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Country: United States

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Oh How Lovely Is The Evening on Dizi Chinese Flute

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:05:55
#kmise #diziflute #Chineseflute
I was given this flute by the nice people over at Kmise. I told the rep that I play NA flute so I would give it a shot. It's quite different as it's side blown like a traditional western flute. THat was the hardest part figuring out the proper technique to make it sound. It took me over a month of trying but I finally feel I can consistently get a pretty good sound out of it. I have only attempted one octave though.

I think it does have a lovely low tone. They say it's in the key of D. BUT when you cover all the holes it's the A note. HOWEVER it does have two sharps F AND C so that's probably why they say KEY OF D.

Here is the link to purchase. I AM NOT an amazon affiliate but provide the link as a courtesy.

There's lots of info on line and I think for 20 bucks you can't go wrong.
hope you enjoy the video If you like my music and videos please like subscribe, share and comment. It is very much appreciated Also I have started to add music to my Spotify account so if you can please head over there and put me on some of your playlists. My 3 albums of NA flute music can be very relaxing!! but I have some new ambient tracks I'm uploading which include tongue drum , synths guitars and the like! Here is the link: