Cindy Stammich


Location: South Bend, IN
Country: US

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Amazing Grace - James January Challenge

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:02:34
This was recorded in response to James January challenge on Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer! I recorded it on my "Bear" dulcimer.....a beautiful wormy chestnut built by Mike Clemmer
Terry Wilson
03/06/15 10:27:44AM @terry-wilson:

While we all should know that perfection is never reached, you played this amazing song as close to it as humanly possible. You're really amazing Cindy.

Cindy Stammich
01/24/15 10:38:46PM @cindy-stammich:
Thank you Monica!
01/24/15 12:42:07PM @monica:

very pretty rendition

Cindy Stammich
01/23/15 11:16:59PM @cindy-stammich:

Thank you Gary! I appreciate the kind words!Smile.gif

Gary McNaughton
01/23/15 03:40:56PM @gary-mcnaughton:
Cindy that's so beautiful!Gary :-)
Cindy Stammich
01/20/15 11:05:55PM @cindy-stammich:

Thank you Jan! This is probably (if I had to pick) my favorite song.

Jan Potts
01/20/15 06:36:37PM @jan-potts:

Your rendition has a very nice flow to it...very relaxing and prayer-like.Smile.gif

Cindy Stammich
01/15/15 10:18:24PM @cindy-stammich:

Thank you so much Vearl! I sure appreciate you listening and the the kind words!Smile.gif

Cindy Stammich
01/14/15 10:42:43PM @cindy-stammich:

Thank you so much Steve! I am not sure how or why you ended up listening to my video 1st, but I am humbled by your comments, and so glad that you are glad!Smile.gif

Whatever your reasons for being away for a while, I hope you don't stay away in the future! There are so many wonderful people and wonderful videos!!! Thanks again for listening and commenting!

Cindy Stammich
01/13/15 10:05:16PM @cindy-stammich:

Thank you so much Gail! So glad you enjoy the videos!Smile.gif

Gail Webber
01/13/15 12:45:18PM @gail-webber:

Cindy, another beautiful one! I always enjoy your videos - keep it up!

Cindy Stammich
01/12/15 10:40:11PM @cindy-stammich:

Thank you Steven! This is played in DAD.

Cindy Stammich
01/12/15 10:31:30PM @cindy-stammich:

Thank you so much Ken - I appreciate you!
Oh I was thinking more like the closet next time - maybe with the door shut???
Thank you so much Terry!! I appreciate you listening and commenting.
It's such a wonderful group here - I appreciate you all!!!

Cindy Stammich
01/12/15 10:27:09PM @cindy-stammich:

Thank you so much Paul, James and Gregory! I sure appreciate all the comments and encouragement here!
Thank you again James for getting the "Song of the Month" challenge going.....what a fun thing to do!

Cindy Stammich
01/12/15 10:25:43PM @cindy-stammich:

Thank you so much John, and Patty and Gordon!
Gordon - I believe we have all been blessed with the gift of music......and I feel truly blessed to be a part of this group and to be able to share!

Cindy Stammich
01/12/15 10:23:47PM @cindy-stammich:

Now listen hear John Henry! Thank you for the kind words - but you better not think about laying down your noter - ya hear???

Cindy Stammich
01/12/15 10:21:49PM @cindy-stammich:

Thank you so much Rob! I do love my Clemmer!

Thank you Robert! Amazing Grace is one of my all-time favorites, and I have played it a lot over the years.

Thank you Lynn! The harmony actually comes from when I played with my daughter-in-law (she was on violin) and it sure sounded pretty. I still find myself wanting to play the harmony part.Smile.gif

Terry Wilson
01/12/15 09:45:02PM @terry-wilson:

Wow Cindy, that was nice. That is as pretty as it gets. You're pretty good you know.

Ken Backer
01/12/15 09:35:29PM @ken-backer:

Cindy, that was so beautiful. I wish I could play with that kind of finesse. Nice hallway, shoot your next video in the laundry room...Grin.gif

Greg Patterson
01/12/15 08:03:44PM @greg-patterson:

A pleasure to listen to, both your playing and the dulcimer!