Phil Myers


Location: Franklin, NC
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

dulcillini Sea Strings Beth T Homer Ross Elvensong Maylee Ron Stewart PapaSims dulcinina Salt Springs Larry Goodwin Charles Thomas alan kolman Cat Brown Neil W. Millard David Pedersen Lexie R Oakley jeffrey charles foster Bob Steven Berger Cindy Stammich Cheryl Johnson Jan Potts Brian G. J. Andy Crandall Larry Conger Norm Williams Ken Longfield Glenda  Hubbard Robin Thompson


youtube videos: 22
images: 39
audio tracks: 14

The Wind That Shakes The Barley

The Wind That Shakes The Barley

style or instrument:

musician/member name: Phil Myers

streams: 115


Played on a banjimer
Robin Clark
02/19/18 11:09:11AM @robin-clark:

I really love this smile   What a great sound.  And a lovely lilt to your playing!

02/19/18 08:20:53AM @ariane:

Hello Phil,

this sounds so nice - I played this tune with my former  band (we mainly played celtic tunes) with tin whistles - this tune makes so much fun and it is good to hear that it can also be played so fast on a mountain dulcimer/banjimer. I am just a md beginner :)