Phil Myers


Location: Franklin, NC
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

dulcillini Sea Strings Beth T Homer Ross Elvensong Maylee Ron Stewart PapaSims dulcinina Salt Springs Larry Goodwin Charles Thomas alan kolman Cat Brown Neil W. Millard David Pedersen Lexie R Oakley jeffrey charles foster Bob Steven Berger Cindy Stammich Cheryl Johnson Jan Potts Brian G. J. Andy Crandall Larry Conger Norm Williams Ken Longfield Glenda  Hubbard Robin Thompson


youtube videos: 22
images: 39
audio tracks: 14

Bucketman Blues

Bucketman Blues

style or instrument:

musician/member name: Phil Myers

streams: 53

Phil Myers
10/17/17 04:04:54PM @phil-myers:

Thanks Dusty and Val! I'm playing a Sweet Strings dulcimer made by John Harris . It has a built in pickup and I plugged into the USB port on computer and used the Audacity program to record. The dulcimer is all walnut but not sure if that has an effect on the sound that is recorded. It does sound nice unplugged or plugged into an amp.

10/17/17 03:25:46PM @macaodha:

Phil excellent playing and great tune,great stuff.

Dusty Turtle
10/17/17 01:50:52PM @dusty:

Nice playing, Phil.  What kind of dulcimer are you playing?  It has a nice, balanced tone.