Cristian Huet


Location: Brittany
Country: FR
Cristian Huet

Cristian Huet


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A plane to Albany !

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:03:17
A song I created for the Latham Dulcimer Festival in Albany N.C.
I play it on a Folkcraft kit dulcimer I just finished to build this day. The wood is brut, no varnish yet.
Larry Walton
03/21/21 02:34:14PM @larry-walton:

That was terrific.  Thanks for sharing!

Cristian Huet
03/11/17 03:01:09PM @cristian-huet:

thanks a lot everybody. love you. happys

Mary MacGowan
02/10/17 07:22:13PM @mary-macgowan:

You've got something real special going on! Just beautiful!

Steve Battarbee
01/28/17 05:08:37AM @steve-battarbee:

Wonderful playing ... more please!!!

01/23/17 01:02:19AM @marg:

Wow, wonderful. Sounds like several different instruments, love what you do with it. 

Very nice, thank you 

Patty from Virginia
01/21/17 03:32:45PM @patty-from-virginia:

Wow! Great playing!!!

Lexie R Oakley
01/21/17 11:46:17AM @lexie-r-oakley:

Lovely, so beautiful and I enjoyed your technique.

Steven Berger
01/21/17 06:20:36AM @steven-berger:

It almost sounds like you're playing several different instruments...I really liked this!



01/20/17 10:33:23PM @irene:

WOAH, that was really wonderful.  Being that I lived over 30 years in the Islands....not unlike some of the great slack key guitar players.  I  loved the bending of the string and the changing tempo and such originality.  Thanks for posting.  and on a new dulcimer. Woot woot.......... aloha, irene

Dusty Turtle
01/20/17 09:15:14PM @dusty:

Super bien fait!  The harmonics, the speedy, rhythmic fingerpicking, the bending of the strings, it all makes for a wonderful tune.