Phil Myers


Location: Franklin, NC
Country: US

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youtube videos: 22
images: 39
audio tracks: 14

The Aran Boat/Road to Lisdoonvarna

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:13
Irish medley
04/14/19 01:39:35PM @harmonybc:


Phil Myers
03/15/19 09:29:58PM @phil-myers:

Thanks for listening,friends!

03/15/19 09:20:25AM @ariane:

Wonderfully played Phil - I also like the bridges(?) (Überleitung) from one tune to the other!

I love to play "Road to Lisdoonvarna" on my hammered dulcimer - it is such a fun tune!

03/15/19 05:11:40AM @macaodha:


Dusty Turtle
03/15/19 01:43:17AM @dusty:

You sure make that MMD sing!  And I really like how you go back to Arran Boat at the end to bring things full circle. Nice touch.

Steven Berger
03/14/19 09:49:11PM @steven-berger:

Well played, Phil!