Cindy Stammich


Location: South Bend, IN
Country: US

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Jesus Loves Me - for my new Great-Grandson!

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:10
Music has always been a big part of my life. Today has been a very special day! I am blessed to play "Jesus Loves Me" with my grandson - for his new baby son - my Great Grandson! I am beyond thrilled to have this memory! And baby's big sister just wanted to give daddy a rock - which was too cute to not leave in the video. Children are precious - and where there are children involved - you never know what you are going to get! I just love it! I hope the beauty and innocence in this video bring a smile to your heart!
Thank you!
06/17/21 07:10:01AM @mandapanda:

That's what it's alll about! :)

Dusty Turtle
06/16/21 08:56:56PM @dusty:

Congratulations, Cindy!  flower flower crybaby flower flower What a special moment you captured there!

06/16/21 07:18:54PM @dan:

Love them babies!

Cindy Stammich
06/14/21 09:03:07PM @cindy-stammich:

Thank you Robin!  Indeed music is a wonderful gift!  And you know I am loving the kids!

Robin Thompson
06/14/21 08:43:57PM @robin-thompson:

How sweet, Cindy!  Music is one of life's great gifts and it is wonderful to share music with our dear ones!  Enjoy those kids!  

Cindy Stammich
06/14/21 08:35:47PM @cindy-stammich:

Hi everyone! 

I hope you all are doing well!  It's been crazy for sure, but life is good.

I haven't posted anything for some time, but wanted to share this - we have a brand new baby boy in the family, and the icing on the cake was having a few minutes with his daddy (my grandson) to play a little music!  My heart is full!  heart