Phil Myers


Location: Franklin, NC
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

dulcillini Sea Strings Beth T Homer Ross Elvensong Maylee Ron Stewart PapaSims dulcinina Salt Springs Larry Goodwin Charles Thomas alan kolman Cat Brown Neil W. Millard David Pedersen Lexie R Oakley jeffrey charles foster Bob Steven Berger Cindy Stammich Cheryl Johnson Jan Potts Brian G. J. Andy Crandall Larry Conger Norm Williams Ken Longfield Glenda  Hubbard Robin Thompson


youtube videos: 22
images: 39
audio tracks: 14

Star of the County Down

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:01:58
Played on a Tindle Music dulcimer custom made by Mark Tindle
Phil Myers
10/04/23 01:29:02PM @phil-myers:

Thanks Lenard!

10/02/23 08:47:37PM @lenard:

Great job!!!!  One of my all-time favorite songs.  You have inspired me to learn it.

Phil Myers
10/01/23 04:25:56PM @phil-myers:

Thanks Tom!

Tom McDonald
09/30/23 11:35:52PM @tom-mcdonald:

Very nice!

Phil Myers
09/12/23 09:15:50AM @phil-myers:

Thanks Cindy!

Cindy Stammich
09/11/23 10:46:55PM @cindy-stammich:

I love this song and you played it beautifully!

Your dulcimer sure sounds sweet!

Robin Thompson
09/06/23 11:47:37AM @robin-thompson:

What a beauty of a mountain dulcimer!  

Phil, if Mark & I are ever in your neck of the woods, it'd be a privilege to pick tunes with you & John.

Phil Myers
09/06/23 10:36:00AM @phil-myers:

Phil Myers
09/06/23 10:33:52AM @phil-myers:

Thanks Homer, Sea-Strings and Nate!

Mark Tindle's website is below. Everything about Mark and his wonderful dulcimers! Mine is all curly walnut.

09/06/23 02:27:19AM @nate:

Love this song. Youtube has been recommending me the version of this song by the Orthodox Celts a lot for the last two weeks or so, and it's a timely coincidence that I get to hear such a nice version on dulcimer while it's on my mind. Thanks for sharing and very well played

Sea Strings
09/05/23 10:57:04PM @sea-strings:

Lovely! If you don't mind sharing the specs on your custom dulcimer (size? frets? wood?) I would love to hear about it. I've never heard a Tindle before and now I might have to add one to my "someday, maybe" wishlist. inlove

Homer Ross
09/05/23 05:32:51PM @homer-ross:

Thank you for sharing. Enjoyed it so much!

Phil Myers
09/05/23 07:03:15AM @phil-myers:

Thanks Val!

09/05/23 03:16:45AM @macaodha:

Nice one Phil.

Phil Myers
09/04/23 09:41:22PM @phil-myers:

Thanks so much Robin and Dusty!

Robin, two of yours and Marks biggest fans are in Franklin NC. Myself and John Hawk.


Dusty Turtle
09/04/23 07:32:05PM @dusty:

Love the modulation!  Nice job!

Robin Thompson
09/04/23 04:51:28PM @robin-thompson:

You play beautifully, Phil, and the Tindle sounds lovely.