Forum Activity for @strumelia

09/30/23 11:26:27PM
2,320 posts

Nickel allergy--nylon strings on an octave dulcimer?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

If you are going with nylon strings, I really would recommend Nylgut brand, their set for "classic" banjo. Dulcimers and banjos have similar scale lengths and sometimes tune to the same octaves and notes. I've used both steel and various gut and nylon strings on all my banjos for about 25 years. I've found that on banjos, other brands and types of nylon strings feel overly bouncy, take a long time to 'settle', and tend to break too often. The worst in my experience were fishing line, and the Aquila nylons. The Nylgut strings have a nice tension, settle within hours, and very seldom break for me. They were a game changer.

09/25/23 09:18:46AM
2,320 posts


Adventures with 'other' instruments...

Good luck on your fiddling adventure... (you already know we are Fans of Nate and all his endeavors!)

Being married to a wonderful fiddler, I know what a challenge it is to learn to fiddle and not sound like a dying cat. I second what Dusty said but would refine it say it likely takes more like three years to not sound horrible. HOWEVER!- you being NATE you might well take to fiddling like a duck to water.

Keep us posted and don't be afraid to post some early clips of your progress.  We can take it, scritchy-scratchies and all!  fiddle jive

09/13/23 10:15:32AM
2,320 posts


General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I always used to find that a mtn dulcimer gets drowned out in a recording of several musicians on different instruments, if the person who is recording does not take special steps with the microphone placements to ensure otherwise. If you have a fiddle, banjo, mando, and dulcimer and mic all of them equally or just have a mic placed in the middle of the group of musicians, the dulcimer sound will be almost lost among them. When playing in real life, it's a little easier to hear the dulcimer among the live group. That's just from my own experience though.

09/13/23 10:09:37AM
2,320 posts

Anyone have a David Honea dulcimer?

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

The old forum discussions on either of the two ED sites are not archived or accessible, i believe. If I'm wrong, someone please point us to exactly where/how they are located. The only things archived from the original ED site were Tabs, Events, Articles, and club listings I think. Not forum discussions. I'm not even sure where the ED Articles are archived anymore. Many of them were also published in Mel Bay's dulcimersessions  .com website, which no longer exists either.  time

09/12/23 09:53:22AM
2,320 posts

Healthy Living- healthy eating, exercise, weight loss, veggie gardening, etc.

OFF TOPIC discussions

It's that time of year when the flowers and veggies are all getting overgrown and ragged looking. Time to start pulling things out, pruning, tidying up a little area here and there as the plants become exhausted by it all. I've learned the hard way to not procrastinate too much on end-of-year garden cleanup. 

Happily we're still getting some real nice tomatoes. Not lots of them, but just enough to enjoy the bacon/tomato/mayo sandwiches we love to make this time of year.  drool

updated by @strumelia: 09/13/23 09:32:59AM
09/03/23 07:39:47PM
2,320 posts

April Come She Will (Simon & Garfunkel)

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

One of my favorite songs of my youth- April Come She Will. From Simon & Garfunkel's Sounds of Silence Album, 1966. I loved the song then when I was 12, but it's even more meaningful to me now that I'm older.

Written by Paul Simon, usually sung by Art Garfunkel.


April, come she will When streams are ripe and swelled with rain May, she will stay Resting in my arms again

June, she'll change her tune In restless walks she'll prowl the night July, she will fly And give no warning to her flight

August, die she must The autumn winds blow chilly and cold September, I'll remember A love once new has now grown old

Truly a timeless song.
Here is Art Garfunkel singing it in 1966:

...and here he is singing it 55 years later, at age 80 , in 2021...Incredibly beautiful.
09/01/23 12:33:45PM
2,320 posts

The Joy of Sharing Dulcimer

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Cheap school instruments= plastic recorders, plastic ukeleles, cardboard dulcimers, plastic or metal p.whistles.

09/01/23 12:32:32PM
2,320 posts

The Joy of Sharing Dulcimer

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I've always wondered why schools don't use penny whistles instead of recorders. They are cheaper and are based on a simpler counted-hole method of scales, like the dulcimer is. I've noticed a distinct similarity between dulcimers and p.whistles in terms of playing different modes- both are based upon the ionian mode, with aeolian being quite accessible as well. (ionian home on 3rd fret dulcimer, 3rd hole whistle) Both are easily played in the most common keys as well. P.whistles would certainly be much more portable and durable for kids to take for practicing at home.

