Peter W.


Location: Satteldorf, BW
Country: DE
Peter W.

Peter W.


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Noter Drone Medley on Pocket Scheitholt

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:04:13
Sound sample of my pocket Scheitholt.
Lexie R Oakley
11/17/14 05:37:01PM @lexie-r-oakley:

That was very nice playing. I have not heard Scheitholts much. I like the sound of the pocket one.

Thanks for the test sweet soundsGrin.gif

Peter W.
11/02/13 06:45:11PM @peter-w:

Thank you as well, Marc, John and Randy.

That little thing is real fun! Smile.gif

Randy Adams
11/02/13 09:02:38AM @randy-adams:

I like your playing here Peter. It's great to see another noter playing come have a natural ability for it.....& I like the little instrument.

John Keane
11/01/13 10:07:14PM @john-keane:

That sounds wonderful (not just the instrument, but your playing as well). Well done on both counts!

10/31/13 08:58:02PM @strumelia:

Peter- yes, that's it!

Here is a clip I found online of the contra dance version (played on a mandolin...?)

(clip starts out too slow but the second half is livelier)

I dance to this tune often at contra dances here in my area.

now I know the name of it- thanks!

Steve Battarbee
10/31/13 06:31:50PM @steve-battarbee:
There's a traditional song on an album by Jane Tabor and The Oysterband(ragged Kingdom) called ' my son David' which is also known as 'what's the blood'I'm not sure when dates back to but having just googled that point unsuccessfully it seems Jean Richie did a version called 'Edward ' but I don't know anymoreI would however highly recommend 'Ragged Kingdom' though. It's a really good album which I think won the best folk album award in the UK in 2011
Peter W.
10/31/13 06:08:38PM @peter-w:

Thank you all for listening and for your comments! Smile.gif

@Lisa: Wikipedia says, that "Donkey riding" is an adaption of "Highland Laddie" or "Hielan Laddie". Is that the dance you mean?

10/31/13 06:03:42PM @strumelia:

There's a contra dance tune that is exactly like the A part of that Donkey riding...wish I knew the name of it!

Steve Battarbee
10/31/13 04:10:08PM @steve-battarbee:
I wouldn't have begun to think that you could make music on something that looked so basic but you surely have and it sounds greatIngenious. Great playing too
Patty from Virginia
10/31/13 02:19:24PM @patty-from-virginia:

That would fit in my back packSmile.gif . Great sound.

Peter W.
10/31/13 02:05:09PM @peter-w:
Thanks, Lisa and Bobby! Glad you like it!@Lisa: VSL is 450mm (18"). There's some more info about it in the photo description here:
10/31/13 02:02:01PM @strumelia:

What is the scale length of this tiny thing?

10/31/13 02:01:15PM @strumelia:

I LOOOOOVE it! It's a little epinette! I love the playing you do and the tunes you picked as well!