Dana R. McCall


Location: Winchester, KY
Country: US
Dana R. McCall

Dana R. McCall


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Fields of Athenry

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Duration: 00:02:27
My attempt at Fields of Athenry, I love this song
Lynn austin
04/01/15 07:10:42AM @lynn-austin:
Very very nice Dana,...your baritone sounds lovely...fun to hear " little sparky" too!!!
04/01/15 03:08:51AM @tricia:

That is lovely ! It is one of my favourite songs to sing but I did not yet try it on dulcimer. You have inspired me - thank you. P.S. My dog ran in circles when he heard your dog !

Dana R. McCall
12/31/12 12:17:23AM @dana-r-mccall:

Thank you Chritopher, I love the song.

Dana R. McCall
11/11/12 05:22:21PM @dana-r-mccall:

Thanks Helen, glad you like it and yes it is my modern mountain as a baritone tuned to AEA. I love the sound of it. Glad you like Paradise it is really easy to play and I know you can do it.

Karen Keane
11/11/12 03:26:29PM @karen-keane:

Very well done Dana. Thanks for posting! Great job!

John Henry
11/08/12 10:37:16AM @john-henry:

Nice one Dana, as Oliver said "please can I have some more?"


Tom McDonald
11/08/12 10:23:38AM @tom-mcdonald:

Very nice, Dana. I learned this song from a book and CD of Irish music that I bought at the Shannon airport while on my way to an all-expenses-paid trip in Bosnia back in 1999. Its a great harmonica song, too.

If you prefer your music with a side of politics, or want a story behind the song, check this one out . Skip the comments on this video if you are squeamish about language.

Here is mine . I think we used the same general chord structure. The volume on this is low; you may have to turn it up a bit.

And again, I really like your version.

Dana R. McCall
11/08/12 09:08:46AM @dana-r-mccall:

Thanks everyone for the nice comments the pups are happy about there part in the vid and will prob sing along in several more.Grin.gif

Jim Fawcett
11/08/12 08:26:02AM @jim-fawcett:

Dana, that was very nice. Sounded like the pups liked it, too.

Dave Ismay
11/08/12 06:45:28AM @dave-ismay:

Nicely done!

Many people think this song is 'Traditional' as it quickly became popular and was absorbed into the repetoire of the public however it is a relativley new song written and composed by Peter Mooney under his stage name Pete St John who rarely receives the credit he deserves.

Kevin Messenger
11/07/12 09:35:05PM @kevin-messenger:

Dana, very well done, I really liked the vocal harmonies.

Dana R. McCall
11/07/12 09:32:04PM @dana-r-mccall:

Thanks everyone, and no C the pups are still alive. lol got to love um they just wanted to sing along.

John Keane
11/07/12 09:20:32PM @john-keane:

Nicely done Dana!

Patty from Virginia
11/07/12 08:38:09PM @patty-from-virginia:

Dana, I love this song too. It is beautiful.Smile.gif

Dan Goad
11/07/12 08:25:22PM @dan-goad:

That was beautiful, Dana.