08/26/23 09:02:56PM
2,320 posts

I only see original post in a discussion, not replies..?

Site QUESTIONS ? How do I...?

Nate, I thought about making it into an entire new Group... but of course then it might have confused everyone. whistle

08/26/23 09:00:22PM
2,320 posts


OFF TOPIC discussions

Indeed, I've known Robin to kick a few shins along the way.  nailbite

08/26/23 08:36:57PM
2,320 posts

I only see original post in a discussion, not replies..?

Site QUESTIONS ? How do I...?

Kendra it's just a common old saying "You can't teach an old dog new tricks". I wouldn't take it personally. 

08/26/23 08:31:19PM
2,320 posts


OFF TOPIC discussions

This is a forum discussion dedicated to discussing how cool FOTMD member @Nate is.

Let's hear it for NateMan!!   Nate builds the coolest creative dulcimers and instruments, often using unconventional materials and original designs. Here is his page:

Here is just one video showing a fraction of his many talents:

updated by @strumelia: 08/29/23 05:06:25AM
08/26/23 08:23:30PM
2,320 posts

I only see original post in a discussion, not replies..?

Site QUESTIONS ? How do I...?

Robin- show me the money.

Randy- sounds like a total lifestyle to me.  coool

08/26/23 08:05:39PM
2,320 posts

I only see original post in a discussion, not replies..?

Site QUESTIONS ? How do I...?

Do you want me to work you up a price quote for that job Nate?   bigsmile

08/26/23 07:48:37PM
2,320 posts

I only see original post in a discussion, not replies..?

Site QUESTIONS ? How do I...?

I could actually change everything about this site... how it is structured, how it looks, and how it functions.

updated by @strumelia: 08/26/23 07:49:45PM
08/25/23 01:33:35PM
2,320 posts

I only see original post in a discussion, not replies..?

Site QUESTIONS ? How do I...?

i think people have gotten more used to mobile-favoring 'endless scroll feed' social software like twitter, YT, tiktok, and facebook. I myself find it very frustrating to try and navigate websites on my phone when a website encompasses multiple different areas such as forums, videos, profile pages, photos, events, and home feeds. For most websites that are not feed-scroll based, I'm way more comfortable navigating from a laptop or tablet. The original ED site was really just a PHP forum (no multimedia sections), which was pretty easy to navigate as well.

I'm sorry I can't realistically make FOTMD more intuitive and simple for everyone to figure out. Maybe if I simplified fotmd by removing the Groups feature altogether (leaving just the Forums area instead), it would remove some of the periodic confusion that people seem to have about Groups and how to participate in them?

08/25/23 10:22:01AM
2,320 posts

I only see original post in a discussion, not replies..?

Site QUESTIONS ? How do I...?

Kendra, are you referring to within the Galax Group?  If so... you made a Comment on the group's comment wall, which is simply a feed, not a discussion with formal 'replies'. Also, you created a new discussion a few hours ago in the group, about the Galax festival, but it has not had any replies yet from others, so there are no replies to see yet in that discussion.

If you are referring to a different discussion you made in a different group, please say so here.

Also, it helps us if you say what kind of device you are looking at/working from... a phone, laptop, tablet, or desktop?  And if possible, give a LINK to the place or discussion you are having trouble in.

08/13/23 04:07:01PM
2,320 posts

Healthy Living- healthy eating, exercise, weight loss, veggie gardening, etc.

OFF TOPIC discussions

Our backyard blueberries are winding down, while the tomatoes are now gearing up. Yet another cobbler!

cobbler august2023.jpg

08/12/23 09:22:03AM
2,320 posts

Kurt Vonnegut quote...

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

I read that Kurt Vonnegut said this. Not sure how accurate that is, but i love the message!:

“When I was 15, I spent a month working on an archeological dig. I was talking to one of the archeologists one day during our lunch break and he asked those kinds of ‘getting to know you’ questions you ask young people: Do you play sports? What’s your favorite subject? And I told him, no I don’t play any sports. I do theater, I’m in choir, I play the violin and piano, I used to take art classes.

