Playing again after losing all my dulcimers

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
5 years ago
1,457 posts

Jeannie, I offer healing wishes for your health and all good wishes for the many things with what you must be dealing with.  Take care.  

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
5 years ago
1,149 posts

Welcome back, Jeannie. It is wonderful to hear about your new dulcimers. David makes a really nice dulcimer which I'm sure you will enjoy. My best wishes are extended to you as you continue to recover from the fire and loss of your home and possessions.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Jeannie in Paradise
Jeannie in Paradise
5 years ago
11 posts

Thank you all!  I had no idea that so many folks would remember me!  I appreciate the kindness and healing wishes from you folks.  I'm recovering fairly well from the trauma of losing our house.  I can also use the healing wishes for a health issue that surfaced just a month before the fire.  I've been undergoing treatment, and so far things are looking very positive.

updated by @jeannie-in-paradise: 03/04/19 12:02:31AM
Cindy Stammich
Cindy Stammich
5 years ago
69 posts

Jeannie, I am so sorry for the trauma and heartache you have been thru!  I hope the road ahead gets easier.  I am so happy that you have 3 dulcimers again, and oh my!  That one is sure a beauty!  I have found music to be very healing....... music winker

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
5 years ago
2,157 posts

Jeannie -- so happy to hear from you again after such a long time, an such trauma!  Heal with your music!


5 years ago
2,302 posts

Wonderful to hear from you here again Jeannie, and to know that your love of music is inspiring you again in your new life journey.  love

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
5 years ago
1,764 posts

Jeannnie, I'm so glad you are starting to build your collection of dulcimers again.  jive   And your story is more evidence of what a kind, giving community dulcimer players are.  Perhaps I'll see you at some dulcimer event in northern Cal one of these days.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
5 years ago
141 posts

I'm glad to hear your dulcimers have been replaced.  That Koa MMD certainly cries out to be picked up and played.  Knowing the well-earned reputation of David McKinney's work, I'm sure it sounds as good as it looks.  So glad to have you back and participating on FOTMD's discussion forum.

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
5 years ago
1,457 posts

Jeannie, I'm happy for your being able to enjoy playing music again!  That MMD is gorgeous. 

Whatever difficulties are ahead, my wish is for you to have strength to meet them.  

Richard Streib
Richard Streib
5 years ago
244 posts

So sorry for your losses Jeannie. Glad you are finding the heart to play again.

Karen O'Neal
Karen O'Neal
5 years ago
1 posts

So sorry for your losses Jeannie. Your Modern Mountain is beautiful. I have several dulcimer books and sheet music I could pass on to you if you like when you are ready. What style music do you prefer playing? Understanding your situation I wouldn’t want to inundate you at this time but let me know if your interested in something. Getting back to playing will help your healing as well. It sure has helped me through some rough times. Happy to have you back.

Lois Sprengnether Keel
Lois Sprengnether Keel
5 years ago
197 posts


Jeannie in Paradise
Jeannie in Paradise
5 years ago
11 posts

Hello folks.  I haven't been active on here in a long, long time.  Partly, I just lost motivation for playing my three beautiful mountain dulcimers and got involved in other activities.  Then along came that horrendous Camp Fire which destroyed thousands of homes, including ours and all our instruments.

As I gradually recovered from the fire trauma, I realized I wanted to play mountain dulcimer again.  So I put the word out, and wow, Jim Woods from McSpadden made me a new walnut one.  David McKinney of Modern Mountain Dulcimers made me a new Koa one at a major price discount.  Someone else gave me a very old, beautiful dulcimer that needs work, but I'm back to three again!  <3

My very favorite is the one that David made for me, and I love the sound of it.  So far I've been focusing on just a couple tunes, as we're still dealing with lots of stuff regarding insurance and housing and health, but I'm feeling motivated again.

I want to show off the Modern Mountain, so here's a photo.

MMD-koa-1024px.jpg  •  192KB

updated by @jeannie-in-paradise: 10/27/19 12:02:25PM