know how to save yet so loose them as soon as I turn things off. Ha, the next time I worked on learning how to use the GT 1, I felt many of the tones sounded the same. 

    Lots to learn and some may think it shouldn't be used with a dulcimer but I like the idea of different tones for different songs and one dulcimer can be many. Besides it is keeping me company through the downpours of Harvey. 

thanks for sharing '   The Water Is Wide  very fitting for the flooding areas around me.

01/14/17 01:13:50PM @strumelia:

Hi Dan- I got your PM, but I sent a response via my private gmail address to be sure you received it.  Please be on the lookout for it in your email inboxes.  Thanks!  howdy

01/13/17 03:00:00PM @strumelia:

Hi Dan, I've been sending you some messages, but the Mailgun email.notification system says the following, so you may not be getting any site notifications unless your IP address gets changed.  Sorry, there's nothing I can do about this unless you contact your provider or change your IP:

13 Jan 2017 11:41:48AM failed dan@english-dulcimer.com 554 The IP Address of the sender ( was found in a DNS blacklist database and was therefore refused.

12/22/14 10:21:34AM @macaodha:

Dan, what a very pleasant surprise this morning, very very thoughtful of you am enjoying as I write to you. Thank you very much, hope our paths cross again soon. Val.

Scotty Lee Shuffield
09/18/10 09:32:15AM @scotty-lee-shuffield:
No sir...we have not met (it was probably some other crazy guy - LOL). My loss I'm sure. Hope to do so sometime in the future.Scooter
Scotty Lee Shuffield
09/18/10 12:45:01AM @scotty-lee-shuffield:
Sorry it took so long to welcome you but, hey...WELCOME to FOTMD! Hope you can make yourself at home and share some of your knowledge.ScooterLake Tyler, Texas, USA
Sue Simms
09/09/10 06:57:17PM @sue-simms:
i Love the Guitar also ! I do enjoy the Dulcimer Smile.gif