“And he went wow. That’s amazing! And I said, ‘Oh no, but I’m not any good at any of them.’

“And he said something then that I will never forget and which absolutely blew my mind because no one had ever said anything like it to me before: ‘I don’t think being good at things is the point of doing them. I think you’ve got all these wonderful experiences with different skills, and that all teaches you things and makes you an interesting person, no matter how well you do them.’

“And that honestly changed my life. Because I went from a failure, someone who hadn’t been talented enough at anything to excel, to someone who did things because I enjoyed them. I had been raised in such an achievement-oriented environment, so inundated with the myth of Talent, that I thought it was only worth doing things if you could ‘win’ at them.”

08/11/23 01:51:53PM
2,320 posts

I Wonder as I Wander

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

There is some info here:

I read what JJ Niles wrote about it in one of his books... that he 'fleshed out' the tune after hearing a girl singing it. He claimed he heard only a brief 'crude snippet' and that he composed the rest, but i suspect the girl sang more than just a snippet. From my readings years ago, I concluded that Niles had a tendency to take credit for composing stuff that already existed. I do feel he likely added chords to embellish the unaccompanied ballad.

07/31/23 07:21:06PM
2,320 posts

Having trouble researching past videos

Site QUESTIONS ? How do I...?

Hi @john-w-mckinstry and @ken-longfield , I think this issue is now fixed.

Please post again if the problem reappears.  Thanks!

07/27/23 02:03:27PM
2,320 posts

Healthy Living- healthy eating, exercise, weight loss, veggie gardening, etc.

OFF TOPIC discussions

Another thunderstorm coming, so I picked a load of green beans before everything got drenched...


updated by @strumelia: 07/27/23 02:03:47PM
07/23/23 11:37:14AM
2,320 posts

Having trouble researching past videos

Site QUESTIONS ? How do I...?

Thanks Ken, this is helpful in showing the issue is occurring both on windows and mac. yes

I am seeing the problem as well, and will try to get it corrected this coming week. Thanks!

07/23/23 07:45:09AM
2,320 posts

(Monthly, Ohio) Germantown Dulcimer Society - jam schedule

Single-Instructor workshops, band & house concerts, Club activities, monthly Jams

Hi Linda!  Hopefully @debbie-kopp-simpkins will see your post and reply here.
If not, perhaps you can call the church and check that the group is still meeting there, and maybe they can also help you get in touch with one of the group members as well. Have fun with your dulcimer!  dulcimer dulcimer dulcimer

07/22/23 12:16:43PM
2,320 posts

Having trouble researching past videos

Site QUESTIONS ? How do I...?

Try doing a hard refresh while actually on that error page:  hold down Control key and press F5. Again, try shutting down your laptop completely, and then start it again. (Don’t just hit ‘restart’)

07/21/23 10:13:46PM
2,320 posts

Having trouble researching past videos

Site QUESTIONS ? How do I...?

John, can you please post links here of two videos that are giving you this error?

And... have you tried restarting your computer or device? Have you also tried closing and then re-opening your browser?

Is the problem happening on a phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer for you? Have you checked if it happens on one of your other devices as well?


07/16/23 01:58:04PM
2,320 posts

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Great info- thanks so much, Editor! (and best of luck for DPN!)

07/16/23 12:32:10PM
2,320 posts

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Thanks Leslie!

Cool to note the link on that page to Bruce Ford's heartfelt letter to members when he decided to close the original everythingdulcimer site in 2018 (not the later copycat site created by an anonymous person). I'm glad someone chose to preserve Bruce's letter of intent.

07/15/23 10:20:39AM
2,320 posts

Contra dancing :)

OFF TOPIC discussions

I'm going to my favorite monthly contra dance tonight! I usually attend 2-3 dances per month, in various nearby towns. I'd go every weekend if there were dances every weekend. Tonight I'm giving a ride to two neighbor twins who'll soon be headed to college.. they are wonderful dancers, very enthusiastic and upbeat to talk to. Usually there are people of all ages at contra dances, from age 5 to 85. Tonight's dance is in a very large old community center building with a wood-floored Hall with a stage, like a typical Grange Hall. This dance usually has anywhere between 60-120 people. Fun tonight! 😊

Chances are there is a monthly contra dance within an hour's drive of where you live, closer if you live in an urban area.

