Dana R. McCall


Location: Winchester, KY
Country: US

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rosin the bow 001.MP4

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:01:18
rosin the bow on Allen Wood dulcimer
Dana R. McCall
05/15/12 11:28:30AM @dana-r-mccall:

like i told wayne your welcome any time

Patty from Virginia
05/15/12 10:01:00AM @patty-from-virginia:

Dana, that sounds pretty good with 10 year old strings. I saw the picture of your other dulcimers. I agree with Wayne. I would surely like to visit and try them allGrin.gif

Dana R. McCall
05/15/12 08:30:09AM @dana-r-mccall:

You'll be at the top of my list JH if I decide to sell 3.gif but don't hold your breath.78.gif

John Henry
05/15/12 07:24:53AM @john-henry:

That instrument sounds so good with you playing it I think you should consider selling some of the others you have to less fortunate folk ! 68.gif 3.gif 41.gif

Put me down for the Ledford 63.gif


John Keane
05/15/12 05:36:53AM @john-keane:

Very enjoyable! Ya done good finding that dulcimer! Sincerely, Little Birdie Grin.gif

05/14/12 10:13:34PM @mandy:

Nice sound even on 10 year old strings! Grin.gif

Dana R. McCall
05/14/12 07:03:55PM @dana-r-mccall:

LOL Geekling, I'm sure this was just a fluke. Won't find anymore most likely like this. I have it tuned to cgc and it still has 10 yr old strings on it. I need to change them.

@ Karen, I know that little birdie:) I have a problem Karen and they ain't helping me none.LOL Just ag it on.;)

Karen Keane
05/14/12 06:49:14PM @karen-keane:

Nice sounding one Dana. I've been getting information from a little bird, that you've come into some new instruments of late. That one sounds great!

05/14/12 06:11:04PM @sam:

Very pretty Miss D. Somehow it just don't sound like that when I try it.Tongue.gif Love the fluid movement of your fingers.