Please look over our FAQ/SITE RULES about selling/promoting BEFORE posting here.
You can post dulcimer and music-related items you are selling. Each item must actually already exist and have a photo and a price. You can also post 'Wanted' music items. This sales forum is a free service for our members. No more than two active ads at one time please. Instruments should be listed singly in their own ad. You can list your prices, shipping and contact info.
Upon successfully selling or trading an item/items worth more than $100, a $5 site donation is requested.
This donation helps us keep FOTMD up and running. Once your sale has occurred, we ask that you go ahead and make your site donation using the FOTMD Main page Paypal button. Then m ark your thread title with "SOLD" if your item sells (or let us know, or make a post in your thread stating item is SOLD) that we can delete the thread once the item is no longer available. FOTMD depends on member donations to exist , so please honor our modest For Sale Forum $5 donation request when you make a sale or trade via the forum.
An ad for an instrument will generally be deleted after about six months. Ads for non-instrument items and accessories such as CDs, books, jewelry, tote bags etc will be deleted after three months, in order to keep things current. Please!: *READ* our FAQ/site rules before posting here.
McSpadden 26" VSL Walnut w/ Micarta Fretboard - Ex. Cond.
@Susie, updated by @Susie 2 weeks ago
2024 Folkroots dulcimer hand made by Folkcraft. $890.00.
@gerardo1000, updated by @gerardo1000 2 months ago
Wanted Original Clifford Glenn Stubby Walnut Tuning Pegs
@Banjimer, updated by @John Pettreemusic 3 months ago
Wanted: Replacement Friction Peg for Homer Ledford Dulcimer
@Woodsmoke, updated by @Woodsmoke last year
Looking for Gallier and probst dulcimers
@Paula Brawdy, updated by @Dusty Turtle 2 years ago
Using Common Sense Caution when buying or selling
@Strumelia, updated by @Strumelia 9 years ago