07/10/23 08:07:40PM
2,320 posts

New Harmony Dulcimer

Instruments- discuss specific features, luthiers, instrument problems & questions

Barb, Please create a new thread in our For Sale forum for selling your dulcimer. This location is not for selling items. Thanks!

07/08/23 07:01:17PM
2,320 posts

Show Us Your Pets!

OFF TOPIC discussions

Here are Boo-Boo and Teddy chillaxin' on the couch. (with Teddy's little mini-me 'tiny teddy' stuffed cat peeking out from the cushions)


07/08/23 06:58:59PM
2,320 posts

Show Us Your Pets!

OFF TOPIC discussions

Bubba looks so comfy!!

I remember Sally Ann's little kitten pix.


07/01/23 10:04:19AM
2,320 posts

Dulcimer Players News demise

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Well here's hoping the people running DPN are eating their spinach! muscle

06/30/23 08:55:29PM
2,320 posts

Dulcimer Players News demise

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

omg what is wrong with you people??  I luuuuuuuv spinach!!!  😂 😎

I grew up only tasting CANNED spinach in school lunches, and it was truly horrible.  BUT as an adult i was amazed to discover how tasty fresh and steamed spinach is... so completely different, and so yummy!! dancetomato

This morning for breakfast i had a giant bowl of steamed radish greens with fresh picked snow peas.... and one pat of butter to rule them all.  mmmmm....

updated by @strumelia: 06/30/23 08:59:10PM
06/30/23 04:42:57PM
2,320 posts

Dulcimer Players News demise

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

Hi Nate. You have some great points!

The way i see it, it's almost impossible to condense such rich and in depth subjects and material into "short vlog style videos showing techniques, styles, tips, history, design, players etc" in a satisfactory or actually valuable way.  Even if done, it would present pre-digested info which the particular vlogger felt was relevant or important. In my humble opinion, there is no satisfactory shortcut for the accumulated knowledge gained through actual reading, researching, listening, looking, hands-on, and discussion. The closest thing that approaches what you describe is browsing through youtube videos about the subjects you were interested in. Goodness knows there are thousands of YT vids out there on every dulcimer subject you can imagine, presented by a multitude of players and perspectives both great and not-so-great. It's all out there free for the browsing already. And if one prefers info that is curated or condensed by a particular source, then there is nothing really better than reading some of the books out there or watching/listening to some of your favorite players. Or by talking to people directly.

I see the DPN magazine as a venue for allowing for the examination and 'expanding upon' of all interesting things dulcimer, rather than as a media whose purpose it is to condense concepts and information about dulcimers and music.

I'm aware that young people now prefer to get all their information (even their world news) in ultra short videos such as we see on tiktok. They don't like to read all that much. However, such an instant vlogging medium has very real limitations. In my admittedly 'old' mind, I see it as the difference between handing a young person a baby food jar of creamed spinach and saying "here, this is what spinach is"... and giving that young person some spinach seeds and showing them how to plant, grow, harvest, and cook it in various ways. If a person is actually interested for more than one hour of their life, perhaps they will want to investigate something in a more active way rather than being spoon fed quick information. You've been here for almost 3 1/2 years now yourself, Nate. I've seen how you positively devour information, innovate, and add to your knowledge!

I hear there might be some talented young folk out there who enjoy 'discovering' typewriters, fountain pens and script, reading bound paper books, spinning wool, making sourdough bread, collecting vinyl records, and crafting obscure musical instruments out of old bundt cake pans!  😁  They will lead the way forward when us older ones are gone.

06/30/23 09:03:40AM
2,320 posts

Healthy Living- healthy eating, exercise, weight loss, veggie gardening, etc.

OFF TOPIC discussions

Our blueberries are due to start getting ripe soon... ooooh boy!

Right now I am picking lots of fresh snow peas... love them!

06/29/23 02:23:13PM
2,320 posts

Dulcimer Players News demise

General mountain dulcimer or music discussions

What a crazy week.

The goes down in flames while DPN magazine rises again from the ashes!  popcorngirl

updated by @strumelia: 06/29/23 02:31:50PM