Brian G.


Location: Central NJ
Country: US

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Lorena - Blue Lion fretted dulcimer tuned 1-4-8

musician/member name: Entertainment
Duration: 00:00:41
Just fooling around with my newest dulcimer, a lovely Blue Lion teardrop purchased from Steve DuFour's wife Carolyn this past weekend. The tune is a rearrangement of one I learned from Janita Baker this weekend.
Brian G.
03/19/16 11:20:11PM @brian-g:

Thank you Janene!

Janene Millen
11/01/15 12:57:16PM @janene-millen:

Nice rendition Brian, and congrats on the new dulcimerthumbsup

Steve Battarbee
10/28/15 03:50:21AM @steve-battarbee:

That's really nice Brian

Brian G.
10/27/15 05:19:13PM @brian-g:

Thanks for the kind comments all.  Glad you enjoyed the tune.  :)

Lexie R Oakley
10/27/15 01:06:33PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Sounding great on your new dulcimer.

Brian G.
10/27/15 07:17:31AM @brian-g:

Thanks Dusty!  I appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment.  It was great to meet Carolyn last weekend too, and I'm happy to be able to play an instrument that Steve had owned.  :)

Dusty Turtle
10/27/15 02:48:48AM @dusty:

That's great playing, Brian, a sweet upbeat tune.  And the dulcimer sounds great.  What a rich tone!