Building your own folk fiddle/violin plan

Patty from Virginia
Patty from Virginia
11 years ago
231 posts

James, I'm sorry. Can you start a new one? I know it wouldn't be finished in time for Christmas but you could make a drawing of it and stick it in a card for you daughter. You can tell her it's coming soonSmile.gif

11 years ago
2,320 posts

Does your daughter play any instruments currently? is she very young?

I am excited about your folk fiddle project and I want to see pix and know how it turns out!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Patty from Virginia
Patty from Virginia
11 years ago
231 posts

James, please post pictures when you finish. We would love to hear a sound clip tooSmile.gif

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
11 years ago
2,157 posts

Looking forward to seeing your build.

12 years ago
129 posts

inserting.... may give me something to do this winter.Grin.gif

john p
john p
12 years ago
173 posts

An old mate of mine had a wonderful scrapbox, not so much for the thin section stuff, but all the bits for tailblocks, scroll heads, nuts and bridges etc..
You could always give him a bell and he'd usually come back with "I've got just the piece for that".

Sadly, no longer with us.


John Henry
John Henry
12 years ago
258 posts

Good point Ken, tho' as my wife used to say on the rare occasions she managed to see my workplace/hideyhole " why do you keep all these odds and ends of rubbish, they must be too small to make things out off" 33.gif women ! (tongue in cheek, honest 3.gif )


Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
12 years ago
2,157 posts

Carolyn - it all depends on the quality of one's scrap bin. Some folks only have scrap 2x4s of pine and maybe a few pieces of 3/4" oak, Mine has reasonable sized pieces of all sorts of thin cuts of exotic woods leftover from other instrument and craft projects.

The instrument described is much more sophisticated than any of the "real" folk fiddles I've seen in Spain, Latin America and Asia. With it's suspended, radiused fingerboard and sound post and other details, its "just" a 'funny shaped' European fiddle.

Carolyn Fleming
Carolyn Fleming
12 years ago
5 posts

nice workman ship for scraps of wood.

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
12 years ago
2,157 posts

Nice. One of the most complete Instructables I've seen, Usually they leave a great deal to be desired. I've built several Spanish folk fiddles called Rabel - lineal descendants of the medieval Rebec. Rabel, like the rebec, usually have a carved body with a separate sound board, rather than 6 thin pieces of wood glued together. The other folks option is a gourd body. Soundboards are often leather or tin. There was a great Spanish language website that I had bookmarked, but it doesn't appear to be working nowFrown.gif

You might consider posting this in the building section; there are already other non-dulcimer building things there...

RavenMadd Garcia
RavenMadd Garcia
12 years ago
41 posts

hi my friends......did'nt know where to post this? I used to play classic violin in my early teens....but I'd get up early saturday morning to watch Hee Haw ...just so I could watch those cats burn whenever there were good fiddle players on

updated by @ravenmadd-garcia: 03/05/19 03:33:30PM